Quick Guide To Abaqus/ Cae

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Quick guide to Abaqus/ CAE

Dr. Savvas Triantafyllou

Method of Finite Elements II

Institute of Structural Engineering, ETH


The Abaqus/ CAE workspace
The Abaqus/ CAE workspace (Fig. 1) consists of the following subsections that are going to
be mentioned throughout this guide, namely:

The Viewport: The main output screen of Abaqus/ CAE where pre and post processing
data is visualized.

The model Tree View: All the basic modelling steps are presented in this section in the
form of tree nodes. Each node is subdivided into several subnodes offering
corresponding functionalities.

The Toolbar Section: Each node of the model Tree View has a corresponding toolbar
from where the user can access relevant forms.

The prompt region: Upon selecting to perform a certain function, tips and or command
buttons appear on the prompt region.

Fig. 1 Abaqus CAE workspace overview

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Quick guide to Abaqus/ CAE

Dr. Savvas Triantafyllou

Method of Finite Elements II

Institute of Structural Engineering, ETH

Step 1: File definition

Start Abaqus and choose to create a new model database. Remember to save in regular
time intervals throughout your session.

Step 2: Geometry Definition

In the Model Tree double click on the Parts node (or right click on Parts and select Create) Fig. 2a.



Fig. 2 (a) Model Tree view (b) Create Part form

In the Create Part form (Fig. 2b) check the appropriate parameters depending on your
structure (in this case a 2D wire structure). Pressing Continue the sketch area appears that is
basically a CAD interface where you can draw the geometry of your model.

Page 2 of 9

Quick guide to Abaqus/ CAE

Dr. Savvas Triantafyllou

Method of Finite Elements II

Institute of Structural Engineering, ETH

Step 3: Material Definition

Double click on the Materials node in the Model Tree (Fig. 3)

Fig. 3 Material Node in Model Tree view

Name the new material and give it a description. To define an Elastic Material click on the
Mechanical tabElasticityElastic and give appropriate values for the Youngs Modulus
and the Poissons ratio (Fig. 4)

Fig. 4 Edit Material Form Elastic Material Definition

To add a nonlinear plastic law to the elastic material (e.g. consider the case of an elastic
perfectly plastic Von-mises type material model), after defining the elastic properties on the
Mechanical tabPlasticityPlastic and give appropriate values for the initial yield stress
and initial plastic deformation. By pressing Enter, another row appears at the table where
you should define more points in the stress plastic strain curve (i.e a failure stress and the
corresponding plastic strain) as presented in Fig. 5.

Page 3 of 9

Quick guide to Abaqus/ CAE

Dr. Savvas Triantafyllou

Method of Finite Elements II

Institute of Structural Engineering, ETH

Fig. 5 Edit Material Form Von Mises Material Definition

Step 4: Section Definition

Double click on the Sections node in the Model Tree (Fig. 6a). Name the section and select
Beam for the category to define a linear element Section and Truss for the type (Fig. 6b).
Click Continue, select the material created from the dropbox and set the cross sectional
area. Click OK.



Fig. 6 (a) Sections node in Model Tree (b) Create Section form

Page 4 of 9

Quick guide to Abaqus/ CAE

Dr. Savvas Triantafyllou

Method of Finite Elements II

Institute of Structural Engineering, ETH

Step 5: Section Assignment

On the Parts node in the Model Tree, double click on Section Assignments. Select the
elements from the model viewport, then the Section created earlier from the combo box
and click OK. Thus, each line entity is attributed with a section property.

Step 6: Model Instance

Under the Assembly node in the Model Tree double click on Instances. Select Dependent
for the instance type and then click OK.

Step 7: Model Mesh

Under the Part node, double click on Mesh (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7 Mesh node in Model Tree

Click on the Assign Element Type in the toolbar.



Fig. 8(a) Assign Element Type menu button (b) Seed Edges menu button
This is the element library of Abaqus (Fig. 9). Select Standard for element type, Truss for the
truss element and Linear to define the two node Isoparametric Element. Click OK.

Page 5 of 9

Quick guide to Abaqus/ CAE

Dr. Savvas Triantafyllou

Method of Finite Elements II

Institute of Structural Engineering, ETH

Fig. 9 Element Library Form

In the toolbox area click on the Seed Edge: By Number icon (hold down icon to bring up the
other options). Select the entire geometry and click Done in the prompt area. Define the
number of elements along the edges as 1 and click Enter in the prompt region then Done in
response to the next prompt. In the toolbox area click on the Mesh Part icon. Click Yes in the
prompt area to mesh the instance.

Step 8: Analysis Type definition

Double click on the Steps node in the Model Tree. The Create Step (Fig. 10) form appears
where you can define the analysis type. For a linear static analysis or a NR scheme choose
Static, General from the list box. For an Arc-length Riks type method choose Static Riks. Click
Continue, name the step then click OK to close the form. Please be careful of the different
parameters one should consider for the type of analysis s/he wishes to perform. In case of a
large displacement analysis, remember to check the Nlgeom radio button (Fig. 11).

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Quick guide to Abaqus/ CAE

Dr. Savvas Triantafyllou

Method of Finite Elements II

Institute of Structural Engineering, ETH

Fig. 10 Create Step form

Fig. 11 Nlgeom Parameter

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Quick guide to Abaqus/ CAE

Dr. Savvas Triantafyllou

Method of Finite Elements II

Institute of Structural Engineering, ETH

Step 9: Boundary Conditions

Double click on the BCs node in the Model Tree. The Create Boundary Condition form
appears (Fig. 11). Name the boundary conditioned and select Displacement/Rotation for
the type. Click Continue then select the nodes at which Bcs should be assigned. Please note
the messages appearing on the prompt area (Fig. 12). Press Done in the prompt area. In the
form choose the degrees of freedom you wish to restrain and set their corresponding value
to zero. Then click OK.

Fig. 12 Create Boundary condition form

Fig. 13 Boundary condition definition prompt message

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Quick guide to Abaqus/ CAE

Dr. Savvas Triantafyllou

Method of Finite Elements II

Institute of Structural Engineering, ETH

Step 10: Loads

Double click on the Loads node in the Model Tree. Name the load, and select Concentrated
force as the type. Click Continue and then select the points where loads should be
assigned and press Done in the prompt area. In the next form define the values of the
assigned loads and then click OK.
Warning: Every time you decide to delete a STEP the corresponding loads and boundary
conditions will be also deleted.

Step 11: Run Analysis

In the Model Tree double click on the Job node, name the job, then click Continue and then
OK. In the toolbar click on Job Manager (Fig. 13). Press Submit to start the analysis. While
Abaqus is solving the problem right click on the job submitted, and select Monitor to get info
on the analysis procedure. After the analysis is finished press on Results to open the
Visualization module of Abaqus.

Fig. 14 Job manager button in Job toolbar

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