Sa8000 Social Accountability
Sa8000 Social Accountability
Sa8000 Social Accountability
The Objective:
1. Participants learn how to analyze the standards criteria and prepare for
the social accountability system process
2. To evelop! maintain! and apply socially acceptable wor"place practices
in those areas that they can control or influence
#. To evelop the system to be inte$rated with the %uality mana$ement
&ourse escription:
1. 'hat does () *+++ mean, )nd where did () *+++ come from,
2. The benefit of () *+++ and who benefit from ()*+++ certification,
#. efinitions of terminolo$y () *+++
-. .ow to combined the ()*+++ and /(O 0++1:2+++ (ystem,
1. 2overnment 3e$ulation for 4abor
5. The elements of The (tandard
6. .ow to build a () *+++ compliant system
*. 'hat are the re%uirements of the social accountability system process,
0. 'or"shop to develop policies ()*+++ includin$ safety! anti
discrimination! wa$es! overtime! child labor
uration : 1 ay
Participants : )ll Personnel