Biologyfeb 10

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February 10, 2014

Lesson Plan
Grade/Subject: Biology 20 Lesson Duration: 80 mins OUTCOMES FROM ALBERTA PROGRAM OF STUDIES
General Learning Outcomes: Students will explain how the human digestive system exchanges energy and matter with the environment. Specific Learning Outcomes: Identify and describe the functions of each major structure of the digestive system: mouth, esophagus, stomach, sphincters, small and large intestines, liver, pancreas, gall bladder.

Students will: 1. Build community within the classroom through team building exercises. 2. Discover the 8 organs roles in the digestive process. 3. Work collaboratively to complete the pod note activity.

Observations: -Regularly monitor students for attentiveness. -Do students appear to understand the concepts and instructions? -Are students participating in the community building games? - Do students appear to understand the movie? Do Key Questions: -How many of you feel you have a pretty good grip on the digestive system? - How many points does each pod need on their

students look engaged with the movie?

-Can students cooperate within their pod to investigate the designated organ? - Can students work collaboratively to complete the

paper? -Does everyone write something down? -Does anyone have any questions from today? -Did you like the pod note exchange from today?

task? Are students able to write 4 different things about their organs role in the digestive system? - Are all students writing every point down? -Are students able to complete each organ in the allotted 3 minutes? -Are students copying the notes?
Written/Performance Assessments: Name Game (L.O. 1), I Like My Neighbor (L.O.1), Pod Notes (L.O. 2, 3)

KSAs: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,15,16,17
Resource #1: Alberta Learning. (2007). The Alberta Program of Studies: Biology 20. Edmonton, Alberta: Crown Right of Alberta. Resource #2: Cronin, D. Digestive System Smart Board. Medicine Hat, Alberta. Resource #3: Discovery Education Canada. The Digestive System. Retrieved from February 8, 2014. Resource #4: Gibbs, J. (2006). Reaching All by Creating Tribes Learning Communities. Center Source Systems. Windsor, CA. Resource #5: Kagan, S. & M. Kagan. (2009). Kagan Cooperativie Learning. Kagan Publishing. San Clemente, CA.


* USB- Digestion Smartboard Feb.10 markers 11x17 paper Discovery Education videos pre-loaded Username and Password: currlab Smartboard Timer

PROCEDURE Introduction (2 min.):

Hook/Attention Grabber: Introduce me! Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: Remind students of my expectations for attentive listening. Working collaboratively, no cellphones unless they have free time.


February 10, 2014

Advance Organizer/Agenda: Name Game, I Like My Neighbor, Video, All Write Round Robin, Room Walk, Notes Transition to Body: Lets make a circle with our chairs. Please remember where your pods go when we are finished.

Body (76 mins):

Learning Activity #1: Community Building (20 mins) Name Game: -Have students sit in a circle. Number students off from 1-7. -First person says their name and create a school appropriate action. The person to their right repeats the previous name and action, followed by their own name and action. This continues. -Every 7 people, the names start over so students do not have to remember all 35 total. I Like My Neighbor: -Remove one chair from the circle. Explain rules: Cant sit in same chair, or chair next to you. -Student in the middle begins with I Like my neighbor who.. followed by a school appropriate description. (ie. Who is wearing a scarf.). Students who match the description switch spots until a new middle person is revealed. -Have students return room to normal set up. Assessments: Do students appear to understand the instructions? Are students participating in the
community building games?

Learning Activity #2: Short Video (5-8 minutes) -ASK: How many of you feel you have a pretty good grip on the digestive system? -Show video. Assessments: Do students appear to understand the movie? Do students look engaged with the movie? Learning Activity #3: All Write Round Robin (10 minutes) -Hand out a piece of paper and a marker to each pod. -Organize pods so that there are 8 total, with at least 3 in each. -Pods are assigned an organ (on smart board) from the digestive system. They must use the text to find 4 points about that organ. -Students take turns in their pods responding orally with a point. All students will write each different response on their own paper. -After all points have been written on individual sheets, students will take turns writing their point on a pod paper to be left in the middle. ASK: How many points does each pod need on their paper? Does everyone write something down? Assessments: Do students appear to understand the instructions? Can students work collaboratively to complete the task? Are students able to write 4 different things about their organs role in the digestive system? Learning Activity #4: Room Walk (25 minutes) -Pods will travel to other pods to get information about the organs they did not research. -Each person in the pod must write down all 4 points for each organ. -Students will have 3 minutes at each new pod before switching. Assessments: Do students understand the instructions? Are all students writing every point down? Are students able to complete each organ in the allotted 3 minutes?


February 10, 2014

Learning Activity #5: Supplementary Note Taking (15-20 mins) -Display Smart board slides on board. Have students supplement their notes from the pod exchange with the notes on the board. Assessment: Do students understand the instructions? Are students copying the notes?
Closure (2 min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: ASK: Does anyone have any questions from today? Feedback from Students: How many of you liked todays pod note exchange? Feedback To Students: Thank you for working so hard today! Transition to Next Lesson: You may pack up your books.

Sponge Activities: -Video number 2- Quick review -Smart board notes contd -Closest to 1 minute Game

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