Therapeutic Community As A Treatment Modality For Persons Deprived of Liberty in Mountain Province District Jail
Therapeutic Community As A Treatment Modality For Persons Deprived of Liberty in Mountain Province District Jail
Therapeutic Community As A Treatment Modality For Persons Deprived of Liberty in Mountain Province District Jail
of Health (Perfas (2012). The Parole and Probation in addition to the existing references to future
Administration embarked on the first criminal justice researchers who wish to do the same study, more
training (Perfas 2014). particularly on the treatment of offenders. Correctional
practitioners and criminology students can gain from
At present, the Bureau of Jail Management and this study as a reference on matters relating to inmates’
Penology recognized therapeutic community modality rehabilitation.
program as the backbone of the Bureau for inmate
development and is being implemented nationwide, Research Questions
but sustaining therapeutic program in jails remains a
challenge. There is an issue of development versus This study aimed to assess the therapeutic community
security. Wardens were adamant to implement the as a treatment modality for persons deprived of liberty
program for fear of security laxity due to the increased (PDL) in Mountain Province District Jail. It
mobility of inmates during activities. The low ratio of specifically sought to provide answers to the following
jail personnel to inmates has caused such alarm. questions:
Another issue is that; Therapeutic Community staffs 1. What is the frequency of observation of the
are regularly rotated to other jails as part of the components of TC as perceived by the respondents?
Bureau’s rules thus leaving a vacuum on the respective 2. What are the effects of the therapeutic community
jails if not properly relieved by another TC trained along its different components as a treatment modality
staff. This lack of constancy and consistency makes it for persons deprived of liberty?
difficult for the program to thrive (TCMP Manual,
Literature Review
In the Cordillera Administrative Region, the BJMP
Cordillera adopted therapeutic community modality
program as a model in the implementation of Inmates’ Therapeutic community is a model of treatment based
Welfare and Development Program. In an informal on family and community (De Leon 2000). It is
interview with the BJMP-Cordillera Regional fundamentally a self-help approach which strives to
Therapeutic Community focal person, JSInspector sustain the main characteristics of a prosocial and
Ayangwa, she said that every local jail under the positive family environment. This includes structure to
BJMP such as district, city and municipal jail is provide order in daily living; nurturance through
mandated to implement therapeutic community physical and psychological safety; individual
programs to inmates. Otherwise, it will be a failure of acceptance and encouragement, conditional only upon
such jail. honest participation; and the transmission of healthy
In the District Jail of Mountain Province, under the
management of the Bureau, reformation process was In the study of Bennet & Shuker (2017), “The
enhanced and more programs were implemented to potential of prison-based democratic therapeutic
improve the services towards inmates. These services communities” at HM Prison Grendon and Springhill,
include but not limited to livelihood programs, Aylesbury, UK, findings showed a wide range of
educational and vocational programs, interfaith positive benefits including reduced levels of disruption
program, sports and recreational program and in prison, reduced self-harm, improved well-being, an
therapeutic community modality program. environment that is experienced as more humane and
reduced levels of reoffending.
Different literature show that the therapeutic
community is being adopted in many countries as a Another study “Impact of Therapeutic Community
mode of treatment for inmates which means that Training on Knowledge and Attitudes of Correctional
therapeutic community is influencing and impacting Officers” (Talpalde, et. Al., 2012) indicated that
the lives of offenders for positive change. The result of officers recognized the need for a cognitive shift about
this study may provide information that the local jails authority in the jail and in the attitudes toward the
may consider it significant in maintaining/modifying inmates. Validation by the inmates as documented by
therapeutic community modality program essential in their positive beliefs about the officers, further
the process of rehabilitating persons deprive of liberty confirmed this shift in knowledge and attitudes.
brought under its jurisdiction. Implications for positive social change, by reducing
recidivism, rehabilitating inmates into becoming
Findings of the study could form part of the literature productive members of the community and fostering
the growth of safer communities are imminent. IWDU were also interviewed to validate responses
from persons deprived of liberty.
In his study, Inmates’ Welfare and Development
Programs of Baguio City Jail, Banasen (2015) found
Instruments of the Study
out that the therapeutic community modality program
at the Baguio City Jail is much attained as perceived
by jail officers and inmates. He concluded that the To a d d r e s s p r o b l e m n u m b e r o n e ,
Baguio City Jail is successful in attaining the various questionnaire/checklists were administered to person’s
Inmates’ welfare and Development Programs such as: deprived of liberty. Problem number two on the other
Health services; livelihood services; educational hand was answered through in – depth interview to
services, sports and recreation services; para-legal PDL using interview guide. Tools were translated into
services; religious services; and therapeutic Ilocano dialect by the researcher which is the most
community modality program. preferred medium of interview by the PDL.
Similarly, Bagtaso (2018) concluded in her research
Data collected using questionnaire – checklists
titled “Therapeutic Community Modality Programs for
released residents of La Union” that TCMPs are underwent statistical analysis and results in a
effective in changing the behaviors of released numerical representation while data gathered through
residents in terms of behavioral management, interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis
focusing on examining themes within data on the
psychological and emotional well-being, intellectual
effects of therapeutic community to the participants.
and spiritual well-being and vocational and survival
skills. She added that TCMP model enhances the Coding was the primary process used in developing
effectiveness of jail management in the reformation
themes within the raw data. The data from the key
and rehabilitation of residents. informants’ interview were recorded and transcribed.
Escabel, et. Al. (2015) stated in their research The transcribed interviews were presented, checked
“Therapeutic Community Modality Program and verified by key informants to ensure that their
Implemented in Batangas City Jail” that the statements during the interview are exactly the same.
therapeutic community modality program is perceived
by the inmates as effective specifically the work and
educational therapy services, livelihood skill training, Results and Discussion
counseling & religious services, and medical services.
OF 2013” and Rule 59 of the United Nations Standard sometimes the psychological and emotional aspects of
Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners which the community modality treatment are neglected.
goes: “To this end, the institution should utilize all the Some activities under this program are not practiced,
remedial, educational, moral, spiritual and other forces for instance, the women’s group which has a very low
and forms of assistance which are appropriate and mean of 1.13, interpreted as seldom observed. This is
available, and should seek to apply them according to because at the time the interview was conducted, there
the individual treatment needs of the inmates.” were only two female inmates in the jail which is
impractical to form women’s group. Likewise, there is
Behavioral Management no existing male inmate’s organization to compose
men’s group and there were no activities related to loss
As gleaned from the table, the behavioral management and bereavement.
tools were often observed by the respondents as shown
in area mean of 2.80. The respondents stated that the The initial/intake interview was perceived by the
TC staff members regularly address misbehaviors respondents as always observed (4.00). This is due to
through pull-up, talk to, dealt with, morning meetings, the fact that every incoming inmate is obliged/required
pre-morning meetings, bans, learning experience, to undergo orientation where jail rules are explained.
haircut and general meetings. Simple violations are Additionally, it is a standard operating procedure for
promptly corrected before such violations become every jail to explain what is expected from every
grave and habitual. A Key Informant said “there is an resident and what a resident should expect from the
immediate correction if somebody incurs violation. He jail.
is reprimanded and be reminded immediately”.
“Reprimand is given to some who does violation so Intellectual and Spiritual Components
the same mistake shall not be repeated”, another PDL
added. The intellectual and spiritual management component
of the therapeutic community modality program, the
Meetings are scheduled to occur frequently to provide respondents perceived that this component was
information on arrangements, matters of functional sometimes observed as shown in the area mean 2.35.
routine and special events. Meetings are convened This implies that the respondents do not usually
within the community as needed to address significant
experience the intellectual and spiritual treatment
issues affecting the community, particularly those with
modes because some activities in this aspect are only
a potentially negative impact (Clark, 2010).
practiced dependent from outside service providers.
But the table shows that PDL always practiced
It is obvious that talk to get the highest mean of 3.88
religious activities as a therapeutic component among
which means always observed. This is so because
MPDJ does not tolerate a simple violation to become the ways of their community modality development.
serious. According to one of the MPDJ personnel, this Religious activities were mentioned that these
strategy is to evoke awareness on the part of the activities uplifted their image as PDL by making them
violators to avoid committing the same mistake and be and everyone else understand that they are persons
given heavier sanctions if done in the future. who were only deprived of their liberty but never as
worthless people of society.
On the other hand, expulsion has a low mean (1.38)
which is seldom observed. A PDL narrated in local The respondents mentioned that they are allowed to
dialect that he is not aware of anyone expelled from satisfy their religious needs and spiritual life, in
the jail to another jurisdiction as he has not heard particular by attending the services or meetings
anybody who committed serious violation while inside provided in the detention facility. Some respondents
the facility. This statement was affirmed by the DJ also said that they experienced leading others in
Warden that cases of expulsion could only be fellowship activities as what religious leaders are
applicable when an inmate is unmanageable or he doing. That is, to lead the prayer, to preach the gospel
poses threat to other PDL or to himself. with other PDL as audience and other activities inside
the facility.
Emotional and Psychological Management
The intellectual component of TC was mostly
The psychological and emotional aspects of the appreciated and always observed in the Alternative
therapeutic community modality treatment were Learning System (ALS) for the undergraduates of the
sometimes observed by the respondents as shown in elementary and secondary level and literacy classes for
the area mean of 2.37. The respondents observed that the inmates. It was likewise stressed that there were
several PDL who availed of the ALS to where they Mountain Province District Jail is designed to rebuild a
benefitted much because there were several of them strong foundation of trust and confidence among
who were given certificates of completion of the basic persons deprived of liberty. It is a treatment model of
education programs. They also had expressed their which the programs and activities provide and
appreciation and gratitude of the opportunity given continue to empower and equip them with the right
them to upgrade/level up the educational background values and formation to become a better and renewed
they had. person prior to their reintegration to the society. It had
likewise assured them that the detention facility is not
Chavez (2018) in his article “BJMP pushes ALS for a place for punishment but for restoration, discovery
jail inmates” in the Manila Bulletin mentioned that the and lifting up of the best versions of themselves.
Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) has
further strengthened its program that provides Effects of the Therapeutic Community along its
alternative education to its inmates to transform them
Different Components as a Mode of Treatment to
to be productive citizens once they have served their
time. Persons Deprived of Liberty
Moreover, it is observed that meditation has the lowest Specific problem two of the study focuses on the
mean of 1.25, which means seldom observed. A PDL effects of the different components of the therapeutic
said in Ilocano that as far as he remembers, they are community as a mode of treatment to PDL. The
not provided time for meditation by the jail answers to this problem were solicited from the
management. He meditates inside the cell when no one interviews conducted among PDL.
is around which is very seldom to happen.
Behavioral Management
Seminar and debates under the same umbrella are
seldom observed with a mean 1.25. According to one The respondents expressed that the behavioral
key informant “as far as I remember, we had two management they mostly appreciated were the talk to,
seminars in one year. One was conducted by the DILG pull up, learning experiences and morning meetings.
and the other by human rights. These are important These helped them much in their therapeutic processes
because it give knowledge”. in the detention cells.
Respondents likewise mentioned that their behavioral they have, share experiences to their peers, the TC
management focused on group discussions with peers elders and religious leaders. Respondents likewise
and an elder who acted as leader of the group. They stressed that they really need others to seek pieces of
further mentioned the importance of learning advice in times they are down. One PDL lamented that
experience as they realized the value of correcting “first, do not take your problem seriously. Laugh a
infraction or offenses made. little and share it to a person whom you trust so you
could earn suggestions from him.”
Improved respect towards others. Respondents said
that because of TC practices particularly on behavior Improved interpersonal relationship. The PDL
management, respect towards others further improved admitted that they have improved their relationship
and strengthened. with others through constant reminders and activities
on TC programs. They had also realized their self-
Sense of humility. PDL admitted to have developed worth and that their social relationship had been
sense of humbleness because of behavior management developed and their direction in life had been directed
activities. The sharing of experiences during meetings through pieces of advice they got from the members of
and disclosure of testimonies during religious the group and most especially from the TC elder.
fellowship likewise had made them realized that some
circumstances of the commission of their wrong As stressed by Seigel & Worral (2016), prison inmates
doings had a cause that gave them the opportunities to typically suffer from a variety of cognitive and
show respect for others, humility to accept mistakes psychosocial deficits, such as poor emotional control,
and the contention to reform. social skills, and interpersonal problem solving.
Modern counseling programs help inmates to control
Emotional and Psychological Management emotions; to communicate with others; to deal with
legal concerns; and to develop and maintain social
PDL are basically psychologically and emotionally relationships.
challenged. They share one thing in common, that is
being incarcerated with uncertainties as to the outcome Intellectual and Spiritual Components
of their individual cases. They feel isolated, helpless
and at times hopeless brought about by separation The intellectual component responds to the natural
from their loved ones and society in general. human characteristics of yearning for knowledge in
order to move to a higher level of understanding.
Self - control. According to respondents, they can hold Educational development. The intellectual activities of
their anger because they are constantly reminded of the respondents were developed through the alternative
anger control. Interviews from the PDL revealed that learning system (ALS).
the initial intake/interview, group counseling, anger
management and peer confrontation had helped them Sense of maturity. The PDL acknowledged that
in their psychological and emotional management. intellectual and spiritual activities have instilled in
One PDL added that peer confrontation is done inside them the feeling of becoming more matured. “There’s
their respective cells by the TC elder whenever there no more nervousness when I stand in front of people
are trivial offenses that need to be checked before it and the kind of thinking I have become more
turn serious. Respondents likewise expressed that the matured”, a PDL said. “I gained more knowledge and
counseling during religious sessions had given them my way of thinking is a little bit more matured”, added
the feeling of relief from their problems, instilled in by another PDL.
them the right management of anger, and had also
reminded of the virtue of patience. Fabian (2017) in his article “ALS, livelihood programs
enrich lives of Baguio’s female inmates” at the Manila
Self-Realization. PDL further mentioned that the Bulletin stressed that for the female inmates at the
counseling and peer confrontation had instilled in them Baguio City Jail, various livelihood and educational
self-realization of the wrong doings they had advancement programs are elevating their self-esteem
committed and made them deal with others better. despite being put away from mainstream society.
They also mentioned that they had realized that they
need others to strengthen their convictions to reform. Keith (2016) in his article “Baguio inmates finish ALS
program” in the Manila Times stated that six female
Sense of trust. PDL acknowledged their trusts from and three male wards received their diplomas for
others developed. They said that because of TC passing the Alternative Learning System 2
activities, they are not ashamed of disclosing what Accreditation and Equivalency (A and E) test for the
secondary level at the Baguio City Jail multi-purpose undermine the safety and integrity of the community.
hall recently. He further cited Arthur Tiongan, Everything done in the community is meant to erase
Department of Education-Baguio ALS supervisor, who “street behavior” and to lead the offender to be
said the graduates attended their classes and took the committed to have been reformed, changed, relearned
accreditation and equivalency test while in detention, or re-established healthy and functioning skills in
making them eligible for college. preparation for their eventual re-integration to the
Strengthened Faith/Godly. The spiritual component of
the therapeutic community modality was appreciated
most by the PDL and is instilled in the respondents Conclusion
their faith through religious activities. The respondents
had expressed that the religious activities had instilled
Persons deprived of liberty in Mountain Province
in them hope and optimism even when things were
District Jail revealed that they participated in
difficult. They had compassions and empathy for
vocational skills and survival acquisition programs to a
others. They had felt peace or in harmony with nature,
high extent for self-reliance and sustainable economic
life, and the world. They also had found peace in
growth. They likewise had the opportunities to
meditation or religious rituals like worships and
experience religious activities of which they had
learned the right actions in situations where they need
Vocational/Survival Skills to seek Divine Providence. Most of all, they had
enjoyed the intellectual component of the therapeutic
The vocational and survival skills in MPDJ were very community in terms of the Alternative Learning
much appreciated and that the PDL expressed that System. They had chances for upgrading their
acquiring these skills gave them life after detention educational level transforming them to be productive
and even when they are not priorities to work in citizens once they have served their time.
establishments because of their records, they could still
earn a living and become economically stable for their The Therapeutic Community Modality Program is
families as well. Self-worth/Self-reliance. Respondents perceived by inmates as effective specifically the work
mentioned that because of the trainings they attended, and educational therapy services, livelihood skills
they have more chances of employment after training, and the counselling and religious services.
detention. The TC program had been very remarkable as
manifested with the gradual changes in residents’
They even mentioned that the love for work, humility, behaviour particularly with the way they interact with
and respect for others were also instilled in them while their fellow residents. Morning meetings are
they were trained for these vocational and survival conducted to remind residents on their conducts while
skills. These were made possible with the MOA in the jail. Other programs and activities which were
entered into by the MPDJ and TESDA. Aside from the strengthened because of the TC program include the
vocational trainings, PDL are also busy with their livelihood activities of the residents, skills training,
livelihood activities. This includes but not limited to literacy program, and spiritual activities, among
wood carvings, picture frame making, basketry and others.
Hence, the psychological and emotional aspect of the
Positive outlook. They further expressed that their therapeutic community may further be strengthened
outlook in life had changed and they had even had for persons deprived of liberty for them to be able to
committed to change, reform and rehabilitate for their overcome some emotional disturbances they are
families. experiencing. A psychologist/psychiatrist may be
employed in the jail to cater to the emotional needs of
In line of the over-all goal of the therapeutic inmates, if not, psychological or emotional experts
community, the persons deprived of liberty in available in the province be tapped during counselling
Mountain Province District Jail had pursued to instill sessions for the same purpose. Men’s group or static
changes of attitudes and behavior, instill hope, and groups be organized in the jail with the supervision
foster economic growth, including self-management and guidance of TC trained personnel to help uplift the
ability. There were tools and activities offered that had morale of PDL. Also, this study suggests that the
served more than just the purpose of curbing Alternative Learning System be strengthened since
unproductive behavior. They are also means used for most of the inmates were high school undergraduate,
enforcing community sanctions on behavior that this program will help them attain good economic
status after release in jail. Likewise, the jail may seek Fabian, L. (2017). “ALS, livelihood programs enrich lives of
Baguio’s female inmates” Manila Bulletin.
partnership with both government and private entities
and other organizations through memorandum of lives-of-baguios-female-inmates/
agreements in the province that are willing to help
strengthen activities on seminars, lectures, ALS, Fox, V. & Stinchomb, J. (1994). Introduction to Corrections (4th
Edition). Englewood Cliffs, NY: Prentice Hall Career and Tech.
debates and other programs leading to the reformation
of PDL which the jail could not provide because of Hoffmann, A. (2011). Rehabilitation Philosophy from Prison Back
limited resources. into Society – and Its Crucial Importance to Society in our Era.
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