Dream Job Essay English

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Danielle Thomas

September 21, 2009

Essay: Dream Job
Margaret Nocito

All that we have achieved in life are dreams that we have made a
reality. Dreams are powerful and are bursting with potential. Without dreams
there would be nothing to work towards and nothing to keep us going in life.
My dream is to help people that are suffering and less fortunate than I. I
want to become a traveling nurse.

I believe that life is all about finding yourself. I never really knew what
that meant until I finally realized what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I
think once you find what you are good at you can succeed with just a little
effort. I believe that I work well with others and I have compassion for those
that are in need of care or affection. I always knew I wanted to make a
difference in peoples’ lives, but I just didn’t know in what way or form.

I am currently a patient care associate and I have had enough practice

to know that I want to work in healthcare. My mother has been a trauma and
intensive care nurse for twenty-five years now. She has been an inspiration
to me and has helped me make these choices in my life. I’ll never forget
some of the stories she used to tell me. One story in particular really stood
out, she delivered a baby in the dark with limited supplies, up in the
mountains of the Philippines. She was still in nursing school but, they needed
her and she went right in there. It just proved to me the dedication she had
in doing such a courageous procedure.

The reason I want to become a traveling nurse is because I love to

travel, it has been a passion of mine since my first trip to the Philippines
when I was thirteen years old. There I was able to experience what it’s like to
live in a third world country. It is very heartbreaking to see people existing
like this. All I wanted to do was help each and every one of them. I know
now that’s not possible but I want to do my part by helping as many people
as I can. Once I become an experienced nurse I was thinking about joining
the Peace Corps for two years so that I can help people all over the world.

All in all, becoming a traveling nurse is my ultimate dream because in

this world we live in, I want to be apart of the solution not the problem. I am
the type of person that hurts when they see someone hurting. When I know
that I have made a difference in someone’s life, I am fulfilled. I think the
reason I feel so strongly about this is because of my mother she has saved
many people’s lives and she is my role model. It would be my ultimate
dream to make her proud and be a nurse just like her one day.

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