Maths Program Profrma S1 Yr1 T2-S Tooney
Maths Program Profrma S1 Yr1 T2-S Tooney
Maths Program Profrma S1 Yr1 T2-S Tooney
Whole Number 1 Terms 1-4 Number & Algebra Terms 1 & 3: Addition and Subtraction 1 / Patterns and Algebra 1 Terms 2 & 4 : Multiplication & Division 1 / Fractions and Decimals 1
Measurement & Geometry Term 1: Length 1 / Time 1 / 2D 1 Term 2: Mass 1 / 3D 1 / Position 1 Term 3: Volume and Capacity 1 / Time 1 / 2D 1 Term 4: Area 1 / 3D1 / Position 1
Sharon Tooney
TERM 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 NB: Where a content strand has a level 1 & 2, the 1 refers to the lower grade within the stage, eg. Whole Number 1 in S1 is for Yr 1, Whole Number 2 is for Yr 2.
Sharon Tooney
STAGE: Yr 1 ES1 S1
WEEK: 1 2
Develop confidence with number sequences to 100 by ones from any starting point count forwards and backwards by ones from a given two-digit number identify the number before and after a given two-digit number - describe the number before as 'one less than' and the number after as 'one more than' a given number read and use the ordinal names to at least 'thirty-first' Count collections to 100 by partitioning numbers using place value count and represent large sets of objects by systematically grouping in tens use and explain mental grouping to count and to assist with estimating the number of items in large groups use place value to partition two-digit numbers state the place value of digits in two-digit numbers partition two-digit numbers in non-standard forms Recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to at least 100; locate these numbers on a number line represent two-digit numbers using objects, pictures, words and numerals locate and place two-digit numbers on a number line apply an understanding of place value and the role of zero to read, write and order two-digit numbers use number lines and number charts to assist with counting and ordering - give reasons for placing a set of numbers in a particular order round numbers to the nearest ten estimate, to the nearest ten, the number of objects in a collection and check by counting solve simple everyday problems with two-digit numbers - choose an appropriate strategy to solve problems, including trialand-error and drawing a diagram - ask questions involving two-digit numbers Recognise, describe and order Australian coins according to their value identify, sort, order and count money using the appropriate language in everyday contexts recognise that total amounts can be made using different denominations recognise the symbols for dollars ($) and cents (c)
Background Information By developing a variety of counting strategies and ways to combine quantities, students recognise that there are more efficient ways to count collections than counting by ones. Language Students should be able to communicate using the following language: count forwards, count backwards, number before, number after, more than, less than, number line, number chart, digit, zero, ones, groups of ten, tens, round to, coins, notes, cents, dollars. Students should be made aware that bus, postcode and telephone numbers are said differently from cardinal numbers, ie they are not said using place value language. Ordinal names may be confused with fraction names, eg 'the third' relates to order but 'a third' is a fraction. The word 'round' has different meanings in different contexts and some students may confuse it with the word 'around'.
Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures Asia & Australias engagement with Asia Sustainability
General capabilities Critical & creative thinking Ethical understanding Information & communication technology capability Intercultural understanding Literacy Numeracy Personal & social capability
Other learning across the curriculum areas Civics & citizenship Difference & diversity Work & enterprise
Sharon Tooney
Develop confidence with number sequences to 100 by ones from any starting point Count collections to 100 by partitioning numbers using place value Recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to at least 100; locate these numbers on a number line Recognise, describe and order Australian coins according to their value
As students become competent with five blocks, ten and then twenty blocks could be used.
Containers, Unifix cubes
provide base 100s charts for those students who have difficulty sequencing their strips.
Hundreds chart (display and individual), scissors, calculators, paper and pencil
Use a variety of dice to extend the range of numbers. Modify the set of numeral cards to the appropriate range of numbers. Provide the students with
Sharon Tooney
Variations Allow students to construct their own die and attach numerals of their choice. If large numbers are written on the first die, then modify the second die to display only the numerals 1, 2 and 3. A calculator may be used to confirm the additions. Another variation of the activity is achieved by instructing the students to write five numbers, within a nominated range, on a strip of paper. Students take turns to roll two dice and find the total. They then tell the group the total. As the totals are called, students cross off any corresponding numerals on their paper strip. The game continues until one student has crossed off all five numerals on his or her paper. Rabbits ears Instruct the students to make two fists and rest them on their heads, so that their hands are out of their direct line of sight. Ask the students to raise a given number of fingers on each hand and to add them together. Students may bring their hands down to confirm the answer. Doubles Instruct the students to use two hands to demonstrate double numbers from 1 to 5. For example, Show me double four. How many altogether? In this example the students would raise four fingers on each hand and call out the answer. Students may bring their hands down to count and confirm the total. Doubles plus one This activity is played in a similar way to Doubles. Instruct the students to raise their fingers for a nominated double combination and then add one more finger to find the total. Alternatively, play Doubles minus one. For this activity students raise their fingers to represent a nominated double and then subtract one finger to find the total. Money Dominoes Students can play this game individually or in pairs (see attached domino cards): Play Individually Give each student a set of Money Dominoes. The student makes a continuous snake by placing tiles at either end of a row of tiles. Students may undo turns in order to place all tiles. Playing In Pairs Give each student a set of dominoes. Students share all of the tiles and take it in turns to make a continuous snake by placing tiles at either end of the row. The name of the matching tile is said while it is being placed. Students miss a turn if no tile can be placed at any time. If the game is being played competitively, the winner is the student who places all of their tiles first. Money Dice Students are given a dice or wooden block with amounts of money written on each of the six sides. Replicas of the amounts of coins and notes printed on cards and are held in a 'bank'. This activity can be played in pairs or in a larger group. 1. Roll the dice and say the amount. 2. All players have to make the amount using coins or notes from the bank.
3 dice and with numeral cards for 3 to 18. This activity is then played like Add two dice. Students roll the 3 dice and find the total. This provides opportunities for introducing strategies other than counting by ones to solve addition tasks. Individual support as required
Allow time for all students to have counted their fingers before signalling to call out answer. Allow time for all students to have counted their fingers before signalling to call out answer. Peer support groupings Domino cards
Sharon Tooney
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Repeat the process until all of the bank's money is used and the activity is finished. For variations, use amounts on the dice that require more coins to be used. To set a challenge, ask students to use as few coins as they can to make the amounts. Have one dice with dollar amounts and one with cents. Roll the two dice and get students to make up the combined amount with coins or notes. Revision
Sharon Tooney
Money Dominoes
Sharon Tooney
Sharon Tooney
Sharon Tooney
Sharon Tooney
STAGE: Yr 1 ES1 S1
WEEK: 1 2
Skip count by twos, fives and tens starting from zero
Background Information There are two forms of division: Sharing (partitive) How many in each group? eg 'If 12 marbles are shared between three students, how many does each get?' Grouping (quotitive) How many groups are there? eg 'If I have 12 marbles and each child is to get four, how many children will get marbles?' After students have divided a quantity into equal groups (eg they have divided 12 into groups of four), the process can be reversed by combining the groups, thus linking multiplication and division. When sharing a collection of objects into two groups, students may describe the number of objects in each group as being one-half of the whole collection. Language Students should be able to communicate using the following language: group, number of groups, number in each group, sharing, shared between, left over, total, equal. Sharing relates to distributing items one at a time into a set number of groups, eg the student has a number of pop sticks and three cups and shares out the pop sticks into the cups one at a time. Grouping relates to distributing the same number of items into an unknown number of groups, eg the student has 12 pop sticks and wants to make groups of four, so places four pop sticks down, then another four, and so on. It is preferable that students use 'groups of', before progressing to 'rows of' and 'columns of'. The term 'lots of' can be confusing to students because of its everyday use and should be avoided, eg 'lots of fish in the sea'.
count by twos, fives and tens using rhythmic counting and skip counting from zero use patterns on a number chart to assist in counting by twos, fives or tens (Communicating) model and describe collections of objects as 'groups of', eg
Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures Asia & Australias engagement with Asia Sustainability
General capabilities Critical & creative thinking Ethical understanding Information & communication technology capability Intercultural understanding Literacy Numeracy Personal & social capability
recognise the importance of having groups of equal size determine and distinguish between the 'number of groups' and the 'number in each group' when describing collections of objects (Communicating) find the total number of objects using skip counting Recognise and represent division as grouping into equal sets (ACMNA032) recognise when there are equal numbers of items in groups, eg 'There are three pencils in each group' model division by sharing a collection of objects equally into a given number of groups to determine how many in each group, eg determine the number in each group when 10 objects are shared between two people describe the part left over when a collection cannot be shared equally into a given number of groups model division by sharing a collection of objects into groups of a given size to determine the number of groups, eg determine the number of groups when 20 objects are shared into groups of four describe the part left over when a collection cannot be distributed equally using the given group size, eg when 22 objects are shared into groups of four, there are five groups of four and two objects left over
Other learning across the curriculum areas Civics & citizenship Difference & diversity Work & enterprise
Sharon Tooney
Skip count by twos, fives and tens starting from zero Model and use equal groups of objects as a strategy for multiplication Recognise and represent division as grouping into equal sets
Individual support as needed.
Interlocking cubes
The activity is repeated for other numbers. Making Groups to Count In small groups, students are given a large collection of interlocking cubes. They are asked to estimate and then count the cubes. Students share their methods for counting the cubes and discuss more efficient strategies for counting. The teacher may need to suggest to the students that they connect the cubes in groups and skip count to determine the total.
Interlocking cubes
Sharon Tooney
Possible questions include: - how did you estimate the total number of cubes? - how did you count the cubes? - did you change your original estimate after counting to 10? - can you group the cubes to help you count them quickly? Pegging Clothes In groups of six, each student is given four pegs to attach to the edge of their clothing. Students are asked to count the total number of pegs in their group. They are encouraged to do this by counting each peg quietly and counting the last peg on each piece of clothing aloud. Students are then asked to record the numbers spoken aloud. Variation: The number of students in the group or the number of pegs to be attached to each piece of clothing could be varied. Arrays Students are briefly shown a collection of counters arranged as an array on an IWB. eg Possible questions include: - can you use counters to make what you saw? - how many counters were there altogether? - how did you work it out? Variation: In small groups, one student is given a set of cards presenting a range of numbers arranged as arrays. The student briefly displays one card at a time for others to determine the total number of dots. Arranging Desks The teacher prepares multiple copies of the following cards.
Each student is given a collection of teddy bear counters. The teacher presents the following scenario: There are 16 bears in a class. The teacher can choose to sit three bears at each of the triangular tables, four bears at each of the square tables or six bears at each of the hexagonal tables. Students investigate which table shape the teacher could use so that the correct number of bears is sitting at each table and record results.
Sharon Tooney
Possible questions include: - which shapes did you try? - can you describe what you did? - how many square tables were needed? - what table shape could the teacher use if there were 12 bears21 bears30 bears? Number Problems The teacher poses a variety of number problems involving multiplication or division for students to solve. Students should be encouraged to pose their own problems for others to solve. As a prompt, students could be asked to write problems about 20 biscuits, 30 oranges or 40 tennis balls. Students should be given access to a variety of materials to model and solve the problems. Possible questions include: - what strategy did you use to solve this multiplication problem? - can you record how you solved it? - did your strategy work better than your friends? Why? Variation: Problems can be produced on the computer and made into booklets. Hidden Groups In small groups, students sit in a circle, with a pile of number cards (0 to 5) and a collection of counters in the centre. Student A reveals a card and each of the other students takes the corresponding number of counters and hides them under their hand. Student A then answers the questions: -what is the total number of counters hidden under all the hands? - how did you work it out? Students share and discuss their strategies and repeat the activity. Revision Assessment
Different number cards could be used to make the task easier or harder, depending on ability.
Sharon Tooney
STAGE: Yr 1 ES1 S1
WEEK: 1 2
Recognise and describe one-half as one of two equal parts of a whole (ACMNA016) use concrete materials to model half of a whole object, eg describe two equal parts of a whole object, eg 'I folded my paper into two equal parts and now I have halves' (Communicating) recognise that halves refer to two equal parts of a whole describe parts of a whole object as 'about a half', 'more than a half' or 'less than a half' record two equal parts of whole objects and shapes, and the relationship of the parts to the whole, using pictures and the fraction notation for half ( ), eg
Background Information In Stage 1, fractions are used in two different ways: to describe equal parts of a whole, and to describe equal parts of a collection of objects. Fractions refer to the relationship of the equal parts to the whole unit. When using collections to model fractions, it is important that students appreciate the collection as being a 'whole' and the resulting groups as being 'parts of a whole'. It should be noted that the size of the resulting fraction will depend on the size of the original whole or collection of objects. It is not necessary for students to distinguish between the roles of the numerator and the denominator in Stage 1. They may use the symbol as an entity to mean 'one-half' or 'a half', and similarly use to mean 'one-quarter' or 'a quarter'. Three models of fractions Continuous model, linear uses one-directional cuts or folds that compare fractional parts based on length; this model should be introduced first. Cuts or folds may be either vertical or horizontal.
Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures Asia & Australias engagement with Asia Sustainability
General capabilities Critical & creative thinking Ethical understanding Information & communication technology capability Intercultural understanding Literacy Numeracy Personal & social capability
Continuous model, area uses multi-directional cuts or folds to compare fractional parts to the whole. This model should be introduced once students have an understanding of the concept of area in Stage 2. Discrete model uses separate items in collections to represent parts of the whole group. Language Students should be able to communicate using the following language: whole, part, equal parts, half, halves, about a half, more than a half, less than a half. Some students may hear 'whole' in the phrase 'part of a whole' and confuse it with the term 'hole'.
describe two equal parts of a collection, eg 'I have halves because the two parts have the same number of seedlings' (Communicating) record two equal parts of a collection, and the relationship of the parts to the whole, using pictures and fraction notation for half ( ), eg
Other learning across the curriculum areas Civics & citizenship Difference & diversity Work & enterprise
Sharon Tooney
Recognise and describe onehalf as one of two equal parts of a whole
Individual support as needed. Peer support grouping strategies.
Bread, plastic knives, paper plates, fruit, paper and pencil, paper shapes, scissors
Prompt cards on halves and quarters for those requiring constant reinforcement of concept. Individual support as needed. Peer support grouping strategies.
5 Sharon Tooney
Collection of shapes
illicit response
Possible questions include: - do these circles show two equal parts? - how do you know? The activity should be repeated for quarters. Revision
Sharon Tooney
STAGE: Yr 1 ES1 S1
Background Information Mass is an intrinsic property of an object, but its most common measure is in terms of weight. Weight is a force that changes with gravity, while mass remains constant.
WEEK: 2 1
OUTCOMES A student: describes mathematical situations and methods using everyday and some mathematical language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols MA1-1WM measures, records, compares and estimates the masses of objects using uniform informal units MA1-12MG
Investigate mass using a pan balance identify materials that are light or heavy place objects on either side of a pan balance to obtain a level balance use a pan balance to compare the masses of two objects discuss the action of a pan balance when a heavy object is placed in one pan and a lighter object in the other pan (Communicating) predict the action of a pan balance before placing particular objects in each pan (Reasoning) sort objects on the basis of their mass use a pan balance to find two collections of objects that have the same mass, eg a collection of blocks and a collection of counters use drawings to record findings from using a pan balance
Language Students should be able to communicate using the following language: mass, heavy, heavier, light, lighter, about the same as, pan balance, (level) balance. As the terms 'weigh' and 'weight' are common in everyday usage, they can be accepted in student language should they arise.
Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures Asia & Australias engagement with Asia Sustainability
General capabilities Critical & creative thinking Ethical understanding Information & communication technology capability Intercultural understanding Literacy Numeracy Personal & social capability
Other learning across the curriculum areas Civics & citizenship Difference & diversity Work & enterprise
Sharon Tooney
Investigate mass using a pan balance
Individual support as needed. Questioning techniques to illicit response
objects for demonstration
Equal-arm balance, items to measure and the necessary number of blocks, rods, etc to balance
Individual support as needed. Questioning techniques to illicit response. Individual support as needed. Questioning techniques to illicit response. Peer support grouping strategies.
Pieces of strings, assorted objects, , paper and pencil Equal-arm balance, various objects, modelling clay, paper and pencil Equal-arm balance, various objects, , paper and pencil
Equal-arm balance, bags, blocks, units fir measuring, paper and pencils
Individual support as needed. Pictorial representation of measures. Peer support grouping strategies.
Equal-arm balance, items to weigh, items to use as units of measure, paper and pencils Coat-hangers, socks or stockings, pegs,
Sharon Tooney
Students choose appropriate units to balance an object which is suspended in the sock. The mass of the object should be estimated and recorded, before the item is measured. Students count and record their measure and compare this to their estimate. Does It Balance? Students are given a choice of objects they might use to find the mass of different objects using an equal-arm balance. It is important that students are given tasks that emphasise different volumes can have the same mass and vice versa to differentiate these two concepts. Assessment
items to measure, paper and pencils Individual support as needed. Questioning techniques to illicit response. Equal-arm balance, items to measure
Sharon Tooney
STAGE: Yr 1 ES1 S1
Background Information
WEEK: 2 1
OUTCOMES A student: describes mathematical situations and methods using everyday and some mathematical language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols MA1-1WM sorts, describes, represents and recognises familiar threedimensional objects, including cones, cubes, cylinders, spheres and prisms MA1-14MG
Recognise and classify familiar three-dimensional objects using obvious features (ACMMG022) manipulate and describe familiar three-dimensional objects, including cones, cubes, cylinders, spheres and prisms identify and name familiar three-dimensional objects, including cones, cubes, cylinders, spheres and prisms, from a collection of everyday objects select an object from a description of its features, eg find an object with six square faces (Reasoning) use the terms 'surface', 'flat surface' and 'curved surface' in describing familiar three-dimensional objects identify the type and number of flat and curved surfaces of three-dimensional objects, eg 'This prism has eight flat surfaces', 'A cone has two surfaces: one is a flat surface and the other is a curved surface' (Reasoning) use the term 'face' to describe the flat surfaces of threedimensional objects with straight edges, including squares, rectangles and triangles distinguish between 'flat surfaces' and 'curved surfaces' and between 'flat surfaces' and 'faces' when describing three-dimensional objects (Communicating) sort familiar three-dimensional objects according to obvious features, eg 'All these objects have curved surfaces' select and name a familiar three-dimensional object from a description of its features, eg find an object with six square faces recognise that three-dimensional objects look different from different vantage points identify cones, cubes, cylinders and prisms when drawn in different orientations, eg
In Stage 1, students begin to explore three-dimensional objects in greater detail. They continue to describe the objects using their own language and are introduced to some formal language. Developing and retaining mental images of objects is an important skill for these students. Manipulation of a variety of real three-dimensional objects and twodimensional shapes in the classroom, the playground and outside the school is crucial to the development of appropriate levels of language and representation. A cube is a special prism in which all faces are squares. In Stage 1, students do not need to be made aware of this classification.
Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures Asia & Australias engagement with Asia Sustainability
General capabilities Critical & creative thinking Ethical understanding Information & communication technology capability Intercultural understanding Literacy Numeracy Personal & social capability
Students should be able to communicate using the following language: object, cone, cube, cylinder, sphere, prism, surface, flat surface, curved surface, face. In geometry, the term 'face' refers to a flat surface with only straight edges, as in prisms and pyramids, eg a cube has six faces. Curved surfaces, such as those found in cones, cylinders and spheres, are not classified as faces. Similarly, flat surfaces with curved boundaries, such as the circular surfaces of cones and cylinders, are not faces.
Other learning across the curriculum areas Civics & citizenship Difference & diversity Work & enterprise
recognise familiar three-dimensional objects from pictures and photographs, and in the environment
Sharon Tooney
Recognise and classify familiar three-dimensional objects using obvious features
- Have cubes prepared for students to trace around if they have difficulty making their own cube. - Encourage students to make other 3D shapes and record the shape of each of their sides.
3D shapes (real objects and models of shapes)
Support: Provide 2 - 3 shapes for students to choose from when answering questions. Allow them to look at the shapes as clues are read. - Students handle 3D shapes looking from different views & describing them. Extension: Students make up clues for other 3D shapes & see if other students can tell which shape they are have. support: Play shape recognition games including: - identify shapes in different orientations. -Cover shapes and slowly reveal them. Students identify shape as soon as they can. Extension: Provide construction sets for students to use to make their own 3D shapes. Encourage them to experiment to make non-standard shapes & describe.
3D shapes (real objects and models of shapes), playdough, feely bag, blocks and boxes
Sharon Tooney
Shapes and Descriptions Memory Match In pairs students play memory match with the attached cards, matching the description of the 3D shape to the corresponding picture. Alternatively; in pairs provide students with the cards made back to back. Students read the description and from the information provided, create the shape with playdough. When complete, students check the picture on the back of the card to check their accuracy. Put the playdough shapes aside for next lesson. Stack Roll Slide Using the playdough shapes that students made in the last lesson, have students get into small groups and investigate whether their 3D shapes can be stacked, whether they slide and or roll. Have students discuss what attributes of each shape allow or prohibit it to perform each action. Record results and report back to class on group findings Revision Assessment
Sharon Tooney
Rectangular Prism
Triangular prism
Sharon Tooney
I have 1 flat surface and 1 curved surface. My flat face is circular. My curved surface makes a sharp point. I dont have sides. I look like a party hat! What am I? I am a solid 3D that is perfectly round. I dont have flat faces and I dont have straight edges. What am I?
I have 2 flat surfaces and 1 curved surface. My flat surfaces are circular. I dont have any sides or corners. What am I?
I have 6 flat faces, 12 edges, and 8 corners. NOT all my edges are the same. I look like a box. What am I?
I have 6 flat faces, 12 edges, and 8 corners. All my edges are the same. What am I?
I have 5 flat surfaces. My base surface is square. The other 4 surfaces are triangular, that make a sharp point. What am I?
I have 5 flat surfaces. 2 of them are triangular. 3 of them are rectangular. What am I?
Sharon Tooney
Background Information Being able to describe the relative positions of objects in a picture or diagram requires interpretation of a twodimensional representation. Locations that are familiar to Aboriginal students may not be limited to their home environments and may also include other locations within the community, eg local landmarks and organisations. Language Students should be able to communicate using the following language: position, left, right, directions, turn. In Early Stage 1, students used the terms 'left' and 'right' to describe position in relation to themselves. In Stage 1, students use the terms 'left' and 'right' to describe position from the perspective of a person facing in the opposite direction.
TERM: 1 2
WEEK: 2 1
SUBSTRAND: Position 1
OUTCOMES A student: describes mathematical situations and methods using everyday and some mathematical language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols MA1-1WM represents and describes the positions of objects in everyday situations and on maps MA1-16MG
Give and follow directions to familiar locations use the terms 'left' and 'right' to describe the positions of objects in relation to themselves and from the perspective of a person facing in the opposite direction, eg 'The ball is on her left' give and follow directions, including directions involving turns to the left and right, to move between familiar locations, eg within the classroom or school - use amounts of turn (full and half) to describe direction (Communicating) give and follow instructions to position objects in models and drawings, eg 'Draw the bird between the two trees' - give and follow simple directions using a diagram or description (Communicating) describe the path from one location to another on drawings - use a diagram to give simple directions (Communicating) - create a path from one location to another using computer software (Communicating)
Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures Asia & Australias engagement with Asia Sustainability
General capabilities Critical & creative thinking Ethical understanding Information & communication technology capability Intercultural understanding Literacy Numeracy Personal & social capability
Other learning across the curriculum areas Civics & citizenship Difference & diversity Work & enterprise
Sharon Tooney
Give and follow directions to familiar locations
Provide a scribe where necessary. Completed with support as needed Recreate model in 3D using playdough
small toys, pictures and junk materials, paper, pencil, computers
Photographs of school to support students with special needs. Provide a scribe where necessary. Write how they get from one location to another
dance music
Sharon Tooney
Sharon Tooney
STAGE: Yr 1 ES1 S1
WEEK: 2 1
OUTCOMES A student: describes mathematical situations and methods using everyday and some mathematical language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols MA1-1WM supports conclusions by explaining or demonstrating how answers were obtained MA1-3WM recognises and describes the element of chance in everyday events MA1-18SP
Identify outcomes of familiar events involving chance and describe them using everyday language, such as 'will happen', 'won't happen' or 'might happen' (ACMSP024) identify possible outcomes of familiar activities and events, eg the activities that might happen if the class is asked to sit on the floor in a circle use everyday language to describe the possible outcomes of familiar activities and events, eg 'will happen', 'might happen', 'won't happen', 'probably'
Background Information Students should be encouraged to recognise that, because of the element of chance, their predictions will not always be proven true. When discussing certainty, there are two extremes: events that are certain to happen and those that are certain not to happen. Words such as 'might', 'may' and 'possible' are used to describe events between these two extremes. Language Students should be able to communicate using the following language: will happen, might happen, won't happen,
Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures Asia & Australias engagement with Asia Sustainability
General capabilities Critical & creative thinking Ethical understanding Information & communication technology capability Intercultural understanding Literacy Numeracy Personal & social capability
Other learning across the curriculum areas Civics & citizenship Difference & diversity Work & enterprise
Sharon Tooney
Identify outcomes of familiar events involving chance and describe them using everyday language, such as 'will happen', 'won't happen' or 'might happen'
Extension: Students write questions using the language will happen, wont happen and might happen. Extension: Each student draws and writes a statement about their prediction.
Support: keep a pictorial record of daily predictions and actual weather for end of week discussion.
Sharon Tooney
Sharon Tooney