FM Case Study Final Project
FM Case Study Final Project
FM Case Study Final Project
Case study
• In 2006,
combined its
transportation business
• In 2005, 3M (industrial segment to increase
business segment) acquired a efficiency and lower down its
CUNO filtration plant for operational costs.
purification of fluid and
gases for $1.36 billion ($1.27• In 2005, approximately $3.6
billion paid in cash and $80 billion of cash was used to
million of debt out of which repurchase 3M common
mostly has been paid) along stock under its repurchase
with the intangible assets of authorization and for the
$268 million. payment of dividends and
contributed $788 million to
• In the years 2003, 2004 and its pension and
2005, 3M business segments postretirement plans.
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3M has contingently
convertible 30-year
zero-coupon senior notes
which are redeemable
into 9.4602 shares of 3M
common stock after
some conditions have
been met. In 2005, the
conversion price for the
fourth quarter was $120
per share. In November
The company has entered into 2005, 22,506 out of the 639,000
various indentures with the outstanding bonds were
banks (including Citi Bank) with redeemed which resulted 3M to
payout approximately $20
Six sigma is explained in million.
detail in appendix 3
3M has various pension and post measuring plan liabilities for
retirement plans for its these plans and determines the
employees. 3M’s goal of this rate of return by analyzing the
investment strategy is to meet returns on fixed income
the obligations and earn the investment having similar
highest rate of return on duration liabilities (determined
actuarial basis. The company by
determines discount rate for
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Black-Scholes option pricing
model is discussed in detail in
appendix 3
Dividend Discount Model is
explained in detail in appendix
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At 3M innovation is a dynamic
process. All employees are
encouraged to innovate and
according to the 15% rule (their
most famous management
the organization, to have a deep
CHALLENGES AND understanding of the changing
ORGANIZATIONAL needs of the environment and
CHANGES WITH enabled the individuals to be
creative and to be driven by
their own will by
STRATEGIC communicating a clear vision
DEVELOPMENT of the future.
Some of the challenges faced
by the organization in the COMPETITORS
transformation into an
innovative organization are 3M is the member of
mentioned in the table 1.3 in conglomerate industry. No
Appendix 1. At 3M, Managers organization competes with 3M
are now engaging the staff for on all product platforms; it has
maximum innovation. This encountered strong competition
transformation required the in specific business lines. In
leaders to take responsibility particular, Avery Dennison
for articulating the direction, Corporation AVY), Johnson
for creating an environment and Johnson (JNJ) and DuPont
that empowers the members of (DD) compete with 3M.
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A comparison of 3M
performance with its
competitors is given in table FINANCIAL
1.4 in Appendix 1.
Graph representing the
sales revenue, EPS,
dividends per share over the
years have been given in
Appendix 2
over the previous year. It considered good as compared
reported a net income of $3.2 with the industry ratios and are
billion with an increase of sound according to the rule of
7.0%. thumb. The company currently
has a rating of AA credit rating
Operating income grew up to $5 from Standard & Poor’s and
billion with an increase of Aa1 credit rating from Moody’s
9.4%. Earnings per share Investors Service.
reported $4.12, 9.9% higher as
compared to the year 2004. In 2004, the current ratio for
Dividends per share with an 3M was 1.44 and it had
increase of 16.7% reported to decreased to 1.36 in 2005. For
$1.68. However because of 2004, the quick ratio was 1.12
heavy investments and payment and it decreased to 0.95 in
of some long term debts in 2005. However decline in debt
2005, the company reported a ratio from 20.4% in 2004 to
net decrease in cash & cash 14.0% and debt to equity ratio
equivalents of $1,685 million as from 0.27 to 0.24 in 2005 is a
compared to the year 2004. But positive sign.
these outflows were because of
heavy investments which would Overall increased profitability
benefit the company on the ratios, high amount of return on
long-term basis. investments, increase in sales,
and continuous payment of
While talking about the dividends to its stockholders
company’s ratios, there had over the years show the
been an improvement in its
profitability ratios as compared
to the previous years. Pretax
ROA increased from 23.78% in
2004 to 24.18% in 2005. ROE
increased by 5.4%. Return on
Common Equity (ROCE)
reported 31.04%. Gross Profit
Margin was 50.24% in 2004
and increased up to 50.96% in
2005, Operating Margin
(22.88% in 2004, 23.66% in
2005) and the Net Profit Margin
was increased from 14.94% in
2004 to 15.11% in 2005. company’s financial soundness
and increase the shareholder’s
The company’s liquidity ratios confidence to make the
declined because of decrease in company attractive for the
cash and cash equivalents in investors.
2005 but these ratios are still
3M Diamond Grade Reflective sheeting
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Explanation is given in
Appendix 3
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