Sharepoint Intranet (Sample)
Sharepoint Intranet (Sample)
Sharepoint Intranet (Sample)
A complete Intranet site using WSS/SharePoint foundation WebParts and all WebParts and templates of the IntranetFactory Intranet Suite.
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1 Home.................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 Departments...................................................................................................... 7 1.1.1 HR................................................................................................................ 9 Blog..................................................................................................... 11 1.1.1. !ontacts............................................................................................... 1 1.1.1." #mployee Han$%oo&............................................................................1" 1.1.1.' F()...................................................................................................... 1' Forms................................................................................................... 15 1.1.1.* +no,le$ge Base..................................................................................1* Policies................................................................................................. 17 1.1.1.- .pen /o%s 0 Recr1iting Re21isitions..................................................... I 3o1l$ 4i&e 5o.................................................................................... 19 1.1. I5 Department............................................................................................ 6 Blog..................................................................................................... ' 1.1. .1 Help Des&............................................................................................ 1.1. . 1.1. ." !ontacts............................................................................................... 5 1.1. .' Policies................................................................................................. * 1.1." Sales.......................................................................................................... 7 1.1.".1 !ontacts............................................................................................... 9 1.1.". 4ea$ 7anager...................................................................................... "6 1.1."." Policies................................................................................................. " 1.1.".' Blog..................................................................................................... "" 1.1.' 7ar&eting................................................................................................... "' 1.1.'.1 Blog..................................................................................................... "* 1.1.'. !ontacts............................................................................................... "7 1.1.'." Policies................................................................................................. "1.1.'.' (cti8ities0Promotions..........................................................................."9 1. Pro9ects............................................................................................................ '6 1. .1 Intranet :pgra$e....................................................................................... '1 1. .1.1 Doc1ment 4i%rary................................................................................ '" 1. .1. 1. . Pro9ect Plan.......................................................................................... '' IS. 9666.................................................................................................... '*
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1. . .1 Pro9ect Plan.......................................................................................... 'Doc1ment 4i%rary................................................................................ '9 1." 3i&i.................................................................................................................. 56 1.' 5ools................................................................................................................ 51 1.'.1 .1t .; .;;ice 0 4ea8e Re21ests..................................................................5 1.'. Sitemap..................................................................................................... 5" 1.5 I 3o1l$ 4i&e 5o................................................................................................. 5'
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A. 'e( ) *pdated +ocuments ( roll1p list o; ne, an$ 1p$ate$ $oc1ments p1%lishe$ on any s1%site. ,. -in.s ) ,oo.mar.s ( list o; lin&s0%oo&mar&s to other internal or e<ternal sites. /. Poll B1il$ 21ic& polls an$ la1nch them onto the intranet home page. Fin$ o1t ,hat matters most to yo1r 1sers %y creating single or m1lti=21estion polls an$ 8ie, li8e res1lts. +. Welcome 3elcome 1sers to the intranet %y $isplaying a ,elcome message.
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( company,i$e calen$ar that $isplays an aggregate$ 8ie, o; all calen$ars ;rom all s1% sites
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Department sites are 1ni21e s1%=sites o; the intranet. @o1 can create a s1%=site speci;ically ;or a $epartmentA or pro9ect an$ team spaces. Start a$$ing content s1ch as %logsA $oc1mentsA calen$arsA applicationsA ne,s articlesA na8igationA pict1res gallery an$ so on to each $epartment site.
A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. All +epartments Annoncements !onsoli$ate 8ario1s anno1ncements items ;rom m1ltiple areas an$ s1%=sites into a single 8ie, ,ith the a%ility to $isplayA ;ilterA an$ sort rele8ant in;ormation. /. +epartments /alendars 5he Departments !alen$ar $isplays an aggregate$ 8ie, o; all calen$ars ;rom all $epartments on a single calen$ar 8ie,.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. -in.s ) ,oo.mar.s ( list o; lin&s0%oo&mar&s to other internal or e<ternal sites s1ch as '61+A FS(05ransitA Bene;itsA etc. /. Welcome
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A. &8 ,log 3rite a%o1t the goals an$ acti8ities o; HR an$ &eep 1sers 1p to $ate an$ engage$.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. &8 /ontacts 7anage an$ share a list o; contacts rele8ant to the HR Department s1ch as Bo8ernment an$ 4egal Reso1rcesA Retirement in;ormation an$ ser8icesA Ins1rance !ompaniesA etc.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. 1mployee &andboo. 5his section is the primary so1rce o; in;ormation a%o1t the %ene;its an$ ser8ices employees recei8e ;rom HR. P1%lish an$ pro8i$e all &in$s o; ser8ices an$ ;orms ;or the employees s1ch as a list o; %ene;its plansA #21al #mployment .pport1nity PolicyA compensation programs.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. :uic. -aunch 4in&s to important in;ormation an$ applications ;or employees. /. Fre;uently As.ed :uestions 5his sel;=ser8ice plat;orm is the ;astest ,ay to get ans,ers to yo1r 21estionsA an$ itCs yo1r primary so1rce o; in;ormation a%o1t the employee %ene;its an$ ser8ices yo1 recei8e ;rom HR=sta;;. Post an$ ans,er 21estions a%o1t HR iss1es.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. Forms P1%lish all ;ormsA reportsA policies an$ certi;icates rele8ant to the internal HR proce$1res.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. :uic. -aunch Sho,s the )1ic& 4a1nch %ar as a 3e%Part /. <no(ledge ,ase (llo, HR 1sers to contri%1te an$ colla%orate on ;re21ently as&e$ 21estionsA tips an$ tric&sA ho,=to 8i$eos or any other HR &no,le$ge that ,o1l$ %e %ene;icial to storeA share an$ search.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. &8 Policies P1ts all o; yo1r HR $oc1mentsA policies an$ man1als in one spot.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. :uic. -aunch Sho,s the )1ic& 4a1nch %ar as a 3e%Part /. =ob 8e;uisition and Inter5ie( >anagement (llo,s HR to easily s1%mit an$ a$8ertise ne, 9o% openings to the intranetA &eeps res1mes 1p to $ate an$ sche$1le inter8ie,s ,ith can$i$ates. +. Pending ,y +epartment Displays a %ar chart o; the n1m%er o; o;;ere$ 9o%s ;or each $epartment.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. &8? I Would -i.e 4o... (Popular) B1il$ tas& %ase$ na8igation that helps HR sta;; complete HR tas&s pro8i$ing acti8ities most pop1lar ;or HR. /. &8? I Would -i.e 4o... ('e() Sho,s the list o; recently 1p$ate$ acti8ities ;or this site. B1il$ tas& %ase$ na8igation that helps HR sta;; complete HR tas&s pro8i$ing acti8ities recently 1p$ate$ in the HR $epartment.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. Welcome Boes $irectly to I5 HelpDes& D S1pport Page /. I4 +epartment Announcements (llo,s to p1%lish an$ $isplay anno1ncements.
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5his calen$ar is speci;ic to I5 items s1ch as sche$1le$ maintenanceA planne$ 1p$ates an$ sta;; e8entsA etc. 2. 'e( ) *pdated +ocuments ( list o; recently a$$e$01p$ate$ articles an$ $oc1ments..
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. :uic. -aunch Sho,s the )1ic& 4a1nch %ar as a 3e%Part /. &elp +es. ( centrali>e$ tic&et trac&ing system on the intranet ;or all internal S1pport Ser8ice Re21ests. +. <no(ledge ,ase
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(llo, I5 1sers to contri%1te an$ colla%orate on ;re21ently as&e$ 21estionsA tips an$ tric&sA ho,=to 8i$eos or any other I5 &no,le$ge that ,o1l$ %e %ene;icial to storeA share an$ search. 1. 9pen 8e;uests ,y Priority Displays a %ar chart ,ith the n1m%er o; open re21ests ;or each priority le8el. F. Fre;uently As.ed :uestions +eep 1sers 1p to $ate an$ sel; s1;;icient %y pro8i$ing the ans,ers they nee$ ,hen ;acing technical s1pport pro%lems.
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A. I4 +epartment ,log In this Blog I5 sho1l$ tal& a%o1t their e<perience a%o1t technology=relate$ iss1esA the latest tech in$1stry tren$sA most recent 1p$atesA etc.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. I4 +epartment /ontacts ( list o; content contri%1tors in8ol8e$ ,ith generating content ;or I5 s1pport.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. I4 +epartment Policies P1ts all o; I5?s $oc1mentsA policies an$ man1als in one spot.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. Welcome (llo,s to p1%lish any H574. /. Sales Announcements 4ist o; sales $oc1ments 1se$ in the campaigns incl1$ing RFPA S.3A contractA etc.
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Displays a calen$ar ;or sales. 5his calen$ar is speci;ic to sales items s1ch as training that is sche$1le$A sta;; e8ents etc. 1. -in.s ) ,oo.mar.s ( list o; lin&s0%oo&mar&s to other internal or e<ternal sites. F. 'e( ) *pdated +ocuments ( roll1p list o; ne, an$ 1p$ate$ $oc1ments p1%lishe$ on any s1%site.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. Sales /ontacts 7anage an$ share a list o; contacts rele8ant to the Sales Department s1ch as Sales Ee,sletterA !oachingA Sales !hannelsA etc.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. :uic. -aunch )1ic& (ccess to important sales lists. /. >y Acti5e -eads ( list ,here yo1 can manage all acti8e sales lea$s.
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( Bar !hart (,ith 8ertical %ars) $isplaying the n1m%er o; to$ay?s lea$s ,on an$ lost. &. ,y Source ( Bar !hart (,ith 8ertical %ars) sho,ing the lea$s ac21ire$ %y reso1rces li&e in%o1n$ or o1t%o1n$ callsA mailingsA or online registrations.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. Sales Policies In this place p1%lish all $oc1ments an$ ;iles regar$ingF Pro$1ct (8aila%ility D Deli8eryA Pricing an$ ShippingA PaymentA !opyright EoticeA 4ea$ 7anagementA !R7A 5erms an$ Ser8ices an$ Sec1rity.
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A. Sales ,log In this Blog salespeople sho1l$ tal& a%o1t their e<perience a%o1t sales an$ sellingA sales management an$ the sales process.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. Welcome In this section yo1 can p1%lish any H574 content to intro$1ce the $epartment to the 1sers. 3hat can they $o hereG 5his is 91st a short $escription. /. >ar.eting Announcements
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5his area is $e$icate$ ;or p1%lishing anno1ncementsA %1lletinsA articlesA press releases an$ ne,s a%o1t the 7ar&eting Department s1ch as ne, policies to impro8e c1stomer ser8iceA ann1al %1$get planA promotionsA 1pcoming e8ents an$ tra$e sho,sA etc. +. -atest >ar.eting ,log Posts Displays an aggregate$ 8ie, o; all recent %log posts in the mar&ing $epartment. 1. -in.s ) ,oo.mar.s ( list o; lin&s0%oo&mar&s to other internal or e<ternal sites. F. >ar.eting /alendar 5he 7ar&eting !alen$ar can ;eat1re 1pcoming e8ents ,hich are the most pop1lar li&e tra$e sho,sA e<hi%itionsA %rainstorming sessionsA con;erencesA 91st to name a ;e,. 2. 'e( ) *pdated +ocuments ( list o; recently a$$e$01p$ate$ articles an$ $oc1ments.
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A. >ar.eting ,log In this Blog mar&eters sho1l$ tal& a%o1t their e<perience ,ith a partic1lar ;oc1s on mar&eting online an$ social me$ia.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. >ar.eting /ontacts 7anage an$ share a list o; contacts rele8ant to the 7ar&eting Department s1ch as in$1stry p1%licationsA maga>inesA PR agenciesA 9o1rnalistsA press agenciesA etc.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. >ar.eting Policies P1ts all o; mar&eting?s policiesA proce$1res an$ man1als in one spot ;or Hision an$ 7issionA Research0(nalysesA Boals an$ .%9ecti8esA ($8ertisingA Internet 7ar&etingA PlanningA PRA #8ents.
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the place to p1%lish an$ manage all colleteral an$ mar&eting materials.
A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. /ampain >anager 7anage all c1rrent c1rrent campaignsA incl1$ing the %1$get an$ ,hich me$ia /. /lient /ase Studies P1%lish the most prominent case st1$ies ;rom o1r &ey acco1nts
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. All Pro@ects Annoncements Displays all anno1ncements ;rom all s1%=sites /. Pro@ects /alendars Displays an aggregate$ 8ie, o; all calen$ars +. 'e( ) *pdated +ocuments ( roll1p list o; ne, an$ 1p$ate$ $oc1ments p1%lishe$ on any s1%site.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. Welcome (llo,s to p1%lish any H574. /. Intranet *pgrade Announcements (llo,s to p1%lish an$ $isplay anno1ncements.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. Intranet *pgrade +ocument -ibrary (llo,s to p1%lish all &in$s o; $oc1ments an$ ;iles.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. :uic. -aunch Sho,s the )1ic& 4a1nch %ar as a 3e%Part /. >y 9pen 4as.s (llo,s to manage the tas&s o; a single pro9ect +. *nassigned 4as.s
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. Welcome (llo,s to p1%lish any H574. /. IS9 7""" Announcements (llo,s to p1%lish an$ $isplay anno1ncements.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. IS9 7""" 4as.s ( place ;or team or personal tas&s. Pro9ect tas&s lists pro8i$e a Bantt !hart 8ie, an$ can %e opene$ %y 7icroso;t Pro9ect or other compati%le programs.
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. IS9 7""" +ocument -ibrary (llo,s to p1%lish all &in$s o; $oc1ments an$ ;iles.
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A. Wi.i :se ,i&is ;or colla%orati8e &no,le$ge creation across geographically $isperse$ employeesA an$ ;or crossing $i8isional or ;1nctional %o1n$aries. ( 3i&i is an in;ormal help to share &no,le$geA i$eas an$ practices s1ch as pro9ect $oc1mentationA technical $oc1mentationA speci;icationsA instr1ctions ;or installing so;t,areA listing o; so;t,are 8ersions 1se$ in the companyA stan$ar$s an$ practicesA ho,=tosA %est practicesA g1i$elinesA etc.
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A. /ontent 1ditor (llo,s to p1%lish any H574. ,. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site
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A. 'a5igation ( na8igation tree sho,ing all pages o; the c1rrent site ,. :uic. -aunch Sho,s the )1ic& 4a1nch %ar as a 3e%Part /. Absence /alendar (llo,s to manage a celan$ar or a%sence 0 people o1t o; o;;ice
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A. I Would -i.e 4o... (Popular) Sho,s the list o; pop1lar Blo%al (cti8ities ,. I Would -i.e 4o... ('e() Sho,s the list o; recently 1p$ate$ Blo%al (cti8ities
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