Lab 1 Worksheet - Windows Server 2008 - Exam 70-646

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Microsoft and Linux Server Management

Lab 01
Exercise 1
Question 1: Which computer is hosting the Administrator account that you are specifying in this authentication? The Server01.

The Server NYC-SVR1 has changed for SERVER01.

Exercise 2:
Question 2: Which of the tasks that you have already performed in the course of this lab could you have completed by using Server Manager instead of the other consoles? Change System Properties (name of Server and domain). Question 3: Based on the information shown in the main Server Manager display, what roles are currently installed on the computer? Web Server IIS. Question 4: What features are currently installed on the computer? 1. Group Policy Management 2. Remote Server Administration Tools -> Active Directory Domain Services Tools.

Question 5: What was the result of the installation? Windows has installed the new Features: Group Policy Management and Active Directory Domain Services.

Exercise 3
Question 6: Why is necessary to install both the Deployment Server and Transport Server role services? To Transport Server works is necessary install Deployment Server, and both work together for the best results. Question 7: Why would an administrator want to select the Respond only to known client computers option on the PXE Server Initial Settings page? Choose this option if you want the server to respond only to known clients that have been prestaged.

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise 6:
Question 8: What will the WillWipeDisk setting do when added to an answer file and activated? It will delete all partitions on specified drive. Question 9: What CreatePartition settings did you configure, and what values did you assign to them? Was assigned 20GB of disk space for installation of Windows 2008 Server. Question 10: What results are shown in the Message pane? The setting has not been modified. It will not be saved to answer file. I need save it in the file.

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