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Introducing App Assure support for Autopatch

With Windows Autopatch, Microsoft handles planning and operation for your organization's Windows and Microsoft 365 updates to reduce the vulnerability gap and increase productivity, at no additional cost for Windows E3/E5 customers.

A customer service representative in an office
Get app compatibility assistance when deploying Windows 10 and Windows 11, including Arm64 devices, Microsoft 365 Apps, Microsoft Edge, Azure Virtual Desktop, and Windows 365.
Two colleagues sitting on a couch, troubleshooting on tablet devices

We stand behind our app compatibility promise

Microsoft is committed to help you ensure your apps work on the latest versions of our software. If you encounter any issues, we’ll help you resolve them at no additional cost.

We’ve got your back on app compatibility

Let us help remediate custom line-of-business apps, engage third-party software vendors to help with Windows 10/11 apps, and address issues with Microsoft 365 Apps macros and add-ins.

An IT worker helping a colleague troubleshoot on a desktop computer
A woman working on a laptop in an office

Tips to get started with app compatibility

Rest assured knowing that apps that worked on Windows 7 will be compatible with Windows 10/11 and Microsoft 365 Apps for x86 and x64 processors. Here are some helpful hints to get started with app compatibility.

Additional resources

Desktop Analytics

Deploy with confidence and keep your PCs up to date.

Readiness Toolkit

Use the Readiness Toolkit to assess app compatibility for Microsoft 365 Apps.

Windows Insider Program for Business

Preview the next Windows security, management, and productivity features.

Additional FastTrack resources

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Discover simple examples to get the most out of Microsoft 365.

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