All the M3AAWG Public Policy Comments are available fom the M3AAWG Public Policy page in this section.
These best practices and papers represent the cooperative efforts of M3AAWG members to provide the industry with recommendations and background information to improve messaging security and protect users. M3AAWG best practices are updated as needed and new documents are added as they become available.
M3AAWG DNS Abuse Prevention, Remediation, and Mitigation Practices for Registrars and Registries
This document is intended to provide concrete best practices for preventing or mitigating malicious or compromised domains at the registry or registrar level. A fundamental gap within the DNS community exists for how registries and registrars can best operationally effectuate anti-abuse mechanisms specific to malicious or compromised domains. M3AAWG hopes this document will help inform relevant DNS stakeholders and promote a safer and more secure DNS ecosystem.
M3AAWG Best Common Practices for Managing Port 25 for IP Networks
This document is an update to our previous "Managing Port 25 for Residential or Dynamic IP Space - Benefits of Adoption and Risks of Inaction" document published in 2005.
Spammers and other abusers often use viruses and spyware as vehicles to assume control over large numbers of computers. By managing the sending of email from devices on their network, providers can reduce the costs of running their business, increase customer satisfaction, and reduce the level of internet abuse associated with their service.
M3AAWG Present and Future of the Public Suffix List
This document describes the PSL, explains its current strengths and limitations, and outlines some possible future enhancements. Most importantly, though, the community must step up and help to make sure it continues to exist.
M3AAWG Ransomware Active Attack Response Best Common Practices
This document addresses the options available if you realize that you are a victim of a Ransomware attack. It explains how to consider risks and alternatives in resolving the recovery and supporting continuity for your business, and how to tackle those issues.
M3AAWG Help! I Hit a Spam Trap!
The Senders Committee has created this document in an effort to help Email Service Providers (ESPs) mitigate the consequences of hitting spam traps. The document provides details on what spam traps are, the impact they have on mailings, and includes suggestions on ways to use spam trap feedback to improve customers’ sending practices, thereby minimizing future spam trap hits. In this document, “customer” refers to the organization using the ESP to send emails.