How technology is protecting today’s learners
The topic of classroom cleanliness has been front of mind for a year now with discussions and explorations on a school’s place in spreading germs to students, teachers and their families. We’ve all heard about or experienced the impact that the cold and flu season can have on those with children and in turn, the school community. Another bug caught at nursery or in school playgrounds, a fact of life.
A recent study found that germs can live on the surfaces for up to 10 days and, if left, can result in the spread of disease. Whilst we are doing our part by wearing face masks and maintaining social distancing, there is no denying that lessons are brought to life and made much more engaging when there is an interactive element to them. For a lot of classrooms, their Interactive Flat Panels are at the heart of creating those dynamic learning experiences that let students get hands on and collaborate.
They can work with teachers on the board in real-time to annotate and edit documents, share and present their work or work with others to put group presentations together.
At BenQ, we are dedicated to designing displays that help to create and maintain a healthy learning environment. Our Healthcare+ features monitor the air quality of a room, protect eyes from the increased strain of screen time and, most relevant now, protect users from the germs so commonly found in high traffic areas.
Our RP series of interactive flat panels (IPFs) are treated with an antibacterial touch screen coating, protecting the multiple users who interact with the displays from picking up any unwanted bugs.
Powered by a non-toxic layer of silver agent, that prevents germs accumulating on screen surfaces and reduces cross-infection in classrooms. The heat bonded antibacterial coating remains effective even after thorough cleaning or long periods of use.
TUV Test Confirmation and SIAA certification offers teachers peace of mind that they don’t need to make a compromise between making lessons fun and engaging and worrying about the spread of bacteria from the display screen.
As we move beyond Covid-19 and begin to resume normality once again, it’s so important to hang on to some of the changes we’ve implemented due to the virus. Having all noted just how few times we’ve had a cold or a cough throughout 2020 is evidence alone that improved cleanliness in our public spaces is leading to fewer outbreaks.
The health of the students and teachers who use BenQ’s education technology is of the utmost importance to our team. We firmly believe that the innovations of our Healthcare+ technologies will provide a lasting impact on the wellbeing of everyone who interacts with them.