Thanks to Ian for sharing this link. Ian is a great example of a Social Entrepreneur in my book. Having had lived experience of homelessness he has been able to turn his life around and is now acting as a conduit or platform for those who may be faced with the predicament that he was once in through his Stand Up Speak out podcast - SUSO. Having been offered a helping hand ( not a hand out) he is doing the same to others. Ian was asking me the other day about the Changing Lives programme run by Crisis. I know Crisis have helped Ian in the past. One of the aims of Gresham Benevolent Fund (“ GBF”) which I am Treasurer and Trustee is to help those with lived experience of homelessness set up their own businesses. The link is below. GBF as one of the Supporters of the Changing Lives has offered assistance through the “ Next Step” phase of the programme. In other words (1) Crisis help people set up in business and then (2) Supporters of Changing Lives offer grant assistance or mentoring or a combination of both. Changing Lives is supported by the Bank of the Black Horses 🐎 🐎 🐎 … that’s right Lloyds. So if you want like Ian are a SoloMicro Business or Social Entrepreneur first step is to get in touch with Crisis and see whether they can help. Anthony and Nicola are two Social Entrepreneurs I have listened to on Stand Up Speak Out … hopefully they will also apply to the Changing Lives programme : a Property Developer Business and Media Business respectively. There are 5 million Micro Small Medium Entreprises (“ MSME”) businesses in the UK … if they could join Crisis Changing Lives programme with the financial backing of Lloyds who knows how many helping hands 🙌 could be extended. And you never know you might get a visit from a pack/ herd/ flock of Black Horses 🐎 racing down your street with Florence & the Machine singing her head off. Exciting n’est ce pas?
The Guest Show. This week we have Mike Hyden. This week How to End Homelessness Mike is one of founders of Homeless Best Practise. Look up their You Tube channel. Here is the Link Whenever I meet Mike I am impressed by his knowledge. Mike admitted this was click bate but he has so much knowledge and experiences to share. I must click bate one day but I thought my stunning good looks would be enough. As they say I have a perfect face for radio. There are so many points that came up but he lives in Bedford , he says that rough sleeping is down, while in London it has gone up by one third. Listen to this, I think we need a cloned army of Mike's across the country. If you wish to comment , join my mailing list or even be a guest ,email me at Please share this with one person Sign my petition to convert empty buildings to residential Please support the podcast . I want to do more
Tony I could say I support Gresham, all funding must abide by regulations, if I did as you suggest I would be no better than Lady Mone in Covid. As i said it will not stop me, but it just means this month I must cut a lot of things out.
Creator of Standupspeakoutuk
4moTony a few things, I never got any help from changing lives. I fund my podcast out of the bank of Ian and this month will be exceptionally hard. I do not think of myself as an entrepreneur. My podcast is a platform to make people aware of situations, I have already planned a new thread startinh in October. It might mean I start my diet earlier. If anyone reading has any idea how I can get funding contact me. Email me at