I've raised over $5M from Venture Capitalists, here is my 1 biggest hack. There are 2 types of VC's: Group 1: Those who get it. They are open minded, listen, ask thoughtful questions and genuinely try to understand the vision you see. Group 2: Those who don't get it. They are closed minded, don't listen, make bold (false) statements and try to convince you why they know you will fail. As soon as you realize someone is in Group 2, end the call or conversation immediately. They are losers. They are toxic. They suck. Run from them. Only focus on Group 1. They are winners, they are cool, they will succeed with you.
How are you quickly identifying whether a VC falls into Group 1 or 2?
Sales Director
5moTaylor, This all makes a ton of sense. I am curious about the use of the word "hack". Why is common sense considered a hack? Is it because it is a buzz word that makes people pay attention. Does everyone believe there are shortcuts to everything and "hack" insinuates a secret learning to speed things up? Does hard work the right way over long periods of time to build a business no longer attract eyeballs so people need to believe there is a secret way to speed it up and still get the same results? Interested in your perspective