Earlier today, Seda's CSO & Co-Founder Paul Dickinson chaired the Hot Topics Panel Discussion at Bionow Precision Medicine and Oncology conference, held at Alderley Park featuring field experts; Dr Anupama S. Catherine Bladen PhD, Dominic James PhD, FRSB, Helen Tomkinson & Caroline Phillips At Seda, we specialise in tailoring drug design and delivery to address the unique challenges of individual molecules and clinical programs - a philosophy that aligns seamlessly with the goals of precision medicine. With oncology often demanding advanced modelling, formulation and clinical strategies, Seda's proven expertise continues to drive impactful solutions for complex drug development scenarios. Looking forward to more insightful discussion during tomorrow's sessions. #precisionmedicine #oncology #drugdevelopment #innovation
Thanks for sharing. It was lovely to spend time with talented, driven folks and contribute to the discussions driving positive change. Thank you, Bionow for the invite.
A great session to end day one, thank you!