The new UNEP Emissions Gap Report 2024 shows rather starkly how *completely* off track we are to keeping temperatures below 2°C. (See But the report does say this: “This report shows that it remains at least *technically* possible to get on a 1.5°C pathway.” Using the #EnRoads climate simulator we can show that yes, this is still indeed “technically” possible. Take a look👇🏻 What is the problem then? They state: “There are no signs of accelerated implementation, and countries are not even on track to deliver on their current NDCs.” THAT is the problem, not that we don’t know how to do it! #CliamteLiteracy #Leadership
Today is #InternationalDayofClimateAction!🌍 The time to act is now to keep global temperatures as low as possible. Every effort counts, and together we can make a difference. ✨ Ready to take action? Discover one of many pathways to a future below 2°C using the En-ROADS Climate Solutions Simulator, developed with MIT Sloan School of Management. Then challenge yourself to reach 1.5°C or less! This interactive tool lets you test hundreds of actions and see their results in seconds. Continue building your scenario here👉 Share your results in the comments or with your network. Let's inspire #ClimateAction today! ⬇️
Non Executive Director | Chair | Trustee. Advocate for meaningful change to tackle the climate and nature crises. Sustainability expert, erstwhile lawyer. Views my own.
1moIt seems to me it is now impossible to stay below 1.5 degrees and possibly 2 degrees as well - all metrics are going the wrong way and I don’t know of one political leader who is even thinking about the changes that are really needed