Last year, the City of Ottawa received over $6.6M from OLG for hosting the Rideau Carleton Casino, Future Hard Rock Ottawa. These funds benefited their community by supporting various improvements to over 170 City facilities, including recreation centers, long-term care homes, emergency service buildings, and libraries. For instance, the Walter Baker Sports Centre received crucial funding to upgrade the filtration system for its three larger swimming pools. At OLG, we are very proud to be helping the people of Ottawa #BringHomeTheWin! // L’an dernier, la ville d’Ottawa a reçu plus de 6,6 millions de dollars de la part d’OLG pour l’accueil du Rideau Carleton Casino Future Hard Rock Ottawa. Ces fonds ont été réinvestis dans la collectivité afin de soutenir diverses améliorations apportées à plus de 170 installations municipales, dont des centres récréatifs, des résidences de soins de longue durée, des bâtiments des services d’urgence et des bibliothèques. Par exemple, le centre sportif Walter Baker a reçu une subvention importante pour améliorer le système de filtration d’eau de ses trois plus grosses piscines. À OLG, nous sommes très fiers de pouvoir offrir à la population d’Ottawa le plaisir de gagner chez elle! #OLG #Partenariat #DonnerEnRetour #LePlaisirDeGagnerChezVous Photo credit | Mention de source : City of Ottawa / Ville d’Ottawa
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As a non-profit leader and a self-proclaimed bleeding heart, I often reflect on the role advocacy should play in my work. The opinions I share have a ripple effect on the organization I represent, l’Équipe Entreprise, and the broader community we serve—adults living with mental illness in our social integration program, individuals facing food insecurity who rely on our frozen meals, and our valued partners. Today, however, I feel compelled to express my deep concern because it is my role to think about our program participants and community at large. Why? Chic Resto Pop, a vital organization in Montréal dedicated to addressing food insecurity that has served the community for 40+ years, had their funding rescinded by the government of Québec despite being allocated funding by the Government of Canada for a critical $700,000 project aimed at feeding non-autonomous adults in the community. This is due to a lesser-known law requiring provincial permission to accept federal funds representing a certain percentage of an organization`s income. I am not a lawyer, a politician, or a representative of this organization, and I will not pretend to understand what has gone on here on a firsthand basis. I am, however, one of many non-profit workers who sees the impacts of haphazard decision-making on those who are made most vulnerable. The non-profits I am surrounded by are being called to come up with creative solutions to systemic problems, with increasing limitations around public funding, that make supporting the community an increasingly unsustainable venture. It`s worth saying again. Non-profits are called to come up with creative solutions to social and systemic problems with increasingly limited public funding and it is unsustainable. It is critical to understand the unsustainability of this approach. When decisions like these are made without regard for the hundreds of individuals and families affected, individuals and families go hungry. I would venture to say that most food security organizations would not be able to continue operating in 2024 without the generosity of private foundations and funders, and yet, various governmental bodies continue to make decisions that negatively impact organizations and individuals that are on the frontline and working to creatively meet real-time needs, like making sure that folks don`t go to bed with an empty belly. Ultimately, I urge you to consider organizations like Chic Resto Pop and your local food security organizations who are often in the news, shouting from the rooftops, for support. At the end of the day, we all just want to fill empty bellies. And we are exhausted.
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La collecte de fonds privés pour la restauration du patrimoine nécessite des tiers de confiance fiables pour éviter des problématiques ultérieures. Chers propriétaires publique et privés, contactez des fondations ou associations reconnues pour leur capacité à vous donner les informations les plus récentes et adaptées. Chers amoureux du patrimoine et mécènes, vérifiez bien pour où transitent vos fonds. Fondation du patrimoine La Demeure Historique Fondation La Sauvegarde de l'Art Français #patrimoine #fundraising Association Française des Fundraisers
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Être Lions et parler de gros sous? Ce n'est pas notre objectif prioritaire, puis qu'avant tout NOUS SERVONS en donnant de notre temps pour des actions concrètes locale, nationales et internationales, en facilitant les mises en relations de bonnes volontés et en participant activement à des actions tierces qui vont dans notre sens. Mais il est vrai que certaines actions ne se font pas non plus sans moyens. A ce titre, le Lions s'est aussi doté par l'intermédiaire de la LCIF (Lions Clubs International Foundation, d'un outil interne qui permet un traitement optimal des fonds récoltés (sans les "pertes en ligne" parfois considérables résultant du simple traitement administratif) et une redistribution international là où l'aide est la plus nécessaire (accès à l'eau potable, aide aux sinistrés etc.). Alors, oui, il nous arrive de parler d'argent. Pour construire un avenir meilleur pour tous.
La LCIF (Lions Clubs International Fondation) est l'essence même de notre mouvement, la base de toutes nos actions d'entraide. A l'occasion de la Convention Nationale des Lions de France 2024 à Orléans et à la venue exceptionnelle de Brian Sheehan, président de la LCIF, le défi est lancé de récolter un maximum de dons pour lui remettre un chèque le 25 mai 2024. Alors, participez, faites un don, même petit. Chaque euro récolté sauvera des vies. Merci
Une cagnotte pour la LCIF
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The escalating conflict in the Middle East has resulted in immense suffering for civilians. It is imperative to support organizations delivering essential humanitarian aid to those affected. In Switzerland, Swiss Solidarity is collaborating with NGOs such as Terre des hommes, Medair, Caritas, and Save the Children to provide vital assistance on the ground. Every donation, no matter the size, can make a real difference. Let's show our solidarity and support for those impacted by this crisis. #Solidarity #Humanity #swisssolidarity #chainedubonheur
Faire un don - Chaîne du Bonheur
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Lettre 68 d'Accointance De la nécessité actuelle de revisiter les fondamentaux du projet associatif pour s'assurer de son adaptation au contexte économique compliqué. #mécénat #fundraising #RSE #fondations #ESS #associations #philanthropie
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On May 5th, a group of eight Buro Happold employees (including myself 🤩) will be traveling to the Karongi district in Rwanda for two weeks to build a 62m suspension bridge across the Mashyiga River working closely together with the local community and Bridges to Prosperity. We are fundraising money for this important project and are seeking all the help we can find. We just started a “Sponsor Kilometers” campaign where every team member has dedicated to reach as many kilometres as possible in April – whether it be running, cycling, or walking. If you want to support us on our journey to build a valuable piece of infrastructure serving approximately 9,000 people, please visit our kilometres campaign here: where you can sponsor any one of the team members, or visit our main fundraising page here: Here, you can also find more information on the project. During the rainy season, life can be hard for the Mubuga-Nyarunyinya community who rely on crossing the river to reach an array of critical resources like the school, health center and markets. Most people turn back during the rainy season and don't even attempt, or let their children attempt to cross. As a result, children don’t attend school and people don’t have access to healthcare. The Cyamatare Suspended Bridge will provide safe, year-round access for the surrounding communities, serving access to critical resources to around 9,000 people. Bridges to Prosperity seeks to create transformational change and resilience in communities by providing last mile connectivity to combat rural isolation. Trail bridges can increase school attendance among girls by 200%, increase farm profits in the communities by 75%, and increase vaccination rates by 45%. More information on the stats referenced here: Please feel free to reach out to me or any member of the team, if you want to learn more about this project. Thanks in advance for your time and your support! 😊
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[Rapport d'activité 2023] Découvrez en un coup d'oeil le détail des projets soutenus par la Fondation Caritas France 👇 83 projets financés par la Fondation Caritas France pour plus de 4 millions d'euros, dont 🇨🇵 62 projets en France 🌍 21 projets à l'international Vous retrouverez ici les rapports d'activités complets (infos clés, carnet fondations, carnet projets) : Jean-Marie Destrée Valentine Baroux
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A great social value collaboration story! Developer Urban&Civic partnered with local charity OurJay Foundation and Turtle Defib Cabinets to install a wind and solar-powered defib cabinet on this site in Rugby – the first to be installed on a residential development site in the UK. Defib cabinets need to be kept above 0 degrees celsius - ideally above 10 degrees - so need a constant power supply. As well as being sustainable, these new units are a great way to enable defib access in tricky locations. This is a great example of a developer having an existing relationship with a charity, who then proposed a solution to a community/workplace need. “Developers and contractors can deliver far greater reaching benefits when they partner with local charities, and bespoke needs – like a lack of community accessible defib cabinets – can be uncovered and addressed.” #SocialValue #Construction #HealthAndSafety #CharityPartnership #Community #Collaboration
First wind and solar-powered defib installed on UK housing site through developer/charity partnership
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Even as the current housing situation is addressed, #housingaffordability will remain part of Canada's structural core housing need. The #nonprofit #housingmarket is an important part of the solution.
Le logement au Canada : une pièce importante d’un casse-tête complexe
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[Adhésion/Don] 🧐 Petit rappel : en adhérant ou en faisant un don au Conservatoire d'espaces naturels d'Île-de-France, vous participez concrètement à la protection effective des espaces naturels franciliens. 🔎 75 % du montant sert directement à l'acquisition de terrains 🔎 66 % du montant est déductible de vos impôts, votre adhésion par exemple, ne vous coûte réellement que 3.30 € ! Pour faire un don, c'est ici : Pour adhérer, c'est ici :
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Stakeholder Engagement - Municipal Relations
2wLove this OLG, Kathleen D.. You’ve given us so much inspiration over here in BC. 🙌🏽