Oduro Benjamin’s Post

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B.A. in Political Science Education with a minor in Geography at the University of Education, Winneba. |Peace Advocate —Leading Member in A 90-Day Online Peace Campaign: Starting Sept 1 - Nov 29, 2024.

#DAY_15 OF CAMPAIGNING FOR ELECTORAL PEACE IN GHANA✌️🇬🇭 THEME: Why #Must We Call for Peace in the Forthcoming Elections? The #prevalence of peace in Ghana is neither #automatic nor did it occur in happenstance. The #urgent call for peace comes with the #price of #intentionality. When we lose consciousness of the #process, we #end up producing a #wrong #product. The intentional call for peace is to, among other things, facilitate and promote a #sustainable, indestructible #social and #economic #order, as well as to #not compromise on the #state of calmness in the #nation. #Why, in your view, must we strive for peace in the forthcoming elections? Let's #engage in the #comments section... #LetsCallForPeace #WeMustStriveForPeace #PeaceFacilitateSocioEconomicGrowth #LetsBeIntentionalAboutPeace

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