As a health equity practitioner in the dementia space, one of my favorite parts of my job is meeting with, and working with different communities to talk about health equity or their dementia needs and concerns. I get the sincere pleasure of meeting some of the kindest, hardest working, unsung heroes supporting their loved ones with dementia, building resilience, and supporting their community. It can never be said enough that without community partnership, we will never be as effective as we could be in reducing dementia risk and supporting people affected by dementia. Partnerships and relationship building are the backbone of the work that I do, and I am more than humbled and honored each time I am asked to speak, support research, or attend a community event. This past year, I have had the distinct honor of attending several community events or doing media that reached different community audiences (even if they took down the video @BTCITYTV - Though I still have the pictures:). In the dementia space in Canada, so many communities are underrepresented and underserviced, exacerbating the dementia journey for people living with dementia and their care partners, especially while living intersectional lives. Working with and for the community to bring awareness, destigmatize dementia, and collaboratively design and build resources, programs, and supports that are truly community-centered and culturally safe is the only way to really do this work. In 2025, ASO and I will continue to build strong community relationships and partnerships and support community-based research to better understand the dementia-related needs of underrepresented and underserved communities and work together to meet them. Looking forward to connecting in 2025! Alzheimer Society of Ontario; Council of Agencies Serving South Asians; Anishinabek Nation; Black Health Alliance; Ase Community Foundation for Black Canadians with Disabilities; Mitzie Hunter; Zoomer Media; Toronto Star; CTV News; Jamaican Canadian Association; Roots Community; #Dementia, #HealthEquity, #DEIinDementia, #Caregivers, #Community, #dementiaresearch, #culturaldiversityindementia, #CommunityBasedResearch, #Intersectionality, #Diversityindementia, #Alzheimers, #CommunityPartnersships, #DiverseCaregivers #dementiainOntario, #dementiaawareness,
You have been a great resource for the Alzheimer Society of Toronto and me personally. Thank you for all you do for us!
Ngozi, you are a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, and passion. Thank you for all that you do to advance health equity and access in the dementia space. Those experiencing dementia are better served because of your tireless efforts.
Thank you for all you do Ngozi!
Definitely Love having you around Ngozi Iroanyah - See you in 2025!