How important is it in the workplace to understand how different generations work together effectively? Thank you SHEconomy - Die Wirtschaftsplattform für Frauen. 365 Tage im Jahr. for a very engaging event last Tuesday. The Mastercalsses were all very interesting and also the attached study on what each generation finds important in the workplace! Please have a look at the attached study and ask yourselves, how is it in your company? How much is diversity and inclusion being addressed at a generation level? Like all challenges in ensuring a great place to work and a successful place of work, it always comes down to open, transparent, respectful communication based on TRUST! Asking & listening to what your people need to feel good at work and maybe less dependency on the written communication and more on the personal face to face communication. Looking forward to hearing others thoughts on this. #Trust #Togetherness #Respect #OpenActiveCommunication