Day 12, 13 of the #CrackYourInternship and #CrackYourPlacement Challenge by Arsh Goyal Day 12: 📍 Solved 4 DSA problems: - Smallest window in a string containing all the characters of another string - Word Wrap - Text Justification - Boyer Moore Algorithm for Pattern Searching Day 13: 📍 Solved 4 DSA problems: - Distinct Subsequences - Maximum size rectangle binary sub-matrix with all 1s - Find the number of islands using DFS - Given a matrix of ‘O’ and ‘X’, replace ‘O’ with ‘X’ if surrounded by ‘X’ You can view my progress on GitHub: (
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Day 15, 16 of the #CrackYourInternship and #CrackYourPlacement Challenge by Arsh Goyal Day 15: 📍 Solved 4 DSA problems: - Product array puzzle - Word Wrap - Permute two arrays such that the sum of every pair is greater or equal to K - Product array puzzle Day 16: 📍 Solved 3 DSA problems: - Ceiling in a sorted array - Permutations in array - Check if reversing a sub array make the array sorted You can view my progress on GitHub: (
GitHub - BKarthikChandra/CrackYourInternship
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Day 10 , 11 of the #CrackYourInternship and #CrackYourPlacement Challenge by Arsh Goyal Day 10: 📍 Solved 4 DSA problems: - Max Value of Equation - Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed - Largest Rectangle in Histogram - Print Anagrams Together Day 11: 📍 Solved 4 DSA problems: - Basic Calculator II - Valid Number - Integer to English Words - Minimum Window Substring You can view my progress on GitHub: (
GitHub - BKarthikChandra/CrackYourInternship
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#connections #Day 3 DSA Sheet by Arsh I have to consistently solve 4 to 5 problems in a day to fulfil the challenge's criteria. This opportunity will help me to increase my practice in DSA. The level of questions is excellent. Why join? Joining the DSA Sheet by Arsh Goyal Bhaiya is a significant step towards enhancing our problem-solving skills and deepening our understanding of data structures and algorithms. This structured approach provides a comprehensive set of high-quality questions that challenge us to think critically and apply various techniques effectively. By committing to solving 4 to 5 problems daily, I aim to cultivate a consistent practice routine, which is crucial for mastering DSA concepts. Engaging with this challenge not only helps me track my progress but also fosters a strong foundation for future coding interviews and competitive programming. Participating in this challenge is an excellent opportunity to improve my skills in a focused and disciplined manner. Today I solved 4 problems 1. 122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II===> Leetcode 2. 974. Subarray Sums Divisible by K=====> Leetcode 3. 26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array===> Leetcode 4. 11. Container With Most Water===> Leetcode (Took help from Youtube) My GitHub repo- #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement
GitHub - arnab-028/CrackYourPlacement
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#connections #Day 4 DSA Sheet by Arsh I have to consistently solve 4 to 5 problems daily to fulfil the challenge's criteria. This opportunity will help me to increase my practice in DSA. The level of questions is excellent. Why join? Joining the DSA Sheet by Arsh Goyal Bhaiya is a significant step towards enhancing our problem-solving skills and deepening our understanding of data structures and algorithms. This structured approach provides a comprehensive set of high-quality questions that challenge us to think critically and apply various techniques effectively By committing to solving 4 to 5 problems daily, I aim to cultivate a consistent practice routine, which is crucial for mastering DSA concepts. Engaging with this challenge helps me track my progress and fosters a strong foundation for future coding interviews and competitive programming. Participating in this challenge is an excellent opportunity to improve my skills in a focused and disciplined manner. Today I solved 4 problems 1. 54. Spiral Matrix===> Leetcode (Took help from Youtube) 2. 560. Subarray Sum Equals K =====> Leetcode 3. 1423. Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards===> Leetcode 4. 18. 4Sum===> Leetcode (Took help from Youtube) 5. 15. 3Sum ===> Leetcode (Took help from Youtube) My GitHub repo- #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement
GitHub - arnab-028/CrackYourPlacement
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Day 9 of the #CrackYourInternship and #CrackYourPlacement Challenge by Arsh Goyal 📍 Today, I successfully solved four DSA problems: - Simplify Path - Reverse Words in a String - Generate Parentheses - Rabin-Karp Algorithm for Pattern Searching You can view my progress on GitHub: (
GitHub - BKarthikChandra/CrackYourInternship
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#connections #Day 1 I have started the DSA Sheet by Arsh from today. I have to maintain a consistency of solving 4 to 5 problems in a day to fulfil the criteria of the challenge. This opportunity will help me to increase my practice in DSA. The level of questions is really good. Why join? Joining the DSA Sheet by Arsh Goyal Bhaiya is a significant step towards enhancing our problem-solving skills and deepening our understanding of data structures and algorithms. This structured approach provides a comprehensive set of high-quality questions that challenge us to think critically and apply various techniques effectively. By committing to solving 4 to 5 problems daily, I aim to cultivate a consistent practice routine, which is crucial for mastering DSA concepts. Engaging with this challenge not only helps me track my progress but also fosters a strong foundation for future coding interviews and competitive programming. Overall, participating in this challenge is an excellent opportunity to improve my skills in a focused and disciplined manner. Today I solved 4 problems 1. 73. Set Matrix Zeroes===> Leetcode 2. 283. Move Zeroes =====> Leetcode 3. 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock===> Leetcode 4. Chocolate Distribution Problem ===> GFG My GitHub repo- #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement
GitHub - arnab-028/CrackYourPlacement
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#connections #Day 5 DSA Sheet by Arsh I have to consistently solve 4 to 5 problems daily to fulfil the challenge's criteria. This opportunity will help me to increase my practice in DSA. The level of questions is excellent. Why join? Joining the DSA Sheet by Arsh Goyal Bhaiya is a significant step towards enhancing our problem-solving skills and deepening our understanding of data structures and algorithms. This structured approach provides a comprehensive set of high-quality questions that challenge us to think critically and apply various techniques effectively By committing to solving 4 to 5 problems daily, I aim to cultivate a consistent practice routine, which is crucial for mastering DSA concepts. Engaging with this challenge helps me track my progress and fosters a strong foundation for future coding interviews and competitive programming. Participating in this challenge is an excellent opportunity to improve my skills in a focused and disciplined manner. Today I solved 4 problems 1. 79. Word Search===> Leetcode 2. 55. Jump Game=====> Leetcode 3. 88. Merge Sorted Array===> Leetcode 4. 169. Majority Element===> Leetcode My GitHub repo- #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement
GitHub - arnab-028/CrackYourPlacement
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#connections #Day 2 DSA Sheet by Arsh I have to consistently solve 4 to 5 problems in a day to fulfil the challenge's criteria. This opportunity will help me to increase my practice in DSA. The level of questions is excellent. Why join? Joining the DSA Sheet by Arsh Goyal Bhaiya is a significant step towards enhancing our problem-solving skills and deepening our understanding of data structures and algorithms. This structured approach provides a comprehensive set of high-quality questions that challenge us to think critically and apply various techniques effectively. By committing to solving 4 to 5 problems daily, I aim to cultivate a consistent practice routine, which is crucial for mastering DSA concepts. Engaging with this challenge not only helps me track my progress but also fosters a strong foundation for future coding interviews and competitive programming. Participating in this challenge is an excellent opportunity to improve my skills in a focused and disciplined manner. Today I solved 4 problems 1. 287. Find the Duplicate Number===> Leetcode 2. 75. Sort Colors=====> Leetcode 3. 26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array===> Leetcode 4. 1. Two Sum===> Leetcode My GitHub repo- #CrackYourInternship hashtag #CrackYourPlacement
GitHub - arnab-028/CrackYourPlacement
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#CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement 45 days challenge by Arsh Goyal ✈ Day 2 1. Climbing Stairs: In this problem we are given n steps and we have to climb either 1 or 2 steps to reach the top. First i identified this problem in the form of index so i started from the top and written the recursive solution. After i used dp array and applied single for loop. 2. Maximum Product Subarray: This problem is for finding the maximum product of the subarray in a given array. First i solved this problem using simple brute force approach by generating all the subarray and taking the maximum. In the 2nd approach i solved using single single for loop by taking two variable prefix and suffix initialized with 1 and inside the for loop i took the product from the first index as well from the last and updating my answer by taking the maximum of prefix and suffix. 3. Ones and Zeroes: This problem is similar like knapsack problem. In the knapsack problem generally we are given maximum Weight to tolerate and a array is given which represents the value for the corresponding weight. first i solved this problem using recursion after that i used 3-D dp array to memoize it. 4. Counting Bits: In this we are given an intezer n and we have to find the number of 1's for every number from 0 to n after its binary representation. I run a loop from 0 and n and counted the number of 1's by taking & with 1. and did the right shift every time until that number becomes 0. Github repo:
GitHub - MANISHKUMAR036/-CrackYourPlacement
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Day 18/45 of #CrackYourPlacement #CrackYourInternship Challenge ✅ Solved 12 problems ! Explored Linked list today! 1. Middle of the Linked List 2. Linked List Cycle 3. Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer 4. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List 5. Sort a linked list of 0s, 1s and 2s 6. Remove Linked List Elements 7. Merge Two Sorted Lists 8. Intersection of Two Linked Lists 9. Delete nodes having greater value on right 10. Palindrome Linked List 11. Reverse Linked List 12. Median of Two Sorted Arrays GitHub: See you all tomorrow with a new update!
GitHub - pallavi240303/CrackYourPlacement
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