#connections #Day 4 DSA Sheet by Arsh I have to consistently solve 4 to 5 problems daily to fulfil the challenge's criteria. This opportunity will help me to increase my practice in DSA. The level of questions is excellent. Why join? Joining the DSA Sheet by Arsh Goyal Bhaiya is a significant step towards enhancing our problem-solving skills and deepening our understanding of data structures and algorithms. This structured approach provides a comprehensive set of high-quality questions that challenge us to think critically and apply various techniques effectively By committing to solving 4 to 5 problems daily, I aim to cultivate a consistent practice routine, which is crucial for mastering DSA concepts. Engaging with this challenge helps me track my progress and fosters a strong foundation for future coding interviews and competitive programming. Participating in this challenge is an excellent opportunity to improve my skills in a focused and disciplined manner. Today I solved 4 problems 1. 54. Spiral Matrix===> Leetcode (Took help from Youtube) 2. 560. Subarray Sum Equals K =====> Leetcode 3. 1423. Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards===> Leetcode 4. 18. 4Sum===> Leetcode (Took help from Youtube) 5. 15. 3Sum ===> Leetcode (Took help from Youtube) My GitHub repo- https://lnkd.in/gfEahC9S #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement
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#connections #Day 3 DSA Sheet by Arsh I have to consistently solve 4 to 5 problems in a day to fulfil the challenge's criteria. This opportunity will help me to increase my practice in DSA. The level of questions is excellent. Why join? Joining the DSA Sheet by Arsh Goyal Bhaiya is a significant step towards enhancing our problem-solving skills and deepening our understanding of data structures and algorithms. This structured approach provides a comprehensive set of high-quality questions that challenge us to think critically and apply various techniques effectively. By committing to solving 4 to 5 problems daily, I aim to cultivate a consistent practice routine, which is crucial for mastering DSA concepts. Engaging with this challenge not only helps me track my progress but also fosters a strong foundation for future coding interviews and competitive programming. Participating in this challenge is an excellent opportunity to improve my skills in a focused and disciplined manner. Today I solved 4 problems 1. 122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II===> Leetcode 2. 974. Subarray Sums Divisible by K=====> Leetcode 3. 26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array===> Leetcode 4. 11. Container With Most Water===> Leetcode (Took help from Youtube) My GitHub repo- https://lnkd.in/gfEahC9S #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement
GitHub - arnab-028/CrackYourPlacement
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#connections #Day 5 DSA Sheet by Arsh I have to consistently solve 4 to 5 problems daily to fulfil the challenge's criteria. This opportunity will help me to increase my practice in DSA. The level of questions is excellent. Why join? Joining the DSA Sheet by Arsh Goyal Bhaiya is a significant step towards enhancing our problem-solving skills and deepening our understanding of data structures and algorithms. This structured approach provides a comprehensive set of high-quality questions that challenge us to think critically and apply various techniques effectively By committing to solving 4 to 5 problems daily, I aim to cultivate a consistent practice routine, which is crucial for mastering DSA concepts. Engaging with this challenge helps me track my progress and fosters a strong foundation for future coding interviews and competitive programming. Participating in this challenge is an excellent opportunity to improve my skills in a focused and disciplined manner. Today I solved 4 problems 1. 79. Word Search===> Leetcode 2. 55. Jump Game=====> Leetcode 3. 88. Merge Sorted Array===> Leetcode 4. 169. Majority Element===> Leetcode My GitHub repo- https://lnkd.in/gfEahC9S #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement
GitHub - arnab-028/CrackYourPlacement
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#connections #Day 2 DSA Sheet by Arsh I have to consistently solve 4 to 5 problems in a day to fulfil the challenge's criteria. This opportunity will help me to increase my practice in DSA. The level of questions is excellent. Why join? Joining the DSA Sheet by Arsh Goyal Bhaiya is a significant step towards enhancing our problem-solving skills and deepening our understanding of data structures and algorithms. This structured approach provides a comprehensive set of high-quality questions that challenge us to think critically and apply various techniques effectively. By committing to solving 4 to 5 problems daily, I aim to cultivate a consistent practice routine, which is crucial for mastering DSA concepts. Engaging with this challenge not only helps me track my progress but also fosters a strong foundation for future coding interviews and competitive programming. Participating in this challenge is an excellent opportunity to improve my skills in a focused and disciplined manner. Today I solved 4 problems 1. 287. Find the Duplicate Number===> Leetcode 2. 75. Sort Colors=====> Leetcode 3. 26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array===> Leetcode 4. 1. Two Sum===> Leetcode My GitHub repo- https://lnkd.in/gfEahC9S #CrackYourInternship hashtag #CrackYourPlacement
GitHub - arnab-028/CrackYourPlacement
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#connections #Day 1 I have started the DSA Sheet by Arsh from today. I have to maintain a consistency of solving 4 to 5 problems in a day to fulfil the criteria of the challenge. This opportunity will help me to increase my practice in DSA. The level of questions is really good. Why join? Joining the DSA Sheet by Arsh Goyal Bhaiya is a significant step towards enhancing our problem-solving skills and deepening our understanding of data structures and algorithms. This structured approach provides a comprehensive set of high-quality questions that challenge us to think critically and apply various techniques effectively. By committing to solving 4 to 5 problems daily, I aim to cultivate a consistent practice routine, which is crucial for mastering DSA concepts. Engaging with this challenge not only helps me track my progress but also fosters a strong foundation for future coding interviews and competitive programming. Overall, participating in this challenge is an excellent opportunity to improve my skills in a focused and disciplined manner. Today I solved 4 problems 1. 73. Set Matrix Zeroes===> Leetcode 2. 283. Move Zeroes =====> Leetcode 3. 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock===> Leetcode 4. Chocolate Distribution Problem ===> GFG My GitHub repo- https://lnkd.in/gfEahC9S #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement
GitHub - arnab-028/CrackYourPlacement
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Passionate Web and Java Developer || Training and Placement Representative CDC-KNIT || MCA KNIT'25 || DU'23 || BS CS SGTBKC'23
🚀 Day 4 of My 45-Day DSA Challenge 🚀 I'm delighted to share that I've completed the fourth day of my challenge, tackling the following three problems on LeetCode from the curated DSA sheet by Arsh Goyal: 1. Add Binary (Problem 67) Concepts: strings, loops Solution: performed binary addition by iterating through the strings from right to left, adding corresponding digits and managing the carry. The result is built as a string in reverse order. 2. Middle of the Linked List (Problem 876) Concepts: linked list , two-pointers Solution: The solution uses two pointers, slow and fast, where slow advances one step at a time and fast advances two steps at a time. When fast reaches the end of the list, slow will be at the middle node, which is then returned. 3. Linked List Cycle (Problem 141) Concepts: linked list, two pointers Solution: solution detects a cycle in a linked list using the "two-pointer" technique, where slow moves one step at a time and fast moves two steps at a time. If there is a cycle, fast and slow will eventually meet; if there is no cycle, fast will reach the end of the list. Looking forward to continuing this journey and sharing more updates! 💪 GitHub repo : https://lnkd.in/gh3WVkVS #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement #ArshDSASheet
GitHub - SHRbharat/CrackYourPlacement: Arsh Goyal - DSA sheet || 45 days challenge
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Passionate Web and Java Developer || Training and Placement Representative CDC-KNIT || MCA KNIT'25 || DU'23 || BS CS SGTBKC'23
🚀 Day 1 of My 45-Day DSA Challenge 🚀 I'm excited to share that I've completed the first day of my challenge, solving the following three problems on LeetCode , from the curated dsa-sheet of Arsh Goyal: 1. Two Sum (Problem 01) - Concepts : Arrays, Hash Maps - Solution : Utilized a hash map to find two numbers that add up to the target value in a single pass. 2. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array (Problem 26) - Concepts : Arrays, Double Pointers - Solution : Employed a double pointer technique to remove duplicates in place. 3. Find the Duplicate Number (Problem 287) - Concepts : Arrays, Sorting, Cycle Detection , Two Pointers - Solution : => Approach 1 : Sorted the array and found the duplicate by comparing adjacent elements. =>Approach 2 (Improved): Used Floyd's Tortoise and Hare Algorithm to detect cycles efficiently. Looking forward to continuing this journey and sharing more updates! 💪 GitHub repo : https://lnkd.in/gh3WVkVS #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement #ArshDSASheet
GitHub - SHRbharat/CrackYourPlacement: Arsh Goyal - DSA sheet || 45 days challenge
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Day 12, 13 of the #CrackYourInternship and #CrackYourPlacement Challenge by Arsh Goyal Day 12: 📍 Solved 4 DSA problems: - Smallest window in a string containing all the characters of another string - Word Wrap - Text Justification - Boyer Moore Algorithm for Pattern Searching Day 13: 📍 Solved 4 DSA problems: - Distinct Subsequences - Maximum size rectangle binary sub-matrix with all 1s - Find the number of islands using DFS - Given a matrix of ‘O’ and ‘X’, replace ‘O’ with ‘X’ if surrounded by ‘X’ You can view my progress on GitHub: (https://lnkd.in/gqKRkWVD)
GitHub - BKarthikChandra/CrackYourInternship
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Passionate Web and Java Developer || Training and Placement Representative CDC-KNIT || MCA KNIT'25 || DU'23 || BS CS SGTBKC'23
🚀 Day 6-7 of My 45-Day DSA Challenge 🚀 Here's the summary of the problems solved in these two days from Arsh Goyal's DSA sheet. 1. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (Problem 121) Concepts: arrays, dynamic programming Solution: The approach iterates through the list of prices, keeping track of the minimum price encountered so far and calculating the potential profit at each step. If this potential profit exceeds the previously recorded maximum profit, it updates the maximum profit accordingly, and ultimately returns this value. 2. Chocolate Distribution Problem (gfg) Concepts: arrays , loops , sorting Solution: To solve this problem, we can use a greedy approach. The idea is to sort the array of chocolates, and then find the subarray of size M with the smallest difference between the maximum and minimum values. 3. Excel Sheet Column Title (Problem 168) Concepts: mathematical , loops , modulus Solution: repeatedly map the remainder when divided by 26 to a character ('A'-'Z'), append it to the result string, and update columnNumber by dividing it by 26 until it becomes 0. Finally, reverse the result string to get the correct column title. 4. Maximum Product of Three Numbers (Problem 628) Concept: sorting , loops , mathematical Solution: => Approach 1 : The approach sorts the array and considers two potential maximum products: the product of the three largest numbers or the product of the two smallest (possibly negative) numbers and the largest number. The final result is the maximum of these potential products. => Approach 2 : This approach iterates through the array once to find the two smallest and three largest numbers. It then calculates and returns the maximum product between the product of the three largest numbers and the product of the largest number with the two smallest (potentially negative) numbers. Looking forward to continuing this journey and sharing more updates! 💪 GitHub repo : https://lnkd.in/gh3WVkVS #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement #ArshDSASheet
GitHub - SHRbharat/CrackYourPlacement: Arsh Goyal - DSA sheet || 45 days challenge
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Passionate Web and Java Developer || Training and Placement Representative CDC-KNIT || MCA KNIT'25 || DU'23 || BS CS SGTBKC'23
🚀 Day 3 of My 45-Day DSA Challenge 🚀 I'm delighted to share that I've completed the third day of my challenge, tackling the following two problems on LeetCode from the curated DSA sheet by Arsh Goyal: 1. Valid Parentheses (Problem 20) Concepts: Strings , stack Solution: used a stack to keep check of brackets by continuosly pushing and popping elements. 2. Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String (Problem 28) Concepts: Strings , sub-string , loops Solution: Approach 1: used substring method to match the strings withing a loop. Approach 2: implemented comparison logic improving the space-complexity from O(n) to O(1). Looking forward to continuing this journey and sharing more updates! 💪 GitHub repo : https://lnkd.in/gh3WVkVS #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement #ArshDSASheet
GitHub - SHRbharat/CrackYourPlacement: Arsh Goyal - DSA sheet || 45 days challenge
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Passionate Web and Java Developer || Training and Placement Representative CDC-KNIT || MCA KNIT'25 || DU'23 || BS CS SGTBKC'23
🚀 Day 5 of My 45-Day DSA Challenge 🚀 I'm delighted to share that I've completed the fifth day of my challenge, tackling the following three problems on LeetCode from the curated DSA sheet by Arsh Goyal. 1. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List (Problem 83) Concepts: linked list , pointers , loop Solution: The approach iterates through the linked list, comparing each node with its next node. If duplicate nodes are found, the next node is deleted and the current node's next pointer is updated; otherwise, it moves to the next node. 2. Remove Linked List Elements (Problem 203) Concepts: linked list , pointers , loops Solution: The approach iterates through the linked list, first removing all nodes from the head that have the given value val. Once the head is correctly positioned, it iterates through the rest of the list, removing any subsequent nodes with the value val by updating pointers to bypass the deleted nodes. Looking forward to continuing this journey and sharing more updates! 💪 GitHub repo : https://lnkd.in/gh3WVkVS #CrackYourInternship #CrackYourPlacement #ArshDSASheet
GitHub - SHRbharat/CrackYourPlacement: Arsh Goyal - DSA sheet || 45 days challenge
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