A note on sleep deprivation: It makes everything - working, thinking, communicating with your spouse, your boss, your friends... really effing hard 💕 I decided to work late on a project last week (hellooooo mapping topic clusters!) whilst solo parenting. So of course it was that night my youngest was awake for three hours. Then I was up at 6am per usual to start the day. All day I felt like I was wading through treacle. Anxious and overthinking decisions I'd made throughout the day. Then it hit me: This is how most of the last two years felt with two infants in the household 🧐 As the boys have started sleeping through the night, so have I - and have, almost without realising it - moved into a different parenting stage. More sleep, a little more autonomy and a lot more toddler sass. To all new parents riding that wild rollercoaster of broken sleep, forced wake ups and trying to be 'on' in work as though you've had more than a few hours sleep at a time - it's really hard, I hope and believe it does get easier and I see you 👀 #contentmarketing #marketing #workingparent #mom #marketingleadership
My toddler ran downstairs screaming at 2:30 last night! Of course it took forever for me to fall asleep after that, as I started planning my to-do list items for today in my head. Thankfully I’m not as sleep deprived now as I was a year ago (similar to you), but when it hits, it still HITS!
I'm mostly past this stage but I did end up setting up a special cot in my bedroom for my youngest. The deal is: He can come in and sleep there any time, *but* can't wake me up to do so. That feeling of being underslept is the worst!
I'm here too. Although it's getting better as my youngest is 1,5. I hope I'll soon be able to resume full sleeping nights. 🤞
They pick their moments, it's like they have a sixth sense! 😂
Principal Product Operations Manager @ Optimizely | Helping software companies scale product velocity to accelerate growth
1moI feel this 😅 Between the baby and a feverish three year old, I was up and out of bed at least six times last night between 10pm and 6am. Some days are harder to show up than others, but we power through. And it does get better! Just like you said, one day you realize that you haven’t been woken up for three nights running, and it feels like the biggest luxury 😄 That is, until your toddler has a complete and utter meltdown because you picked out the wrong color socks. But we can’t win them all.