Tomato origin fraud in UK: media investigation A BBC investigation (link in comments) has uncovered substitution of Italian tomatoes with products originating from the sanctioned region of Xinjiang in China. This then supplied many own-brand retail canned and pureed tomatoes in the UK. There is a legal, and common, supply route for unsanctioned Chinese tomatoes to go into ingredient supply but - in the UK - retail cans and purees are usually Italian. In this case, the BBC uncovered a clandestine supply route via central Asia. This was discovered by investigative journalism (into the supply route and trade records), subsequently supported by laboratory testing (trace element profiling). An example of forensic audit and laboratory analysis being used in a weight-of-evidence approach. Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash
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There is a lot to unpick here. I have not seen the items on sale, but the cardinal question, is do the packages imply they are made with Italian origin tomatoes only. It is only with the answer to this question that we truly understand what is going on. The issues of intentionally illegal or misleading labelling, rather than a lack of due diligence in a supply chain when sources of ingredients need to be traced are two completely separate topics.
small correction Network: the analysis used was not SIRA (Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis) but Trace Element analysis, as mentioned in the report. This is critical detail for interpretation and assessment in such cases.
very difficult to prove Why dont they remove products from selves on their own initiative?
Given all the very strict guidelines in place against sourcing from Xinjiang incredible that this situation has happened.
Cameron would our Intercept Australia iPreserve help in reducing the substitution.
CEO GfL Berlin | Fruit Juices, related products & Beverages | Analysis and Consultancy
2wI wonder if the analysis results would stand in court, but maybe I'm a bit old fashioned here.. 🤔