This white paper is a must-read for anyone in the deal-making industry. Discover why 7 out of 10 business leaders are focusing on the new “M&A triarchy”: talent, tech, and trade. Learn how law firms can help clients achieve successful outcomes by investing in technology for a seamless transaction management experience from start to finish. Thanks to the partnership between Thomson Reuters and Dealcloser, we offer an end-to-end solution for transactions. As Sebastiaan Bos puts it, “We’re thrilled to offer lawyers best-in-class capabilities accessible from a single platform, eliminating the need to navigate between systems.” Download it now to get the full insights! #legaltech #legaltechnology #lawfirms #lawyers #dealmakers #MandA #mergersandacquisitions #PrivateEquity #VentureCapital #InvestmentBanking #transactionmanagement #deals #transactions #innovation #legalops
💡Delighted to have collaborated on this M&A whitepaper with the usual brilliance coming from Brittany Bluestein & Damien Black. Thanks also to Raees Nakhuda & Sebastiaan Bos for your valuable contributions & Joel Lancaster & Jag Dhariwal for strategic input. Credit to Eversheds Sutherland for their survey findings into the ‘M&A triarchy’ of talent, tech and trade. A firm I worked in just post their transatlantic merger and whose corporate & commercial practice group have been truly innovating for many years with Robert Chamberlain! If you are off to #ILTACON2024 in Nashville and are a law firm or corporate legal department interested in Thomson Reuters HighQ Dealcloser……Swing by Booth #619 for a chat & swag. 🙌🏻 #tech #talent #transactions #tr #ilta