The greatest privilege isn't money. It's speaking English. If you speak English you can learn anything, connect with anyone, and make all the money you want. Without it, you're stuck. If you speak English, be incredibly grateful. If you don't, drop everything and start learning.
Every day, I spend 15 minutes practicing with ChatGPT’s advanced voice mode, and it’s been a real game-changer. I’ve regained my fluency and boosted my overall level. Hoping this opens doors for the project I have in mind (which I’d love to tell you about 😉).
Additionally, in similar terms: “ If, besides English, you speak other language-s, be increasingly incredibly grateful. If you don’t, drop everything and start learning another language in addition to English 😊 “ Other languages facilitates other synapses, other learnings, other connections, other assets & enrichment.
As of today? Yes. As of forever, I’d say speaking the world’s most spoken language is the greatest privilege. Who knows, in a millennium English might be outdated just like Aramaic, Arabic, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and so on, got won over.
100%. My daughter is 10 weeks old and we’ve been exposing her to English the day we came home from the hospital.
Totalmente de acuerdo! Como emprendedora que proviene de una ciudad pequeña de Madrid y que ha aprendido todo (incluido hablar y programar mi cerebro para que piense en inglés incluso inconscientemente), no puedo darte más la razón en esto.
Great perspective I have not thought about it that way.
Such a valid insight
so true!
Well said Ariel
Engineering Leader @ Splunk | Ex-Meta | Ex-AWS | Ex-Verizon
1moPerdón. No entendí el mensaje me lo puedes traducir 😂