Financial Services Should Be Accessible for Everyone! Imagine waking up in the morning, ready to start your day, only to be locked out of your banking app because facial recognition fails. It’s not just frustrating—it’s isolating. Every time I’m asked to enter specific letters from my password, I have to mentally spell it out and carefully count each letter. Some days, the process becomes so overwhelming that I just give up and avoid logging in for hours. This is a reality for many of us with facial disfigurements. Working on this with Project Nemo has been a true privilege. Sharing my experiences and shedding light on these daily challenges has been deeply meaningful to me. I'm incredibly grateful to Joanne Dewar and Kris Foster for inviting me to be a part of this project. I truly hope these videos spark real change in the financial industry. We need to build systems that work for everyone, because financial services should be Inclusive. Let’s make this happen! #AccessibilityMatters #InclusiveBanking #FinancialEquality #ProjectNemo #ChangeForGood #DisabilityInclusion #FacialRecognitionChallenges #FinancialServicesForAll
Financial Services are for everyone. Except they can’t be, when a large section of society is excluded due to inaccessible products and services. Our new film series ‘Disability Inclusion Stories’ aims to help the fintech industry understand and unpack the issue of accessibility. To truly see it. To feel it. Each film tells the unique stories of lived experience, bringing to life day to day challenges in using products and services that were not designed with disability needs in mind. This series trailer was shown on Wednesday at the The Payments Association Pay360 awards, ahead of the event’s inaugural Disability Inclusion Award. As an industry we need to come together to address this pressing issue and take action to deliver inclusion for all. Our first film, ‘Facing Recognition: Amit’s story’ launched 2 weeks ago and ‘Seema’s story’, will be released later this month. You can follow the series here on Linkedin and on our Project Nemo website and YouTube channel. We all need to do our part to build a more equitable industry that truly is for everyone. Please help us to spread these stories and our message across the industry. Follow Project Nemo, share, like and engage with our content and bring it back to your business to spark conversation, and drive action. The inclusive companies today are the market leaders of tomorrow. How can you start making a difference today? Thanks to Changemaker Studios for production of this film and all of those sharing their stories: Amit Ghose, Seema Mistry, Isaac Harvey MBE, Kaye Moors, Diane Lightfoot, Phyllida Swift, Natasha Robinson #FinancialInclusion #DisabilityInclusion #FinTech
Fintech & Tech Marketing Leader | Marketing Director | Santander Breakthrough Mentor 2024 | Project Nemo Core Team Member
2moThanks so much for sharing your story with us @amit ghose, and for your support of Project Nemo. Together we can help the industry undersrand the very real barriers faced by people with disabilities and drive change