View() R function is very helpful if you use Positron 😧 I almost never use the View() function when I use RStudio, but after discovering how useful is in Positon, I now use it all the time. When you use the View() function in RStudio you just see you full dataset, you can sort it, and filter it using the search button. However, with Positron you can also see the data type, the histogram and summary statistics for continuous variables, the frequency bar and unique rate for categorical variables, and you have also a progress bar close by the column name with the percentage of NA values. If you're using Positron, you should definitely try this function to explore your datasets. #rstats #r # #positron #rstudio
The data viewer in Positron is definitely an upgrade. 💯
I agree Positron really is the Future of Data Science IDE
Research Intern VIT-AP | Complex Dynamics & Fractal Geometry | Mathematical Analysis, Mathematical Statistics, Theoretical Statistics | R UseR
1moAre you using the GitHub version or it has already been released for Windows/Mac Os? I'm not aware about this so if you can guide me a bit it would be helpful for my further research career.