Evgen VerzunšŸ›”ļø

Evgen VerzunšŸ›”ļø

San Francisco, California, United States
8K followers 500+ connections


I spent the last 20 years constantly collaborating with tech-savvy professionalsā€¦


Articles by Evgen


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  • Decentralized cybersecure privacy network for cloud communication, computing and global e-commerce

    Issued US 11277390B2

    Decentralized cybersecure privacy network for cloud communication, computing and global e-commerce


    Software installed in the nodes in a communication network allows them to perform a ā€œname serverā€ function, which entails the management of a dynamic list of the client devices that are connected to the cloud, a ā€œtaskā€ function, which entails the receipt and transmission of the packets, and an ā€œauthorityā€ function, which entails the determination of the routes of the packetsā€¦

    Decentralized cybersecure privacy network for cloud communication, computing and global e-commerce


    Software installed in the nodes in a communication network allows them to perform a ā€œname serverā€ function, which entails the management of a dynamic list of the client devices that are connected to the cloud, a ā€œtaskā€ function, which entails the receipt and transmission of the packets, and an ā€œauthorityā€ function, which entails the determination of the routes of the packets through the cloud. Each node is capable of performing only one function at a time. After completing a job, a node reverts to an undifferentiated, state awaiting its next performance request.

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  • Decentralized cybersecure privacy network for cloud communication and global e-commerce

    Issued WO2020014399A1

    Decentralized cybersecure privacy network for cloud communication and global e-commerce
    Software installed in the nodes in a communication network allows them to perform a ''name server'' function, which entails the management of a dynamic list of the client devices that are connected to the cloud, a ''task'' function, which entails the receipt and transmission of the packets, and an ''authority'' function, which entails the determination of the routes of the packets through theā€¦

    Decentralized cybersecure privacy network for cloud communication and global e-commerce
    Software installed in the nodes in a communication network allows them to perform a ''name server'' function, which entails the management of a dynamic list of the client devices that are connected to the cloud, a ''task'' function, which entails the receipt and transmission of the packets, and an ''authority'' function, which entails the determination of the routes of the packets through the cloud. Each node is capable of performing only one function at a time. After completing a job, a node reverts to an undifferentiated, state awaiting its next performance request.

    This application claims the priority of U.S. Provisional Application No.
    62/696,160, filed July 10, 2018.
    This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. Application No. 15/946,863, filed April 6, 2018, which is a division of U.S. Application No. 14/803,869, filed July 20, 2015, now U.S. Patent No. 9,998,434, issued June 12, 2018, which claimed the priority of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/107,650, filed January 26, 2015.
    This application is also a continuation-in-part of U.S. Application No.
    15/943,418, filed April 2, 2018, which is a continuation-in-part of the above-referenced U.S. Application No. 14/803,869, filed July 20, 2015, now U.S. Patent No. 9,998,434, issued June 12, 2018, and which claimed the priority of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/480,696, filed April 3, 2017.

    See patent


    (EN) A variety of techniques for concealing the content of a communication between a client device, such as a cell phone or laptop, and a network or cloud of media nodes are disclosed. Among the techniques are routing data packets in the communication to different gateway nodes in the cloud, sending the packets over different physical media, such as an Ethernet cable or WiFi channel, and disguising the packets by giving them different source addressees. Also disclosed are a technique for mutingā€¦

    (EN) A variety of techniques for concealing the content of a communication between a client device, such as a cell phone or laptop, and a network or cloud of media nodes are disclosed. Among the techniques are routing data packets in the communication to different gateway nodes in the cloud, sending the packets over different physical media, such as an Ethernet cable or WiFi channel, and disguising the packets by giving them different source addressees. Also disclosed are a technique for muting certain participants in a conference call and a highly secure method of storing data files.
    (FR) La prĆ©sente invention concerne diffĆ©rentes techniques pour dissimuler le contenu dā€™une communication entre un dispositif client, tel quā€™un tĆ©lĆ©phone cellulaire ou un ordinateur portable, et un rĆ©seau ou un cloud de nœuds multimĆ©dias. Les techniques comprennent lā€™acheminement de paquets de donnĆ©es de routage dans la communication vers diffĆ©rents nœuds de passerelle dans le cloud, lā€™envoi des paquets sur diffĆ©rents supports physiques, tels quā€™un cĆ¢ble Ethernet ou un canal WiFi, et la dissimulation des paquets en leur donnant diffĆ©rentes adresses de source. Lā€™invention concerne en outre une technique de blocage de certains participants dans un appel de confĆ©rence et un procĆ©dĆ© hautement sĆ©curisĆ© de stockage de fichiers de donnĆ©es.

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  • 安å…ØåŠØꀁ通č®Æē½‘ē»œåŠåå®š


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  • ė³“ģ•ˆ ė™ģ  ķ†µģ‹  ė„¤ķŠøģ›Œķ¬ ė° ķ”„ė”œķ† ģ½œ


    ė””ģ§€ķ„ø ė°ģ“ķ„°ģ˜ ķŒØķ‚·ģ„ ģ „ģ†”ķ•˜źø° ģœ„ķ•œ ė³“ģ•ˆ ķ“ė¼ģš°ė“œģ—ģ„œ, ģƒźø° ķŒØķ‚·ģ€ ģ“ė“¤ģ“ ķ“ė¼ģš°ė“œģ˜ ėÆøė””ģ–“ ė…øė“œė„¼ ķ†µź³¼ķ•  ė•Œ ė°˜ė³µģ ģœ¼ė”œ ģŠ¤ķ¬ėžØėø”ė˜ź³ (ģ¦‰, ź·ø ė°ģ“ķ„° ģ„øź·øėؼķŠøź°€ ģž¬ģ§€ģ •ė˜ź³ ) ź·ø ķ›„ ģ–øģŠ¤ķ¬ėžØėø”ė˜ė©°, ė¶„ķ• ė˜ź³ , ź·ø ķ›„ ķ˜¼ķ•©ė˜ė©°, ė°/ė˜ėŠ” ģ•”ķ˜øķ™”ė˜ź³ , ź·ø ķ›„ ķ•“ė…ėœė‹¤.
    ģƒźø° ķŒØķ‚·ģ„ ģŠ¤ķ¬ėžØėø”ė§ķ•˜ź³ , ė¶„ķ• ķ•˜ź³ , ķ˜¼ķ•©ķ•˜ź³ , ė° ģ•”ķ˜øķ™”ķ•˜ėŠ” ė° ģ‚¬ģš©ė˜ėŠ” ė°©ė²•ģ€ ģ‹œź°„ź³¼ ź°™ģ€ ģƒķƒœģ— ė”°ė¼ ė³€ķ™”ė  ģˆ˜ ģžˆģœ¼ė©°, ģ“ģ— ė”°ė¼ ķ•“ģ»¤ź°€ ķŒØķ‚·ģ˜ ė‹ØķŽøė§Œ ė³¼ ģˆ˜ ģžˆė‹¤ėŠ” ģ ģ„ ź³ ė ¤ķ•˜ė©“ ģ‚¬ģ‹¤ģƒ ķ•“ģ»¤ģ˜ ė™ģž‘ģ„ ė¶ˆź°€ėŠ„ķ•˜ź²Œ ķ•˜ė©°, ė°ģ“ķ„°ė„¼ ģœ„ģž„ķ•˜ėŠ” ė° ģ‚¬ģš©ėœ ė°©ė²•ģ€ ėŠģž„ģ—†ģ“ ė³€ķ•˜ź³  ģžˆė‹¤.

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    See patent


    (EN)In a secure cloud for transmitting packets of digital data, the packets may be repeatedly scrambled (i.e., their data segments reordered) and then unscrambled, split and then mixed, and/or encrypted and then decrypted as they pass through media nodes in the cloud. The methods used to scramble, split, mix and encrypt the packets may be varied in accordance with a state such as time, thereby making the task of a hacker virtually impossible inasmuch as he or she may be viewingā€¦

    (EN)In a secure cloud for transmitting packets of digital data, the packets may be repeatedly scrambled (i.e., their data segments reordered) and then unscrambled, split and then mixed, and/or encrypted and then decrypted as they pass through media nodes in the cloud. The methods used to scramble, split, mix and encrypt the packets may be varied in accordance with a state such as time, thereby making the task of a hacker virtually impossible inasmuch as he or she may be viewing only a fragment of a packet and the methods used to disguise the data are constantly changing.
    (FR)Dans un nuage informatique sĆ©curisĆ© pour transmettre des paquets de donnĆ©es numĆ©riques, les paquets peuvent ĆŖtre embrouillĆ©s Ć  maintes reprises (c'est-Ć -dire, leurs segments de donnĆ©es sont remis dans un ordre diffĆ©rent) et ensuite dĆ©sembrouillĆ©s, sĆ©parĆ©s et ensuite mixĆ©s, et/ou chiffrĆ©s et ensuite dĆ©chiffrĆ©s et ensuite chiffrĆ©s lorsqu'ils traversent des nœuds de support dans le nuage informatique.
    Designated States: AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JP, KE, KG, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
    African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (BW, GH, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW)
    Eurasian Patent Organization (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, TM)
    European Patent Office (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, TR)
    African Intellectual Property Organization (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).

    Other inventors
    See patent
  • Secure Dynamic Communication Network And Protocol


    In a secure cloud for transmitting packets of digital data, the packets may be repeatedly scrambled (i.e., their data segments reordered) and then unscrambled, split and then mixed, and/or encrypted and then decrypted as they pass through media nodes in the cloud. The methods used to scramble, split, mix and encrypt the packets may be varied in accordance with a state such as time, thereby making the task of a hacker virtually impossible inasmuch as he or she may be viewing only a fragment of aā€¦

    In a secure cloud for transmitting packets of digital data, the packets may be repeatedly scrambled (i.e., their data segments reordered) and then unscrambled, split and then mixed, and/or encrypted and then decrypted as they pass through media nodes in the cloud. The methods used to scramble, split, mix and encrypt the packets may be varied in accordance with a state such as time, thereby making the task of a hacker virtually impossible inasmuch as he or she may be viewing only a fragment of a packet and the methods used to disguise the data are constantly changing.

    Other inventors
    See patent
  • Advanced Transactional Protocol and Ecosystem for Smart Contract Authoring and Deployment

    Filed WO2022212801A2

    A method of automated smart contract authoring and token generation
    for a multi-tranche fungible or non-fungible token offering comprising the steps:
    Compiling the offering tokenomics stipulating the price, quantity, availability, and timing of
    token released in each tranche of the offering;
    Compiling a network protocol library containing the token and smart contract specifications for
    one or more blockchain networks including the programming language and theā€¦

    A method of automated smart contract authoring and token generation
    for a multi-tranche fungible or non-fungible token offering comprising the steps:
    Compiling the offering tokenomics stipulating the price, quantity, availability, and timing of
    token released in each tranche of the offering;
    Compiling a network protocol library containing the token and smart contract specifications for
    one or more blockchain networks including the programming language and the defined
    variables for the token type to be generated;
    Submitting blockchain protocols selected from the network protocol library along with the
    offering tokenomics as inputs to a smart contract authoring bot program;
    Executing the smart contract authoring bot program to produce one or more decentralized
    application programs comprising a smart contract dApp for generating the new token offering
    on one or more blockchain networks, where each blockchain network requires its own unique
    smart contract dApp;
    Checking the integrity of all of the bot authored smart contract dApps for accuracy or software
    Executing each bot smart contract dApp by uploading and registering it on its respective
    blockchain, where the process of executing the smart contract dApp requires transactional
    validation by a jury of peers in accordance with the operation of the blockchainā€™s virtual
    machine, and where participating jurors are remunerated by gas fees paid in cryptocurrency
    specific to the blockchainā€™s operation;
    Where the generated tokens are either retained as an undistributed digital asset within the
    smart contract dApp or alternatively transferred in total or in part to one or more digital
    wallets or DeFi pools;


  • MBA



  • QGlobe Games

  • Bullieverse

    - Present

  • HOFA Gallery

    - Present

    House of Fine Art - HOFA Gallery represents an exclusive portfolio of leading international contemporary artists across its locations in London, Los Angeles, and Mykonos.
    Their program consists of leading original works of art featuring a multitude of genres with a focus on unique, distinctive and rare artworks of appreciative value, showcased in monthly exhibitions and documentaries.

  • Scotty Beam

    - Present

  • CyberWallet

  • HyperID

    Founded by a team of cybersecurity experts with 15 years of experience developing software security solutions for mission-critical real-time telecommunications systems, HyperID is part of the HyperSphere decentralized trust ecosystem.

    Operating in information security, we learned that the challenges faced in these areas resemble those of the crypto industry. To address these concerns, we embarked on a journey to bring a professional approach to data and privacy protection to theā€¦

    Founded by a team of cybersecurity experts with 15 years of experience developing software security solutions for mission-critical real-time telecommunications systems, HyperID is part of the HyperSphere decentralized trust ecosystem.

    Operating in information security, we learned that the challenges faced in these areas resemble those of the crypto industry. To address these concerns, we embarked on a journey to bring a professional approach to data and privacy protection to the blockchain community, leveraging cutting-edge cryptographic practices.

    Over the past 5 years, the team has developed a fully operational automated service platform to manage and secure crypto token launches, successfully issued tokens for several high-profile projects, and developed secure transaction technologies for blockchain applications.

    HyperID's mission is to help organizations and their users seamlessly transit to the world of secure, decentralized digital identity and drive the rapid and limitless potential of blockchain technology.


  • English

    Professional working proficiency

  • Ukrainian

    Native or bilingual proficiency

  • Russian

    Native or bilingual proficiency

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