Twenty-two years ago today, I told my bosses at Edelman I was stepping down from leading one of the #PRfirm’s most successful practices to start Reputation Partners, LLC.
Almost immediately in my #entrepreneurial journey, I discovered it was what I wanted to do for the rest of my career - and have been able to do so. I have also played a role in creating and furthering career journeys for dozens of others, too. What a blessing!
There have been good days and bad days (thankfully, many, many more of the former than the latter), but there has not been one day where I’ve regretted my decision.
Today, as I take a moment to look back, I also look forward with excitement. I’ve learned many things along the way, but three things stand out today:
1. Don’t be afraid to take some risks. To be sure, walking away from a (relatively) secure job to start a business was risky, but we have taken numerous additional risks since then - some hires, structures, partners, acquisitions and offerings. Some have worked out; others, not so much. That’s okay. All have taught me - and moved me and/or the firm forward in some ways.
2. Always do the right thing - by your people, clients, referral sources and friends. Develop, promote and fairly compensate your team. Let them share in the firm’s successes but don’t burden them when setbacks are out of their control. Give clients everything they expect in terms of effort and results - and more, and don’t be afraid to tell them what they need to hear. And not only make your referral sources look and feel good for having introduced you, but always look for opportunities to reciprocate.
3. Culture is truly king. If you have the culture right, even the wrong people won’t do irreparable damage to it (though, one way or the other, they don’t last). But, if you have the right people, as we do today, your culture can really sing - and become a huge competitive advantage.
Today, as we begin our 23rd year in business, I’m very excited about our future. Our reputation and fundamentals are strong and we’ve got some exciting growth strategies in the mix. I can’t wait to see what happens.
Let’s get to it!