Articles by Andrea
What is the difference between retrograde (through the rectum) and antegrade enema (through the appendix)? We always tell patients and families that…
What is the difference between retrograde (through the rectum) and antegrade enema (through the appendix)? We always tell patients and families that…
Shared by Andrea Bischoff
Here is our Christmas gift to you all. On February 25th, 2025 we will be hosting, in partnership with The Hendren Project a Bowel Management Course…
Here is our Christmas gift to you all. On February 25th, 2025 we will be hosting, in partnership with The Hendren Project a Bowel Management Course…
Shared by Andrea Bischoff
Error traps and culture of safety in anorectal malformations by: Bischoff A, Bealer J, Wilcox DT, Peña A.
Seminars in Pediatric Surgery
Bowel management program in patients with spina bifida by: Schletker J, Edmonds T, Jacobson R, Ketzer J, Hall J, Trecartin A, Peña A, Bischoff A.
Pediatr Surg Int 2018 [Epub ahead of print]
Idiopathic constipation: a challenging but manageable problem by: Bischoff A, Brisighelli G, Dickie B et al.
J Pediatr Surg 2018;53:1742-1747
Sacral agenesis and fecal incontinence: how to increase the index of suspicion
Pediatr Surg Int 2018 [Epub ahead of print]
Tethered cord in patients with anorectal malformations with emphasis on rectobladderneck fistula by Samuk I, Bischoff A, Freud E, Pena A.
Pediatr Surg Int 2018 [Epub ahead of print]
The conus medullaris ratio: a new way to identify tethered cord on MRI by Bischoff A, Peña A, Ketzer J et al
J Pediatr Surg 2019 [epub ahead of publishing]
Transition of care: a growing concern in adult patients born with colorectal anomalies by: Acker S, Peña A, Wilcox D, Alaniz V, Bischoff A.
Pediatr Surg Int 2018 [Epub ahead of print]
Controversies in anorectal malformation by: Bischoff A, Bealer J, Peña A.
Lancet Child Adolesc Health 2017;1:323-30.
Critical analysis of fecal incontinence scores.
Pediatr Surg Int 2016;32:737-741. by: Bischoff A, Bealer J, Peña A.
Anorectal malformation with rectobladder neck fistula: A distinct and challenging malformation
J Pediatr Surg 2016;51:1592-1596
Health Related Quality of Life and Parenteral Stress in Children with Fecal Incontinence: A Normative Comparison. by: Cushing CC, Martinez-Leo B, Pena A, Bischoff A et al.
J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2016 Mar 23. [Epub ahead of print]
Pathology of cloaca anomalies with a case correlation. by: Gupta A, Bischoff A.
Sem Pediatr Surg 2016;25:66-70.
Concurrent esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula and Hirschsprung disease. by: Knod JL, Bondoc AJ, Garrison AP, Bischoff A et al.
J Pediatr Surg Case Reports 2015;3:499-500.
Laparoscopic approach in the management of anorectal malformation by: Bischoff A, Martinez-Leo B, Pena A
Pediatr Surg Int 2015;31:431-437
Anorectal malformation without fistula: a defect with unique characteristics by: Bischoff A, Frischer J, Dickie B, Peña A
Pediatric Surg Int 2014;30:763-766
Update on the management of anorectal malformations by: Bischoff A, Levitt MA, Peña A
Pediatr Surg Int 2013;29:899-904
Rectal Atresia and Stenosis; Unique Anorectal Malformations by: Hamrick M, Eradi B, Bischoff A, Louden E, Peña A, Levitt MA
J Pediatr Surg, 47(6): 1280-4, 2012
Laparoscopy and its use in the Repair of Anorectal Malformations by: Bischoff A, Levitt MA, Peña A
J Pediatr Surg 46(8): 1609-17, 2011
Management of H-Type Rectovestibular and Rectovaginal Fistulas by: Lawal TA, Chatoorgoon K, Bischoff A, Peña A, Levitt MA
J Pediatr Surg, 46(6): 1226-30, Jun 2011
Pitfalls and Challenges of Cloaca Repair; How to Reduce the Need for Reoperations by: Levitt MA, Bischoff A, Peña A
J Pediatr Surg, 46(6): 1250-5, Jun 2011
Total Colonic Aganglionosis – A Surgical Challenge: How to Avoid Complications by: 16. Bischoff A, Levitt MA, Peña A
Pediatr Surg Int, 27(10): 1047-52, Oct 2011
Transpubic Approach for Complex Anorectal and Urogenital Malformations by: Peña A, Bischoff A, Levitt MA
J Pediatr Surg, 46(12): 2316-20, Dec 2011
Colostomy Closure. How to avoid complications by: Bischoff A, Levitt MA, Lawal TA, Peña A
Pediatr Surg Int 2010, 26(11): 1087-92
Crohn’s disease limited to the appendix: a case report in a pediatric patient by: Bischoff A, Gupta A, D’Mello S et al
Pediatr Surg Int 2010, 26(11): 1125-8
Hydrocolpos in cloacal malformations by: Bischoff A, Levitt MA, Breech L, Louden E, Pena A
J Pediatr Surg 2010,45:1241-1245
Prenatal diagnosis of cloacal malformation by: Bischoff A, Levitt MA, Lim FY, Guimaraes C, Peña A
Pediatr Surg Int 2010, 26(11): 1071-5
A practical approach to the management of pediatric fecal incontinence by Bischoff A, Tovilla M
Sem Pediatr Surg 2010,19:154-159
Bowel management for the treatment of pediatric fecal incontinence. Review Article by: Bischoff A, Levitt MA, Pena A
Pediatr Surg Int 2009,25:1027-1042
Rectovestibular Fistula – Rarely Recognized Associated Gynecologic Anomalies by: 3. Levitt M; Bischoff A; Breech L; Peña A
J Pediatr Surg 2009, 44:1261-1267
Treatment of Fecal Incontinence with a Comprehensive Bowel Management Program by: Bischoff A et al
J Pediatr Surg 2009, 44:1278-1284.
A review of adopted colorectal patients: a parent’s perspective
Pediatr Surg Int 2021;37:431-435
An overview of opioid usage and regional anesthesia for patients undergoing repair of anorectal malformation
Pediatr Surg Int 2021;37:457-460
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A strategic priority for the American Pediatric Surgical Association
J Pediatr Surg 2021;56:641-647
Enema-Induced Spastic Left Colon Syndrome: An Unintended Consequence of Chronic Enema Use
J Pediatr Surg 2021;56:424-428
From Prenatal Diagnosis Through Transition to Adult Care: What Everyone Should Know About Anorectal Malformations
Curr Treat Options Peds 2020,6:91-100
Hirschsprung disease and anorectal malformation in the pediatric population
J Ped Surg2021,56:487-489
Neurons populating the rectal extrinsic nerves and perirectal ganglia in humans express neuronal and Schwann cell markers
Neurogastroentrol Motil 2021;33:e14074
Visualization of the fetal anus by prenatal ultrasound for the diagnosis of anorectal malformations: is it feasible?
Pediatr Surg Int 2021; 37:425-430
The Hendren Project
Editor for the Colorectal Center at The Hendren Project -
International Colorectal Web Meeting
Monthly Interactive Web Meeting designed to discuss 4 colorectal cases (educational or challenging cases) exchanging knowledge through an international audience of pediatric surgeons, pediatric urologist, nurse practitioners, nurses, and medical students.
To participate please send an email to: [email protected] -
Intensive 3-Day Workshop on the Treatment of Anorectal Malformations
Four times a year Professor Peña and Dr. Bischoff lead this intensive 3-day workshop on the state-of-the-art management of anorectal malformations. Two of these events take place within the United States and two take place at varying locations around the world.
This unique program instructs the attendees on the most salient aspects of the management of these complex malformations by using interactive presentations and live surgical demonstrations.Other creators
Honors & Awards
3rd Best Poster at Digestive Health Center Annual Scientific Symposium: Defining the Molecular Abnormalities in Cloaca Malformations: Similarities between mouse and human
2nd Best Paper at the IV Iberoamerican Congress of Pediatric Surgery: Colostomy closure - how to avoid complications.
Best Paper at IX Scientific Meeting of the Brasilia University Hospital: Definitive Postnatal Diagnosis of Renal Abnormalities Detected Prenatally.
Best Poster at VIII Scientific Meeting of the Brasilia University Hospital: Videolaparoscopic Splenic Artery Ligation in Children with Hematological Diseases.
Best paper at the IV Scientific Meeting of the Brasilia University Hospital: Viability of a Jejunal Segment Neovascularized by Omentoenteropexy.
Best paper at III Scientific Meeting of the Brasilia University Hospital: Children Operated for Cryptorchidism: incidence and causes for late surgical referral
Best Paper at XIX Brazilian Pediatric Meeting: Analysis of the preputial Retraction in 400 children
More activity by Andrea
Join us tomorrow for the last International Colorectal Web Meeting of 2024 at the Hendren project. #ChildrensColo #HereItsDifferent
Join us tomorrow for the last International Colorectal Web Meeting of 2024 at the Hendren project. #ChildrensColo #HereItsDifferent
Shared by Andrea Bischoff
When in doubt, do not operate, double check and be certain of the diagnosis. Patients deserve the benefit of the doubt. Together we can Improve…
When in doubt, do not operate, double check and be certain of the diagnosis. Patients deserve the benefit of the doubt. Together we can Improve…
Shared by Andrea Bischoff
Myth: To treat constipation laxatives should be started, then decreased, and discontinued. Reality: Constipation is a spectrum and we, as pediatric…
Myth: To treat constipation laxatives should be started, then decreased, and discontinued. Reality: Constipation is a spectrum and we, as pediatric…
Shared by Andrea Bischoff
On this day (12/13/1994), 30 years ago, Dr. Peña did the first Total Urogenital Mobilization during a cloaca reconstruction. This maneuver consists…
On this day (12/13/1994), 30 years ago, Dr. Peña did the first Total Urogenital Mobilization during a cloaca reconstruction. This maneuver consists…
Shared by Andrea Bischoff
Associated anomalies should not be ignored in patients with Anorectal Malformations. Proper screening should happen in the newborn period. Together…
Associated anomalies should not be ignored in patients with Anorectal Malformations. Proper screening should happen in the newborn period. Together…
Shared by Andrea Bischoff
Tuve el privilegio de realizar una rotación durante todo el mes de junio en el Center for Colorectal and Urogenital Care del Children's Hospital…
Tuve el privilegio de realizar una rotación durante todo el mes de junio en el Center for Colorectal and Urogenital Care del Children's Hospital…
Liked by Andrea Bischoff
Regarding Fecal Incontinence, we have heard: “Get older, get better”. Unfortunately, this is not true! As some patients get older, they stop eating…
Regarding Fecal Incontinence, we have heard: “Get older, get better”. Unfortunately, this is not true! As some patients get older, they stop eating…
Shared by Andrea Bischoff
Why do we say that in reoperations we cannot guarantee bowel control? Because if we were not present during the first operation, it is impossible to…
Why do we say that in reoperations we cannot guarantee bowel control? Because if we were not present during the first operation, it is impossible to…
Shared by Andrea Bischoff
During the newborn physical exam in males, a recto-perineal fistula can be diagnosed. Based on the characteristics of the perineum, you can suspect…
During the newborn physical exam in males, a recto-perineal fistula can be diagnosed. Based on the characteristics of the perineum, you can suspect…
Shared by Andrea Bischoff
Don’t miss the early bird discount for the 69th Peña Course for The Surgical Treatment of Anorectal Malformations and Hirschsprung disease happening…
Don’t miss the early bird discount for the 69th Peña Course for The Surgical Treatment of Anorectal Malformations and Hirschsprung disease happening…
Shared by Andrea Bischoff
During the newborn physical exam in females, the following Anorectal Malformations can be diagnosed: recto-perineal fistula, recto-vestibular…
During the newborn physical exam in females, the following Anorectal Malformations can be diagnosed: recto-perineal fistula, recto-vestibular…
Shared by Andrea Bischoff
Myth: The operation for the repair of a recto-perineal fistula is an easy operation. Reality: There is no easy operation. During the repair of a…
Myth: The operation for the repair of a recto-perineal fistula is an easy operation. Reality: There is no easy operation. During the repair of a…
Shared by Andrea Bischoff
Myth: After a Malone procedure (appendicostomy), patients may have appendicitis. Reality: The mechanism by which appendicitis happens involves…
Myth: After a Malone procedure (appendicostomy), patients may have appendicitis. Reality: The mechanism by which appendicitis happens involves…
Shared by Andrea Bischoff
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