We are excited to announce an important milestone in our collaboration with Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC)! During the visit in October, IFC - International Finance Corporation presented the Chennai Climate Investment Opportunities Diagnostic (CIOD) to officials and stakeholders. We also discussed financing options to enable GCC to achieve its climate action goals in the coming years.
A series of workshops were organized, chaired by Kumaragurubaran Jayabalan, I.A.S., Greater Chennai Corporation Commissioner, V. Sivakrishnamurthy, I.A.S., Deputy Commissioner for GCC (Works), and M. Birathiviraj, I.A.S., Deputy Commissioner for GCC (Revenue and Finance), to discuss the implementation of priority measures from the Chennai Climate Action Plan (CCAP) supported by C40 Cities.
These sessions brought together stakeholders from GCC, CMWSSB, MTC,
Tamil Nadu Infrastructure Fund Management Corporation Ltd. (TNIFMC), StartupTN, TNGECL, and TANGEDCO to analyze climate measures in terms of GHG savings, indicative costs, and innovative financing models to accelerate much-needed climate resilience and net-zero ambitions.
An initial assessment using the APEX Green Cities tool indicates a significant cost to implement the proposed climate actions, with more than half of these investments in green buildings, solar energy, and the electric vehicle transition coming from the private sector.
As the Greater Chennai Corporation Commissioner Kumaragurubaran Jayabalan, IAS put it, “This is the time to shift from conventional thinking, where municipal energy and resources are primarily focused on to tackle issues during Chennai’s monsoon and flood seasons. Instead, now the Corporation is focusing on sustainable, long-term investments to meet the needs of our citizens, leveraging private investments where possible. The green investment pipeline, developed by IFC using the APEX tool, is a significant step in that direction. We are grateful for IFC's support in helping us define climate projects and innovative financing mechanisms. We look forward to advancing the recommended projects and financing options with the cabinet.”
IFC Asia Pacific
IFC Climate & Sustainability
Aneesh Sekhar, Vishu Mahajan, Alby John, Christy Leema Rose Mary, Satish Sangu, Sai Ranganathan, Dinesh K Sundaravelu, Radhakrishnan Jagannathan, Shruti Narayan, Sabareesh Suresh, Benjamin Mathews John
Prashant Kapoor, Faiza Gani, Lorraine Sugar, Kelvin Tagnipez, Diep Nguyen-van Houtte, Jamie Fergusson
Vikram Kumar, Wendy Werner, CFA, Neeraj Gupta, Mohit Ganeriwala, Autif Sayyed, Srijan Kaushik, Manuela V de Souza, Sumeet Thakur, Upasana Varma