Economics Of Privacy

This page provides links to resources on the economics of privacy, financial privacy, and the economics of anonymity: papers, people, related conferences, and other links.
Behind a privacy intrusion there is often an economic trade-off. The reduction of the cost of storing and manipulating information has led organizations to capture increasing amounts of data about individual behavior. The hunger for customization and usability has led individuals to reveal more about themselves to other parties. New trade-offs have emerged in which privacy, economics, and technology are inextricably linked: individuals want to avoid the misuse of the information they pass along to others, but they also want to share enough information to achieve satisfactory interactions; organizations want to know more about the parties with which they interact, but they do not want to alienate them with policies deemed as intrusive.
Is there a combination of economic incentives and technological solutions to privacy issues that is acceptable for the individual and beneficial to society? Is there a sweet spot that satisfies the interests of all parties? The papers, people, and conferences listed below try to address some of these issues.
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Papers Submit New Content

    Adar, Eytan
  • Privacy and deviance, Huberman, Bernardo and Adar, Eytan and Fine, Leslie R, 2004 [Surveys and Experiments]
    Alesi, James S
  • THE SENATE MAJORITY TASK FORCE ON THE INVASION OF PRIVACY, Alesi, James S and Balboni, Michael AL and Bonacic, John J and DeFrancisco, John A and Farley, Hugh T and Fuschillo, Charles J and Hannon, Kemp and Marcellino, Carl L and Kuhl, John R and Maltese, Serphin R and others, 2000 [Surveys and Experiments]
    Anderson, Keith B
  • Identity theft, Anderson, Keith B and Durbin, Erik and Salinger, Michael A, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 22(2), 171--192, 2008 [JEL]
    Authority, Commissioner--Italian Data Protection
  • Privacy as Quality in Modern Economy, Rasi, Gaetano and Authority, Commissioner--Italian Data Protection, 2004 [Economic Discussions and Position Papers]
    Balboni, Michael AL
  • THE SENATE MAJORITY TASK FORCE ON THE INVASION OF PRIVACY, Alesi, James S and Balboni, Michael AL and Bonacic, John J and DeFrancisco, John A and Farley, Hugh T and Fuschillo, Charles J and Hannon, Kemp and Marcellino, Carl L and Kuhl, John R and Maltese, Serphin R and others, 2000 [Surveys and Experiments]
    Benner, Janine
  • Nowhere to turn: Victims speak out on identity theft, Benner, Janine and Givens, Beth and Mierzwinski, Edmund and Privacy Rights Clearinghouse and United States of America and CALPIRG's Consumer Program and United States of America, CALPIRG Privacy Rights Clearinghouse Report, 2000 [Related Papers]
    Bonacic, John J
  • THE SENATE MAJORITY TASK FORCE ON THE INVASION OF PRIVACY, Alesi, James S and Balboni, Michael AL and Bonacic, John J and DeFrancisco, John A and Farley, Hugh T and Fuschillo, Charles J and Hannon, Kemp and Marcellino, Carl L and Kuhl, John R and Maltese, Serphin R and others, 2000 [Surveys and Experiments]
    Brandeis, Louis
  • The Right to Privacy, Warren, Samuel and Brandeis, Louis, Harvard Law Review, 4(5), 193--203, 1890 [JEL]
    CALPIRG's Consumer Program
  • Nowhere to turn: Victims speak out on identity theft, Benner, Janine and Givens, Beth and Mierzwinski, Edmund and Privacy Rights Clearinghouse and United States of America and CALPIRG's Consumer Program and United States of America, CALPIRG Privacy Rights Clearinghouse Report, 2000 [Related Papers]
    Chen, Yongmin
  • Paying Customers to Switch, Chen, Yongmin, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 6(4), 877--897, 1997 [JEL]
    Claessens, Joris
  • Towards measuring anonymity, Diaz, Claudia and Seys, Stefaan and Claessens, Joris and Preneel, Bart, 2002 [Related Papers]
    Dabbish, Laura
  • Anonymity, privacy, and security online, Rainie, Lee and Kiesler, Sara and Kang, Ruogu and Madden, Mary and Duggan, Maeve and Brown, Stephanie and Dabbish, Laura, Pew Research Center, 2013 [JEL]
    DeFrancisco, John A
  • THE SENATE MAJORITY TASK FORCE ON THE INVASION OF PRIVACY, Alesi, James S and Balboni, Michael AL and Bonacic, John J and DeFrancisco, John A and Farley, Hugh T and Fuschillo, Charles J and Hannon, Kemp and Marcellino, Carl L and Kuhl, John R and Maltese, Serphin R and others, 2000 [Surveys and Experiments]
    Diaz, Claudia
  • Towards measuring anonymity, Diaz, Claudia and Seys, Stefaan and Claessens, Joris and Preneel, Bart, 2002 [Related Papers]
    Dingledine, Roger
  • On the economics of anonymity, Acquisti, Alessandro and Dingledine, Roger and Syverson, Paul, 2003 [The "New" Economics of Privacy]
    Djankov, Simeon
  • Private credit in 129 countries, Djankov, Simeon and McLiesh, Caralee and Shleifer, Andrei, Journal of Financial Economics, 84(2), 299--329, 2007 [JEL]
    Dosis, Anastasios
  • The Ownership of Data, Dosis, Anastasios and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried, The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 2022 [Theory]
    Duggan, Maeve
  • Anonymity, privacy, and security online, Rainie, Lee and Kiesler, Sara and Kang, Ruogu and Madden, Mary and Duggan, Maeve and Brown, Stephanie and Dabbish, Laura, Pew Research Center, 2013 [JEL]
    Durbin, Erik
  • Identity theft, Anderson, Keith B and Durbin, Erik and Salinger, Michael A, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 22(2), 171--192, 2008 [JEL]
    Farley, Hugh T
  • THE SENATE MAJORITY TASK FORCE ON THE INVASION OF PRIVACY, Alesi, James S and Balboni, Michael AL and Bonacic, John J and DeFrancisco, John A and Farley, Hugh T and Fuschillo, Charles J and Hannon, Kemp and Marcellino, Carl L and Kuhl, John R and Maltese, Serphin R and others, 2000 [Surveys and Experiments]
    Fine, Leslie R
  • Privacy and deviance, Huberman, Bernardo and Adar, Eytan and Fine, Leslie R, 2004 [Surveys and Experiments]
    Foshburg, Brian
  • Economics of Medical Privacy, Norman, Alfred and Foshburg, Brian and Frederick, John and Liao, Lillian, 1998 [Economic Discussions and Position Papers]
    Frederick, John
  • Economics of Medical Privacy, Norman, Alfred and Foshburg, Brian and Frederick, John and Liao, Lillian, 1998 [Economic Discussions and Position Papers]
    Froomkin, A Michael
  • The death of privacy?, Froomkin, A Michael, Stanford Law Review, 2000 [Economics and Law]
    Fuschillo, Charles J
  • THE SENATE MAJORITY TASK FORCE ON THE INVASION OF PRIVACY, Alesi, James S and Balboni, Michael AL and Bonacic, John J and DeFrancisco, John A and Farley, Hugh T and Fuschillo, Charles J and Hannon, Kemp and Marcellino, Carl L and Kuhl, John R and Maltese, Serphin R and others, 2000 [Surveys and Experiments]
    Givens, Beth
  • Nowhere to turn: Victims speak out on identity theft, Benner, Janine and Givens, Beth and Mierzwinski, Edmund and Privacy Rights Clearinghouse and United States of America and CALPIRG's Consumer Program and United States of America, CALPIRG Privacy Rights Clearinghouse Report, 2000 [Related Papers]
    Goel, Sharad
  • Predicting consumer behavior with Web search, Goel, Sharad and Hofman, Jake M and Lahaie, Sébastien and Pennock, David M and Watts, Duncan J, Proceedings of the National academy of sciences, 107(41), 17486--17490, 2010 [JEL]
    Goldman, Janlori
  • The Limits and the Necessity of Self-Regulation: The Case for Both, Mulligan, Deirde K and Goldman, Janlori, Chapter 1G in Privacy and Self-Regulation in the Information Age. Washington, DC: US Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, 1997 [Economic Discussions and Position Papers]
    Hannon, Kemp
  • THE SENATE MAJORITY TASK FORCE ON THE INVASION OF PRIVACY, Alesi, James S and Balboni, Michael AL and Bonacic, John J and DeFrancisco, John A and Farley, Hugh T and Fuschillo, Charles J and Hannon, Kemp and Marcellino, Carl L and Kuhl, John R and Maltese, Serphin R and others, 2000 [Surveys and Experiments]
    Harrell, Erika
  • Victims of Identity Theft, 2014, Harrell, Erika, 2015 [JEL]
    Hofman, Jake M
  • Predicting consumer behavior with Web search, Goel, Sharad and Hofman, Jake M and Lahaie, Sébastien and Pennock, David M and Watts, Duncan J, Proceedings of the National academy of sciences, 107(41), 17486--17490, 2010 [JEL]
    Huberman, Bernardo
  • Privacy and deviance, Huberman, Bernardo and Adar, Eytan and Fine, Leslie R, 2004 [Surveys and Experiments]
    Ivanov, G
  • The value of information sharing, Cate, Fred H and Staten, Michael E and Ivanov, G, Protecting Privacy in the New Millennium Series, Council of Better Business Bureau, 2000 [Economic Discussions and Position Papers]
    Kahn, Charles M
  • A theory of transactions privacy, Kahn, Charles M and McAndrews, James and Roberds, William, 2000 [The "New" Economics of Privacy]
  • Money is Privacy, Kahn, Charles M and McAndrews, James and Roberds, William, International Economic Review, 46(2), 377--399, 2005 [JEL]
  • Credit and identity theft, Kahn, Charles M and Roberds, William, Journal of Monetary Economics, 55(2), 251--264, 2008 [JEL]
    Koops, Bert-Jaap
  • Should self-regulation be the starting point?, Koops, Bert-Jaap and Lips, Miriam and Nouwt, Sjaak and Prins, Corien and Schellekens, Maurice and Koops, Bert-Jaap and Lips, Miriam and Prins, Corien and Schellekens, Maurice, Starting Points for ICT Regulation. Deconstructing Prevalent Policy One-Liners, 121, 2006 [JEL]
  • Should self-regulation be the starting point?, Koops, Bert-Jaap and Lips, Miriam and Nouwt, Sjaak and Prins, Corien and Schellekens, Maurice and Koops, Bert-Jaap and Lips, Miriam and Prins, Corien and Schellekens, Maurice, Starting Points for ICT Regulation. Deconstructing Prevalent Policy One-Liners, 121, 2006 [JEL]
    Kuhl, John R
  • THE SENATE MAJORITY TASK FORCE ON THE INVASION OF PRIVACY, Alesi, James S and Balboni, Michael AL and Bonacic, John J and DeFrancisco, John A and Farley, Hugh T and Fuschillo, Charles J and Hannon, Kemp and Marcellino, Carl L and Kuhl, John R and Maltese, Serphin R and others, 2000 [Surveys and Experiments]
    Lahaie, Sébastien
  • Predicting consumer behavior with Web search, Goel, Sharad and Hofman, Jake M and Lahaie, Sébastien and Pennock, David M and Watts, Duncan J, Proceedings of the National academy of sciences, 107(41), 17486--17490, 2010 [JEL]
    Lai, Yee-Lin
  • Who gets spammed?, Hann, Il-Horn and Hui, Kai-Lung and Lai, Yee-Lin and Lee, Sang-Yong Tom and Png, Ivan PL, Communications of the ACM, 49(10), 83--87, 2006 [JEL]
    Liao, Lillian
  • Economics of Medical Privacy, Norman, Alfred and Foshburg, Brian and Frederick, John and Liao, Lillian, 1998 [Economic Discussions and Position Papers]
    Lips, Miriam
  • Should self-regulation be the starting point?, Koops, Bert-Jaap and Lips, Miriam and Nouwt, Sjaak and Prins, Corien and Schellekens, Maurice and Koops, Bert-Jaap and Lips, Miriam and Prins, Corien and Schellekens, Maurice, Starting Points for ICT Regulation. Deconstructing Prevalent Policy One-Liners, 121, 2006 [JEL]
  • Should self-regulation be the starting point?, Koops, Bert-Jaap and Lips, Miriam and Nouwt, Sjaak and Prins, Corien and Schellekens, Maurice and Koops, Bert-Jaap and Lips, Miriam and Prins, Corien and Schellekens, Maurice, Starting Points for ICT Regulation. Deconstructing Prevalent Policy One-Liners, 121, 2006 [JEL]
    Maltese, Serphin R
  • THE SENATE MAJORITY TASK FORCE ON THE INVASION OF PRIVACY, Alesi, James S and Balboni, Michael AL and Bonacic, John J and DeFrancisco, John A and Farley, Hugh T and Fuschillo, Charles J and Hannon, Kemp and Marcellino, Carl L and Kuhl, John R and Maltese, Serphin R and others, 2000 [Surveys and Experiments]
    Marcellino, Carl L
  • THE SENATE MAJORITY TASK FORCE ON THE INVASION OF PRIVACY, Alesi, James S and Balboni, Michael AL and Bonacic, John J and DeFrancisco, John A and Farley, Hugh T and Fuschillo, Charles J and Hannon, Kemp and Marcellino, Carl L and Kuhl, John R and Maltese, Serphin R and others, 2000 [Surveys and Experiments]
    McAndrews, James
  • A theory of transactions privacy, Kahn, Charles M and McAndrews, James and Roberds, William, 2000 [The "New" Economics of Privacy]
  • Money is Privacy, Kahn, Charles M and McAndrews, James and Roberds, William, International Economic Review, 46(2), 377--399, 2005 [JEL]
    McLiesh, Caralee
  • Private credit in 129 countries, Djankov, Simeon and McLiesh, Caralee and Shleifer, Andrei, Journal of Financial Economics, 84(2), 299--329, 2007 [JEL]
    Mierzwinski, Edmund
  • Nowhere to turn: Victims speak out on identity theft, Benner, Janine and Givens, Beth and Mierzwinski, Edmund and Privacy Rights Clearinghouse and United States of America and CALPIRG's Consumer Program and United States of America, CALPIRG Privacy Rights Clearinghouse Report, 2000 [Related Papers]
    Mulligan, Deirde K
  • The Limits and the Necessity of Self-Regulation: The Case for Both, Mulligan, Deirde K and Goldman, Janlori, Chapter 1G in Privacy and Self-Regulation in the Information Age. Washington, DC: US Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, 1997 [Economic Discussions and Position Papers]
    Norman, Alfred
  • Economics of Medical Privacy, Norman, Alfred and Foshburg, Brian and Frederick, John and Liao, Lillian, 1998 [Economic Discussions and Position Papers]
    Nouwt, Sjaak
  • Should self-regulation be the starting point?, Koops, Bert-Jaap and Lips, Miriam and Nouwt, Sjaak and Prins, Corien and Schellekens, Maurice and Koops, Bert-Jaap and Lips, Miriam and Prins, Corien and Schellekens, Maurice, Starting Points for ICT Regulation. Deconstructing Prevalent Policy One-Liners, 121, 2006 [JEL]
    Pennock, David M
  • Predicting consumer behavior with Web search, Goel, Sharad and Hofman, Jake M and Lahaie, Sébastien and Pennock, David M and Watts, Duncan J, Proceedings of the National academy of sciences, 107(41), 17486--17490, 2010 [JEL]
    Preneel, Bart
  • Towards measuring anonymity, Diaz, Claudia and Seys, Stefaan and Claessens, Joris and Preneel, Bart, 2002 [Related Papers]
    Prins, Corien
  • Should self-regulation be the starting point?, Koops, Bert-Jaap and Lips, Miriam and Nouwt, Sjaak and Prins, Corien and Schellekens, Maurice and Koops, Bert-Jaap and Lips, Miriam and Prins, Corien and Schellekens, Maurice, Starting Points for ICT Regulation. Deconstructing Prevalent Policy One-Liners, 121, 2006 [JEL]
  • Should self-regulation be the starting point?, Koops, Bert-Jaap and Lips, Miriam and Nouwt, Sjaak and Prins, Corien and Schellekens, Maurice and Koops, Bert-Jaap and Lips, Miriam and Prins, Corien and Schellekens, Maurice, Starting Points for ICT Regulation. Deconstructing Prevalent Policy One-Liners, 121, 2006 [JEL]
    Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
  • Nowhere to turn: Victims speak out on identity theft, Benner, Janine and Givens, Beth and Mierzwinski, Edmund and Privacy Rights Clearinghouse and United States of America and CALPIRG's Consumer Program and United States of America, CALPIRG Privacy Rights Clearinghouse Report, 2000 [Related Papers]
    Rao, Justin M
  • The economics of spam, Rao, Justin M and Reiley, David H, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 26(3), 87--110, 2012 [JEL]
    Salinger, Michael A
  • Identity theft, Anderson, Keith B and Durbin, Erik and Salinger, Michael A, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 22(2), 171--192, 2008 [JEL]
    Sand-Zantman, Wilfried
  • The Ownership of Data, Dosis, Anastasios and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried, The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 2022 [Theory]
    Schellekens, Maurice
  • Should self-regulation be the starting point?, Koops, Bert-Jaap and Lips, Miriam and Nouwt, Sjaak and Prins, Corien and Schellekens, Maurice and Koops, Bert-Jaap and Lips, Miriam and Prins, Corien and Schellekens, Maurice, Starting Points for ICT Regulation. Deconstructing Prevalent Policy One-Liners, 121, 2006 [JEL]
  • Should self-regulation be the starting point?, Koops, Bert-Jaap and Lips, Miriam and Nouwt, Sjaak and Prins, Corien and Schellekens, Maurice and Koops, Bert-Jaap and Lips, Miriam and Prins, Corien and Schellekens, Maurice, Starting Points for ICT Regulation. Deconstructing Prevalent Policy One-Liners, 121, 2006 [JEL]
    Seys, Stefaan
  • Towards measuring anonymity, Diaz, Claudia and Seys, Stefaan and Claessens, Joris and Preneel, Bart, 2002 [Related Papers]
    Shleifer, Andrei
  • Private credit in 129 countries, Djankov, Simeon and McLiesh, Caralee and Shleifer, Andrei, Journal of Financial Economics, 84(2), 299--329, 2007 [JEL]
    Spence, Michael
  • Job market signaling, Spence, Michael, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 87(3), 355--374, 1973 [JEL]
    Stone, Dianna L
  • Privacy in organizations: Theoretical issues, research findings, and protection mechanisms, Stone, Eugene F and Stone, Dianna L, Research in personnel and human resources management, 8(3), 349--411, 1990 [Related Papers]
    United States of America
  • Nowhere to turn: Victims speak out on identity theft, Benner, Janine and Givens, Beth and Mierzwinski, Edmund and Privacy Rights Clearinghouse and United States of America and CALPIRG's Consumer Program and United States of America, CALPIRG Privacy Rights Clearinghouse Report, 2000 [Related Papers]
  • Nowhere to turn: Victims speak out on identity theft, Benner, Janine and Givens, Beth and Mierzwinski, Edmund and Privacy Rights Clearinghouse and United States of America and CALPIRG's Consumer Program and United States of America, CALPIRG Privacy Rights Clearinghouse Report, 2000 [Related Papers]
    Walker, Kent
  • The Costs of Privacy, Walker, Kent, Harv. JL & Pub. Pol'y, 25, 2001 [Economic Discussions and Position Papers]
    Ward, Michael R
  • The economics of online retail markets, Ward, Michael R, The International Handbook on Emerging Telecommunications Networks, Edward Elgar Publishers, 2001 [The "New" Economics of Privacy]
    Warren, Samuel
  • The Right to Privacy, Warren, Samuel and Brandeis, Louis, Harvard Law Review, 4(5), 193--203, 1890 [JEL]
    Watts, Duncan J
  • Predicting consumer behavior with Web search, Goel, Sharad and Hofman, Jake M and Lahaie, Sébastien and Pennock, David M and Watts, Duncan J, Proceedings of the National academy of sciences, 107(41), 17486--17490, 2010 [JEL]
  • The Ownership of Data, Dosis, Anastasios and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried, The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 2022 [Theory]
  • Digital privacy, Fainmesser, Itay P and Galeotti, Andrea and Momot, Ruslan, Management Science, 2022 [Theory]
  • Privacy in organizations: Theoretical issues, research findings, and protection mechanisms, Stone, Eugene F and Stone, Dianna L, Research in personnel and human resources management, 8(3), 349--411, 1990 [Related Papers]
  • Job market signaling, Spence, Michael, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 87(3), 355--374, 1973 [JEL]
  • The Right to Privacy, Warren, Samuel and Brandeis, Louis, Harvard Law Review, 4(5), 193--203, 1890 [JEL]


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