PCOS and Laser Hair Removal by The PCOS Repair Podcastratings:
33 minutes
Oct 14, 2022
Podcast episode
PCOS is known for causing elevated androgens in particular testosterone. This can frequently lead to something called hirsutism, which is where you have excess hair growth primarily on the face, neck, upper lip, and chin. But it can include the full body. Women with PCOS often find that they have thick long coarse hairs on their chest, tummy, and toes as well as hairier legs and underarms. It can be very frustrating to keep these areas trimmed, waxed, shaved or otherwise manicured. In this episode, we’re gonna talk all about laser hair removal but I will also touch on the other options for removing unwanted hair from the body. So that you can have smooth, stubble-free skin wherever you want it. Considering Laser hair removalThere are so many ways to remove hair from the body and we discuss this as well during this episode. Each body area that you want to remove hair from doesn’t necessarily need laser treatment so I outline the options as well as the pros, cons and myths about various hair removal techniques. This episode has you covered as you select the best options for you and the various hair dilemmas you have. Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?For the most part, yes. The FDA has approved certain lasers to render permanent reduction of hair to areas treated. Laser hair removal uses a laser to deliver treatment to the desired area in almost 1-inch square increments. That can cover over 20 hairs at a time most of those hair follicles will be destroyed permanently.In contrast electrolysis, It is the only FDA-approved permanent hair removal treatment. Because electrolysis permanently destroys the growth cells in the hair follicles, the hair will not grow backHowever, you are a living person and your body can create new hair follicles or current hair follicles can thicken and darken just the way they did before due to unbalanced hormones.Who is a Good Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?The more contrast between the hair you want treatment and your skin tone the better your laser hair removal treatment results will be. For example, the best candidate has very fair skin and very dark thick hair. But newer lasers offer great options for even very dark skin tones. If you aren’t sure if you have PCOS but think you might due to the excess hair I strongly encourage getting a full workup and addressing your root causes prior to getting laser treatment. Hair growth is quite responsive to lifestyle changes as women who followed my recommendations not only had great laser results but more importantly they were longer lasting. If you are ready to get rid of unwanted hair go ahead and listen to this episode now. A full list of Resources & References Mentioned can be found on the Episode webpage.Take the PCOS Root cause quiz to learn what your body needs to heal
Oct 14, 2022
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 33 min listen