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Passing #2


Passing #2

FromLit Century


Passing #2

FromLit Century

30 minutes
Nov 3, 2020
Podcast episode


In today's episode, Nichols and Newman discuss Nella Larsen's 1929 Harlem Renaissance classic Passing (1929) with novelist Kaitlyn Greenidge, focusing on the history and cultural significance of Black people passing as white, and how this and other issues are treated in the novel. Kaitlyn Greenidge is the author of We Love You, Charlie Freeman, which was chosen as one of the New York Times Critics top ten books of 2016 and of the forthcoming Libertie. She won the Whiting Award for fiction, and is the features director for Harper's Bazaar.
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Nov 3, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (68)

Hosts Sandra Newman and Catherine Nichols choose one book for each year of the twentieth century (Nella Larsen's Passing, 1936, Jacqueline Susann's Valley of the Dolls, 1966; Mohandas Gandhi's Indian Home Rule, 1909) and talk about it in its historical and literary context. Join the hosts and their special guests to find out what the 20th century was all about.