
Protecting your privacy and our products is paramount to establishing trust with our players. Therefore, we consistently tweak and enhance our ways of working with security, and aim to be as transparent as possible about this effort. 

We truly appreciate efforts to discover and disclose security issues responsibly. If you’d like to report a security issue found in any of our products or have security concerns regarding Embark Studios, please reach out to [email protected].

In order for us to best respond to your report, please include:

  • Steps to reproduce or proof-of-concept,

  • any relevant tools, including versions, used,

  • tool output.

For reporting gameplay bugs, errors while playing, ban appeals and cheater reports, please reach out to our Player Support. If you’re a security researcher looking to submit a report about a security vulnerability, check out our Security Bug Bounty Program hosted by Intigriti. Please Note: You need to be a registered user on Intigriti in order to submit a report.

In the Embark Studios Privacy Policy, you can read more about our privacy obligations. 

Security best practices

Here we have jotted some basic, key security measures that we would love for you to follow;

  • As you may have noticed, we use third-party providers for authenticating and providing access to our games. As such, Embark will never ask for your account credentials, so never give out your password to anyone.

  • Use two-factor authentication (2FA) wherever you can, all the time.

  • If you suspect that your account has been compromised, contact the third-party provider you’ve used to access your account. and make sure to reset your passwords. TIP: don’t reuse old passwords!

  • Have different and unique passwords for the services you use on the Internet.

  • Never click on a link that looks suspicious or that comes from an unknown source. Nowadays, suspicious links sent from a friend are very likely coming from an account that has been compromised.

Stay vigilant and be awesome!

(and stay curious.!)