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Do you need a domain name?
You can still access the old platform, but new services are only available to purchase on the new platform.
If your organisation is a registered charity, you qualify for a free IE domain registration. In order to register your domain name please complete the form below or contact our sales team with the following information:
If the domain name you wish to register does not match the charity name we will need a signed letter on the organisation’s headed paper outlining why you wish to register the domain. This may be faxed to us on 059 9164239
We'll need some information from you
.IE is the official country-code domain name of Ireland.
A .IE domain name identifies you as being Irish, or having a presence in Ireland. This can help you maximise your market presence in Ireland.
There is a greater availability of .IE domain names. Only 221,871 .IE names were registered at the end of 2016, compared to almost 128 million .COM domain names. So there is a greater chance of finding the name you want.
Anyone who has a real connection to Ireland can register a .IE domain name. Click here for details of the registration policy.
Yes you can. We currently offer IE domains transfers at reduced rates. To transfer your domain please visit our domain transfer page.
Yes. If you are a registered charity, please use the charity domain order form for a free domain.
No. We are more than happy to offer domain registration services only.
Blacknight is a full-service domain registrar and hosting company, and for optimum convenience we recommend you use us as a one-stop shop! However, it is not necessary to have your domain registration and hosting with the same company.