"It's findings like these that make it easier to justify pursuing other innovative technologies. The operational knowledge captured by the Aquasight platform helps existing and new operators troubleshoot and continuously improve and helps minimize knowledge loss through retirements and transitions."


LMFP, City of Grand Rapids


Capital investments and rising O&M costs have forced water rates to escalate. As a result, utilities are facing increased pressure to be efficient while also being safe and reliable. The efficiency challenge has never been greater and utilities and operations staff must master it.


Of water revenues are O&M costs that rise faster than
water rates


Of pumps do not run at peak performance leading to
higher costs


Of assets on average
suffer from deferred


Of utility staff are
on the verge of retiring
in the next 5 years


Every $1 in recurring O&M savings creates an opportunity for $8-$10 in capital spending without rate increase. Aquasight’s ATLAS creates savings by advising operators, in
real-time, on the most efficient way to run the system and meet demand. ATLAS leverages existing sensors and requires no hardware or software—virtually paying for itself.


10 to 50%
energy savings


capital spending

Fast payback
and high ROI


No HW/SW installation required

Leverage existing infrastructure

Rapid and hassle free

Real-time performance insights

Real-time intelligent advisor

Weekly automated O&M reports

Email notifications

Aquasight Virtual

Automatic new feature upgrades


Platform Overview

Artificial Intelligence

ATLAS provides real-time performance insights and advice to run optimally based on exact conditions and demand. By fusing powerful technologies and artificial intelligence, ATLAS mines through a complex web of real-time data and delivers live suggestions in an intuitive interface that takes minutes to learn. With ATLAS, you can empower your operations to reduce O&M costs drastically.

Digital Pump Testing

Save tens of thousands of dollars by avoiding catastrophic events with ATLAS’s digital pump testing and monitoring. Test curves are generated automatically and alerts are sent to maintenance staff in real-time.

Knowledge Retention

ATLAS captures equipment and process knowledge to ease the learning curve and lower employee on-boarding costs while improving operational efficiency. Its built-in virtual advisor, AVA™, leverages Aquasight’s experts with decades of experience to deliver valuable insights into optimal operations at the lowest possible costs.

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