Early next year, the sign-in page for all Google Apps customers will be updated to be consistent across all Google Apps services. In other words, the sign-in page for Gmail will now be identical to the sign-in page for Google Calendar, Google Drive, or any other Google Apps service. This change will improve security and make it easier for users to switch between accounts. This means a few things for your organization:

  • The Google Apps sign-in page can no longer be personalized with colors and custom logos. It will now look the same across all Google sign-in pages.
  • Users will have to log in with their full email address (example: joe@company.com)
  • For SSO domains with a network mask, users will be presented with the new Google sign-in page when they log in from outside the SSO network mask. This change does not affect SSO domains without a network mask.  

We will be providing more details in the next few months so you can properly communicate this change to your end users. Stay tuned.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Admins now have the ability to customize which Hangouts features are available to which employees. They choose to limit Hangouts chat messages to being internal-only, set chat history to off by default and decide whether users within the domain can contact each other without sending or accepting formal invitations first. Video and audio chat can also be turned off across the organization.

Hangouts also supports auto-complete through the global address list. You can start by typing the name of anybody in your organization and auto-complete will help you find who you’re looking for.

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Google Apps users who use their Google+ identity in YouTube will now have the option to post videos that are viewable only by others at their domain. Domain-restricted videos can only be viewed through the web UI at this time. You’ll see a field under the “Privacy Settings” drop-down menu where you can add your domain to the list of people who have access to view the video.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Starting today, administrators will be able to find, manage and deploy third-party applications directly from the Google Apps Admin console. To start, over twenty third-party applications will be available in the Admin console. These applications all offer the latest OAuth 2.0 security, single sign-on (SSO), and integration with Google services. Applications with OAuth 2.0 allow admins can deploy them to specific people or organizational units (rather than the entire company) and developers can design apps to request more narrow access to corporate information.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Over the next few days, we’ll be rolling out a feature that lets you view Gmail attachments and save files directly to Google Drive without ever leaving Gmail. The next time you open an email with attachments, you’ll see new previews of the files at the bottom of the email. When you click on one of those previews, a full-screen view of the image or document will appear. You can now also save your attachments directly to Drive simply by clicking the Drive button that appears when you hover over the preview.

Release track:
Rapid release

Editions included:
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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We would like to remind you of the Google Apps browser support policy, the set of guidelines for Google Apps services interoperability support. We support the latest version of Google Chrome (which automatically updates whenever it detects that a new version of the browser is available) as well as the current and prior major release of Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari on a rolling basis. Each time a new version of one of these browsers is released, we begin supporting the update and stop supporting the third-oldest version.

Google’s test plans have been adjusted to now stop all testing and engineering work related to Internet Explorer 9 (IE9), as Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) was released on 17 October 2013. End users who access Gmail and other Google Apps services from an unsupported browser will be notified within the next few weeks through an in-product notification message or an interstitial pages with information about modern browsers and how to upgrade to them.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Starting today when Google Calendar invitations are sent to members of a Google Group, the attendee list will automatically update as people join or leave the group. When you join a Google Group, you will be added to all of its meetings. And if you leave a group, those meetings will be removed from your calendar. Note that groups stop dynamically changing when the total number of guests in the event crosses 200.

Release track: 
Rapid Release

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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Starting today, new Google+ communities will be restricted to your domain by default if sharing is restricted in the Admin console. Posts in these communities are only viewable by people within the domain. However, you can still choose to create communities with people outside your organization so clients, agencies or business partners can join in. You can also make your community open to anyone at your domain or private, joinable by invitation only. Community owners can easily change settings, manage membership or invite other team members to join.

Editions included: 
Google Apps for Business, Education, and Government

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