Global Agritech Investment Assembly - GAIA reposted this
At the end of March, Cosmonauts partnered with the European Space Agency - ESA & The Sustainable Markets Initiative to deliver our most ambitious & impactful SPACEtalks to date. Led by Laura Landa Ortega, our team brought together 300 of the industry's brightest minds, visionaries, government experts, and investors to deliver compelling presentations and engage in transformative discussions on space technology, commercialisation, and the industry's future. I had the unique opportunity to host the former Minister for Space George Freeman MP, with whom we discussed how the UK has a rare window of opportunity to push ahead by thinking like a start-up, but only if government and policymakers do better in supporting innovation by being more open, entrepreneurial, and generous to all who strive to build a better tomorrow. Aside from my participation, my favourite talks were those of Nick Appleyard who highlighted that without genuine impact and concrete use, innovation means very little, and, of course, the panel on Cross-Sector Perspective on Space Investment delivered by 6 of the most successful in the field who came together from across four continents was also a highlight. The event saw presenters from NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration , European Space Agency - ESA, UK Space Agency, STFC, UK Ministry of Defence, UK Space Command, UAE Space Agency, NSSA and many more. As always, my team deserves the loudest admiration. They worked long hours and shed blood, sweat, and tears to achieve this triumph. Laura Landa Ortega Brianne Gilbert Francesca Di Pillo Robins Spats Alexandria Cordova, LLM Jonathan Loudan-Nicholas Nickolai Tonna Charles Kabunga Last but not least, our sponsors & partners who propel us to success. European Space Agency - ESA The Sustainable Markets Initiative NEW ICON Darrell Edwards @1up General Electric Company Matsuura Machinery Ltd @Space Utility Drones, Black Arrow Space Technologies, Page White Farrer, STFC