Samhar Mahmoud

Samhar Mahmoud

Greater Colchester Area
2K followers 500+ connections


Research Interests:
Complex adaptive systems, agent-based systems, norms, behaviour…


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    London, England, United Kingdom

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    London, United Kingdom

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    London, United Kingdom

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    London, United Kingdom

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  • King's College London Graphic

    King's College London, U. of London


    • Thesis Title: Learning, Topologies and Adaptive Punishment for Norm Emer- gence
    • Supervisor: Professor Michael Luck
    • Research Group: Planning, Agents, and Intelligent Systems
    • Area of Study: Artificial Intelligence, Norms and Agent-Based Systems

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  • Information-based incentivisation when rewards are inadequate

    Proceedings of the 21th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence

    Other authors
  • Multi-agent system for recruiting patients for clinical trials

    Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems

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  • Norm emergence through dynamic policy adaptation in scale free networks

    Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent Systems VIII

    Other authors
  • Normative Agents

    Agreement Technologies

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  • Simulation and NorMAS

    Normative Multi- Agent Systems

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  • Efficient norm emergence through experiential dynamic punishment

    Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence

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  • Establishing norms for network topologies

    Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent System VII

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  • Optimised reputation-based adaptive punishment for limited observability

    Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems

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  • Overcoming hub effects in scale free networks

    Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Workshop on Coordination, Organisations, Institutions and Norms

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  • Overcoming omniscience for norm emergence in Axelrod's metanorm model

    Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent System VII

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  • Norm establishment via metanorms in network topologies

    Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology

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  • Overcoming omniscience in axelrod’s model

    Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM Inter- national Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology

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  • An analysis of norm emergence in axelrods model

    Proceedings of the 8th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems

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  • An analysis of norm emergence in axelrods model

    Proceedings of the 8th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems

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  • Machine Learning from Stanford University via Coursera




    - Present

    Investigating the Influences on Psychosocial Health in Early Adulthood:
    The responsibility of leading a team to investigate mechanisms and build ETL tools to enable linkage of primary care electronic patient records
    and other heterogeneous data sources.
    Technologies used: Java, MySQL, OWL, SOAP.


    Developed web service (java) and web client (C#) for the TRANSFoRm project. Service interfaced with an open-rdf Sesame triplestore containing information about various maladies, their respective symptoms and other clinical information.

    Other creators
    See project


    A service-based real-time identification of eligible patients:
    The responsibilities involved:
    ⋆ Development of a software agent that facilitates recruiting patients for clinical trials.
    ⋆ Implementation of extra functionalities and bug fixing.
    ⋆ Helping with the installation of the software on various clinics in the
    A research goal of investigating incentivising mechanisms to motivate GPs to recruit more patients, and studying the effectiveness of these mechanisms using…

    A service-based real-time identification of eligible patients:
    The responsibilities involved:
    ⋆ Development of a software agent that facilitates recruiting patients for clinical trials.
    ⋆ Implementation of extra functionalities and bug fixing.
    ⋆ Helping with the installation of the software on various clinics in the
    A research goal of investigating incentivising mechanisms to motivate GPs to recruit more patients, and studying the effectiveness of these mechanisms using agent-based simulations and reinforcement learning algorithms.
    ⋆ Technologies used: Java, MySQL.

  • TRANSFoRm clinical trial recruitment system


    The responsibility of developing an adapter application and semantic models to integrate the TRANSFoRm’s clinical trial system with leading Electronic health record systems in the UK.
    Technologies used: C# .NET, OWL, SOAP, Rest Services, Apache Tomcat.



    Translational Medicine and Patient Safety in Europe, in collaboration with 16 partners in 7 EU states:
    The responsibility of developing a decision support system prototype that aids GPs in the diagnosing process, and to integrate the prototype with a commercial electronic health record (EHR) system. The integration process uses the EHR's API to extract data and to input any newelly collected data back into the EHR.
    Technologies used: C# .NET, OWL, SOAP, Rest Services, Apache Tomcat.

  • EHR4CR


    MI EU funded Project (total e13M), Electronic Health Records For Clinical Research in Secondary Care, in collaboration with 32 EU academic and industrial partners:
    The responsibilities of maintaining and enhancing an orchestrator system that manages queries and responses between medical researchers and medical records repositories.
    Technologies used: Java, MySQL, Oracle.

Honors & Awards

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

    Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


  • Arabic

    Native or bilingual proficiency

  • English


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