What makes innovations work in Scotland? Impact, vision, community & ecosystem. Yesterday at the #makeyourinnovationswork podcast, I hosted Evelyn McDonald, CEO of the Scottish EDGE and a person of enormous energy who ignites the ideas of others. Key insight on how to nurture ideas within ecosystems, how social enterprises can fundraise for the sake of innovations and what makes Scotland a powerful growth spo with the UK.
Social Entrepreneurship as a business model to innovate by design.
"I have to keep innovating as you do in any business because you need to keep innovating to keep your supporters engaged, to keep your stakeholders engaged, to keep people you know continuing to pay you to do what you do," says Evelen. She and her Team regularly walk in entrepreneurs' shoes when you need to adjust to the market on a regular basis and need to find a problem your customers willingly pay for.
Innovate as you go.
Since Scottish EDGE was launched more than 10 years ago, they have reinvented fundraising methods to keep their funding fund. Though it is the biggest business competition in the UK, crises and markets happen. Alumni pledges (1% of what they personally make on exit back to Scottish Edge), high net Scottish entrepreneurs support, sponsorship, etc., are used to secure Scottish EDGE work.
Powerful community of alumni. One of the distinguishing features of the Scottish EDGE is that they support young and inexperienced entrepreneurs with 15000£ each per round. Once a part of Young EDGE, Amiqus has become the UK's leading compliance and onboarding platform, which is recommended for use by the UK government and is called "Fantastic Future Fifty 2024" by Tech Nation. It started from a spark.
Running a business may be a lonely place to be. Though Teams, mentors, and partners are critical to demonstrating that your ideas mean something to others, the alumni community helps on the journey itself with information, advice, a network, and support. People are rushing from other countries to return to where their business came from.
Impact matters.
The last "Beyond the Return" report by Tech Nation, European Women in VC, and Founders Forum Group has shown - 88% of the VCs use an impact investing framework or tool to guide their investment decisions, with Western Europe being one of the most impact-oriented. Even more, founders are looking for impactful projects to work on, and it's pretty crucial for GenZ and younger generations to stand for some cause. The circular economy is one of the examples of how business models can become both scalable and impactful. So, there is room for another model as well.
Impact helps to inspire critical stakeholders when you are an early-stage enterprise; it helps to spread the word and bring the right people on board.
Feel free to come into round 24 with a 1.5 million pound prize pot starting the 14th of August.
Make your #innovations work!
#strategy #growth
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