Making waves in Korea: SRE’s dynamic debut at #APACWindEnergySummit! SRE was present in full force at the APAC Wind Energy Summit, where our Taiwan and Korea teams connected with supply chain partners at our bustling booth, and Chief Regulatory Officer CC Lin shared valuable insights as an APAC offshore wind pioneer on an industry leaders' panel. The summit in Incheon, co-organized by Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and the Korean Wind Energy Industry Association (KWEIA), came hot on the heels of our exciting announcement of forming Moondo Offshore Wind Energy (MOWE) to enter the Korean market. While the summit has concluded, the momentum for our project at the southwestern tip of the Korean Peninsula continues to build. 2024 has been a remarkable year for SRE globally, with successful appearances at wind energy summits across Australia, Japan, and now Korea. As we celebrate this season of gratitude, we extend heartfelt thanks to our Korean stakeholders for their trust and support, as well as to everyone who visited our booth. Together, we’re forging ahead to create a cleaner, greener future! 【立足台灣,放眼亞洲|SRE在APAC Wind Energy Summit 初登場】 今年是風睿能源(SRE)活躍於國際場域的一年!繼參與澳洲與日本風能展之後,本週我們踏著韓國的初雪,來到了由 GWEC 和 KWEIA 在仁川舉辦的年度亞太風能高峰會 #APACWindEnergySummit, 除了台韓兩地團隊全員出動,在展場上與供應鏈夥伴進行深入交流,亦由公共政策長林致真在大會論壇中擔任與談人,分享了 SRE 作為亞太地區離岸風電先行者的豐富經驗! 隨著 SRE 宣布跨足韓國市場,我們的展攤在三天展期中吸引了絡繹不絕的訪客,這是個好的開始,也期待在地專案公司(Moondo Offshore Wind Enerrgy, MOWE)位於朝鮮半島西南端的開發專案能夠順利啟航! 值此感恩佳節,SRE 感謝韓國在地夥伴的信任與支持,以及每位蒞臨攤位的朋友,讓我們一起攜手為潔淨能源的未來努力前行! #SRE #風睿能源 #SyneraRenewableEnergy #synergy #era #offshorewind #offshorewindenergy #offshorewindpower #offshorewindfarm #APACWindEnergySummit #ActioninAPAC #風力發電 #離岸風電 #再生能源
風睿能源集團深耕離岸風電產業逾十年,是亞太地區極少數完整歷經開發、建置、運維等離岸風場全生命週期、真正具備實績的標竿開發商。 集團營運總部設於臺灣臺北市,擁有逾百名經驗豐富的專業人才,各地團隊懷抱著對綠能的熱情,致力推動淨零轉型,在實現脫碳的路上,充分落實領頭羊精神,期盼為世界打造更健康、乾淨的永續未來。
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外部風睿能源 Synera Renewable Energy連結
- 產業
- 再生能源發電
- 公司規模
- 51-200 名員工
- 總部
- Taipei
- 類型
- 個人事業
- 創立時間
- 2015
- 專長
- Offshore Wind Power、Renewable Energy、Offshore Wind Development 、Construction of Offshore Wind Farms 、Operations and Maintenance、Engineering 、Asset Management 、Sustainability Solutions 、離岸風電、再生能源、離岸風場開發、離岸風場建置、運轉維護、工程、資產管理和永續解決方案
TW Taipei
風睿能源 Synera Renewable Energy員工
New market unlocked: SRE partners with local firm to drive offshore wind in South Korea! SRE is pleased to announce the establishment of Moondo Offshore Wind Energy (MOWE) in partnership with Moondo Wind Energy (MWE) to develop an 840MW offshore wind farm in the South Sea of Korea—marking our second international collaboration after expanding into Japan! This project has secured an Electricity Business License (EBL) from the Korean government and will harness the wind off Geomundo Island, Yeosu City, Jeollanam-do Province, at the southwestern tip of the Korean Peninsula. With over a decade of proven track record, SRE stands as one of the few developers in APAC with experience spanning the lifecycle of offshore wind farms. By joining forces with local partners, we are committed to accelerating the energy transition across the region. Our expansion into South Korea represents another significant milestone in our sustainability journey. Join us next week at the #APACWindEnergySummit in Incheon as we celebrate this exciting new chapter! 【國際業務新版圖|SRE 跨足 #韓國離岸風電市場,攜手在地夥伴,共創潔淨能源新未來】 風睿能源(SRE)很開心宣布,我們已與韓國在地夥伴(MWE)攜手共組「Moondo Offshore Wind Energy, MOWE」,未來將合作開發位於朝鮮南海的離岸風場! 這項專案是 SRE 繼佈局日本北九州之後的第二宗跨國開發計畫。此計畫已獲韓國政府核發電業執照,場址位於朝鮮半島西南端全羅南道麗水市巨文島周邊海域,裝置容量可達 840MW。 SRE 擁有 10 年以上的離岸風電開發經驗,更是亞洲地區少數歷經離岸風場生命週期的開發商,此次拓展至韓國市場,不僅在集團國際業務版圖寫下嶄新篇章,也透過和在地夥伴的緊密合作,共同推動亞太區域能源轉型。 SRE下周也會參加於韓國仁川舉辦的#APACWindEnergySummit, 為我們的韓國專案加油打氣! #SRE #風睿能源 #SyneraRenewableEnergy #synergy #era #offshorewind #offshorewindenergy #offshorewindpower #offshorewindfarm #APACWindEnergySummit #ActioninAPAC #COP29Azerbaijan #COP29 #風力發電 #離岸風電 #再生能源
Double dose of good news for SRE: Formosa 4 secured Establishment Permit to power ahead! Exciting developments continue at SRE! Formosa 4, SRE’s third offshore wind project in Taiwan, has received the Establishment Permit from the Energy Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs, in late October, making it the first project to reach this significant milestone among all successful bidders in the first auction for Phase 3 Zonal Development of Offshore Wind! Formosa 4, which will be located off the coast of Miaoli County, won a 495MW development capacity in late 2022 and is expected to deliver green energy to nearly half a million households upon completion. With steadfast dedication to energy transition across Asia-Pacific, 2024 has been a year of notable progress for SRE. Each milestone achieved by Formosa 4 and Formosa 6 brings us closer to a sustainable future and reaffirms our commitment to advancing renewable energy! 【好事成雙再傳捷報|海盛風電(F4)率先獲籌設許可,寫下重大里程碑!】 風睿能源(SRE)再度傳來振奮人心的好消息!除了「海廣風電(F6)」日前如期遞交行政契約之外,我們位於苗栗外海的「海盛風電(Formosa 4)」亦率先於十月底獲得經濟部能源署核發的籌設許可,成為第三階段區塊開發第一期(3-1)所有獲配容量的案場中,第一個達成此項重大進程的開發計畫,展現出 SRE 深耕台灣、推動亞太綠能轉型的決心! 海盛風電(F4)作為 SRE 在台灣開發的第三座離岸風場,於 2022 年底獲配 495MW 的開發容量,完工後可望提供近 50 萬戶的綠能用電。 SRE 深耕亞洲以及台灣離岸風電產業多年,今年對我們而言是豐收的一年,旗下風場專案持續推進,穩健前行。這不僅是綠能發展的重要躍進,更彰顯了 SRE 持續推動低碳永續生活的決心! #SRE #風睿能源 #SyneraRenewableEnergy #synergy #era #offshorewind #offshorewindenergy #offshorewindpower #offshorewindfarm #海盛風電 #Formosa4 #風力發電 #離岸風電 #再生能源
SRE submits administrative contract for Formosa 6 on schedule, advancing a greener future as COP29 kicks off! We’re excited to announce that the administrative contract for Formosa 6 Offshore Wind Project has been submitted today to Taiwan’s Energy Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs right on the opening day of COP29 Azerbaijan—standing in solidarity for a green world! This milestone underscores our unwavering commitment to energy transition in Taiwan and across Asia-Pacific as a pioneering offshore wind developer. As COP29 intensifies global dialogue on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we at SRE remain fully dedicated to powering our planet with clean energy. Leading the way in offshore wind for over a decade in Taiwan, SRE understands the pressing demands for green power among semiconductor and other export-oriented industries. With full support for the government’s renewable energy targets for 2030, our team will adhere to regulatory requirements and collaborate with all stakeholders to create a sustainable future! 【海廣風電(Formosa 6)行政契約如期遞交!風睿能源(SRE)為綠色未來注入新動能!】 就在2024年聯合國氣候變化大會(#COP29) 開幕的同一天,風睿能源(SRE)如期向經濟部能源署正式遞交了「海廣風電(Formosa 6)」行政契約簽署文件,不僅展現了團隊深耕台灣的堅定承諾,更為台灣、甚至亞太地區再生能源的前景注入一劑強心針! 身為亞太地區指標性離岸風電開發商,SRE 深刻了解台灣半導體等出口產業對綠電的強烈需求、亦全力支持再生能源政策須於 2030 年如期達標的重要性。隨著COP29加深對減碳目標的討論,我們亦將繼續遵循政府相關規範,積極與各方夥伴協力合作,共同克服挑戰,為永續未來貢獻心力。 #SRE #風睿能源 #SyneraRenewableEnergy #synergy #era #offshorewind #offshorewindenergy #offshorewindpower #offshorewindfarm #COP29 #COP29Azerbaijan #sustainability #energytransition #風力發電 #離岸風電 #再生能源
It’s a wrap! Check out SRE’s Energy Taiwan 2024 highlights! Energy Taiwan & Net-Zero Taiwan has come to a successful close! This year, we showcased our growing presence in the Asia-Pacific region and our unwavering commitment to sustainability under the theme “Synergizing for an era of transition.” Let’s dive into our three key highlights from the exhibition: ■ Design for sustainability To embody our commitment to sustainability, we worked with a local Golden Pin Design Award-winning team to create an eco-friendly booth. The structure featured recyclable corrugated metal panels and turbine blade-inspired curved walls, reflecting ocean waves and wind energy. By using LED displays instead of wooden structures, we proudly achieved our “zero waste” goal while showcasing environmental aesthetics. ■ Expand our APAC footprint As we continue to advance offshore wind in Taiwan, securing 800MW of development capacity in Changhua, we are also expanding into the South Korean market, marking an exciting new chapter in our APAC journey. ■ Collaborate for marine conservation Beyond developing renewables, we are dedicated to marine conservation. Our partnership with National Taiwan University on the cetacean stranding rescue project exemplifies a pioneering industry-academia collaboration and underscores our commitment to environmental education. As a pioneering offshore wind developer in the Asia-Pacific, we recognize the government's efforts in prioritizing renewable energy and support the policy direction. During the three-day exhibition, we were honored by visits from many domestic and international industry peers. As the event concluded, our team is energized to continue driving the energy transition across the APAC region! 【2024台灣國際智慧能源週圓滿落幕!#SRE新風造浪 展場打造與海洋生態共好新浪潮】 #台灣國際智慧能源週 圓滿落幕,風睿能源(SRE)今年以 #SRE新風造浪 為主題,展現科技與永續結合的創新設計,成為展會上的一大亮點,在展攤開幕茶會中,SRE 團隊也透過插旗儀式,宣告了積極佈局亞太新風場的品牌願景。 【台灣國際智慧能源週,三大活動亮點】 #展場設計|科技與永續完美融合,展現前瞻綠能 秉持綠色永續的一貫企業核心理念,與在地金點設計獎獲獎團隊跨界合作,展場結構以金屬浪板與風機扇葉造型的弧形隔牆為主體,既呈現滿滿的臺灣元素,亦營造出海洋與風能交織的未來感。全場使用LED展示,捨棄木作與紙本展示,再一次實現了真正的「零廢棄」,完美演繹了環保美學。 「#新風」啟航|深耕台灣,邁向亞太 在臺灣的離岸風電版圖持續擴展,成功獲配彰化海域的 800MW 開發容量,並進一步拓展至韓國市場,積極布局亞太風場的新篇章。 「#造浪」未來|推動綠能教育,守護海洋生態 不僅推動綠能發展,更堅守海洋生態保護,攜手國立臺灣大學共同推動「鯨豚擱淺救援計畫」,開創產學合作新模式,為海洋保育與環境教育貢獻力量。 作為亞太地區離岸風電指標性開發商,我們認同政府優先推動再生能源所付出之諸多努力,也支持政策發展方向。在三天展期中,許多國內外朋友與合作夥伴都來到我們的攤位為我們加油打氣,隨著活動落幕,團隊將帶著能量,持續為亞太能源轉型而努力! #SRE #SRE品牌月 #SyneraRenewableEnergy #synergy #era #offshorewind #offshorewindenergy #offshorewindpower #offshorewindfarm #Energytaiwan #台灣國際智慧能源週 #風力發電 #離岸風電 #再生能源 #SRE新風造浪
Dancing with Cetaceans: Join us in celebrating the fifth anniversary of SRE Open-Air Cinema On the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, our much-anticipated annual “SRE Open-Air Cinema” returned to Longfeng Fishing Port, Miaoli County, for its fifth consecutive year. With the gentle sea breezes, the setting sun, and the majestic offshore wind turbines as a backdrop, we once again created a memorable experience that brought smiles to both young and old! Echoing this year’s theme, “Dancing with Cetaceans,” we screened the heartwarming film “Katak: The Brave Beluga” and, for the first time, introduced a stand hosted by the Taiwan Cetacean Society, where visitors could learn about the unique features and species of cetaceans through interactive games, inspiring greater awareness of marine conservation. At SRE, while we’re dedicated to advancing energy transition, we also care deeply about ocean sustainability. That’s why we’re proud to sponsor the “Analysis of Cetacean Stranding Patterns in Taiwan and Live Stranding Rescue Enhancement Project” led by a research team from National Taiwan University. Our journey towards sustainability is enriched by such meaningful collaborations, and we look forward to continuing our efforts for a brighter future! 【品牌月重磅活動|SRE 吹吹風電影院,與鯨豚共舞,一起守護海洋永續】 中秋佳節前夕,年度戶外活動「SRE 吹吹風電影院」於苗栗龍鳳漁港幸福開映!伴隨著海邊微風和夕陽餘暉,搭配海上風機羅列的絕佳景緻,風睿能源(SRE)第五度攜手 #苗栗文化觀光局 和 #苗栗南龍區漁會, 以及全台最潮的 Skyline Film 屋頂電影院,打造出這場全台獨家藝文嘉年華,再次成功溫暖每位大小朋友的心! 今年的主題為「與鯨豚共舞」,不但有溫馨感人的電影《蝦米小白鯨》,現場更首度邀請 #中華鯨豚協會 設置鯨豚知識遊戲區,透過互動遊戲讓大家更了解鯨豚特徵與種類,喚起大家對鯨豚保育及海洋永續議題的關注。 風睿能源(SRE)投入能源轉型的同時,也關注海洋生態永續。今年我們更首開業界先河,贊助由國立台灣大學獸醫學系團隊主持的「臺灣鯨豚擱淺模式分析與活體擱淺救援精進計畫」,以期進一步推廣並帶動海洋生態維護的意識。 我們將持續以實際行動,透過地方創生的活動與在地共榮共好,一起邁向永續未來! #SRE #SyneraRenewableEnergy #synergy #era #offshorewind #offshorewindenergy #offshorewindpower #offshorewindfarm #SREOpenAirCinema #OpenAirCinema #CSR #企業社會責任 #深化社區連結 #吹吹風電影院 #深耕苗栗 #地方創生 #永續發展
Wrapping up Global Offshore Wind Summit-Japan (GOWS-J) — relive the best moments! This week, SRE attended the #GOWSJ in Sapporo, Hokkaido, one of the key offshore wind power events in the Asia-Pacific region. We were honored to once again exhibit as a pioneering offshore wind developer, engaging with industry peers and sharing our experiences with the exciting momentum of Formosa 6 winning development capacity. As our first market beyond Taiwan, Japan has similar natural conditions, making our second #GOWSJ participation all the more meaningful. Our Chief Regulatory Officer, CC Lin, delivered a keynote highlighting insights from our strong track record in Taiwan and advocating for regional collaboration to advance offshore wind development — an idea that resonated well with the event attendees. Committed to driving the energy transition and achieving net-zero emissions, SRE is actively expanding our efforts from Taiwan to Japan, South Korea, and other Asia-Pacific markets. We look forward to continuing the dialogue on shaping a cleaner future together. Come meet us next at #EnergyTaiwan in October! 【2024 全球離岸風電高峰會(GOWS-J)|SRE 倡議區域合作】 風睿能源(SRE)於本週出席了在日本北海道札幌舉行的「2024全球離岸風電高峰會(GOWS-J)」。這場盛會是亞太地區深具代表性的風電活動之一,我們很榮幸能再次以區域內指標性開發商的身分參展,帶著既有實績以及海廣風電(Formosa 6)獲配第三階段區塊開發容量的好消息,與各國專業人士分享企業在台灣離岸風電從零到有的開發經驗,同時也為十月初的台北國際智慧能源週暖身! 日本是 SRE 首個跨足的海外市場。此次二度參與 #GOWSJ, 在為期兩天的活動中,除了積極和來自日本國內外多家產業代表交流,公共政策長林致真更透過專題演說,提出區域分工合作、共同推動離岸風電產業發展的倡議,獲得與會人士不少迴響。 SRE 秉持著推動能源轉型和淨零碳排的使命,不僅深耕台灣,也放眼日本、韓國和其他亞洲市場,為亞太地區的永續發展持續貢獻心力。 #SRE #SyneraRenewableEnergy #synergy #era #風睿能源 #風力發電 #離岸風電 #再生能源 #offshorewind #offshorewindenergy #offshorewindpower #offshorewindfarm #GOWSJ2024
Celebrating another milestone! SRE’s Formosa 6 wins development capacity in Phase 3 Zonal Development of Offshore Wind Kicking off August with fantastic news, we are thrilled to announce that Formosa 6, our first offshore wind project in central Taiwan, has been awarded 800MW of development capacity by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Since 2012, SRE has been dedicated to offshore wind power in Taiwan, navigating through all the phases of industry development, namely demonstration, potential zones, and zonal development. Formosa 6, which will be located off the coast of Changhua County, is expected to power about 860,000 households with its allocated capacity of 800MW once operational and connected to the grid. With gratitude to the competent authorities and stakeholders for their recognition, SRE’s development team reiterates the commitment to thriving together with the local communities and accelerating Taiwan's transition to net-zero emissions and sustainability. 【SRE 再創里程碑|海廣風電(F6)獲配第三階段區塊開發容量】 八月剛開始,風睿能源(SRE)即迎來好消息!我們首座佈局中台灣的離岸風電專案「#海廣風電 (Formosa 6)」正式獲得經濟部核配 800MW 開發容量! #深耕台灣市場全力以赴 SRE 自2012年投入離岸風電領域,經歷示範獎勵、潛力場址和區塊開發階段,我們始終看好並深耕台灣市場。此次獲配容量的海廣風電(Formosa 6)位於彰化外海,按本次獲配容量 800MW 估算,待完工併網後,可望為 86 萬家戶提供用電! SRE 開發團隊除了感謝主管機關及各方肯定,更將秉持深耕台灣的承諾,與在地社區共存共好,積極推動台灣能源轉型,為實現淨零碳排和永續未來貢獻心力! #SRE #SyneraRenewableEnergy #synergy #era #風睿能源 #風力發電 #離岸風電 #海廣風電 #Formosa6 #offshorewind #offshorewindenergy #offshorewindpower #offshorewindfarm
Don’t miss SRE’s recap of #AuWE2024 ! The Australia Wind Energy 2024 (#AuWE2024), the largest wind energy event in the APAC region, kicked off grandly this week in Melbourne. Bringing the exciting news of ranking high in the recent auction of Phase 3 Zonal Development, SRE is honored to be the first Taiwanese offshore wind developer to exhibit and deliver a keynote at the event. Our experience sharing captured the attention, showcasing Taiwan’s offshore wind journey to the international audience. This year's AuWE2024 brought together the renewable energy industry, drawing over 5,000 professionals. The vibrant exchanges at the event highlighted the collective passion and commitment toward achieving net-zero emissions. As a leading offshore wind developer with a solid track record across the life cycle of offshore wind farms, we will continue our dedicated efforts in helping the entire APAC region achieve sustainability. 【SRE 前進亞太地區最大風能展 #AuWE2024】 亞太地區最大的風能展 Australia Wind Energy 2024(AuWE2024)本週於墨爾本盛大開幕,帶著最新出爐的第三階段區塊開發第二輪選商的好消息,風睿能源(SRE)作為首家參展的台灣開發商,很榮幸能向與會眾多產業同好發表專題演說,分享身為台灣離岸風電領頭羊和亞洲極少數完整歷經離岸風場全生命週期開發商的經驗,也成功吸引當地市場的目光及討論,讓台灣亮眼國際。 今年的 #AuWE2024 匯集再生能源產業鏈,吸引了超過5,000位專業人士共襄盛舉。在這兩天的活動中,從展會上熱烈的互動和交流就能感受到,在推廣淨零碳排的路上,大家都充滿了熱情與決心! SRE 也將持續在可再生能源領域繼續努力,落實助力整個亞太地區加速達成淨零碳排的永續目標! #SRE #SyneraRenewableEnergy #synergy #era #風睿能源 #風力發電 #離岸風電 #AuWE2024 #offshorewind #offshorewindenergy #offshorewindpower #offshorewindfarm
The rankings for the second round of auctions for Phase 3 Zonal Development of Offshore Wind in Taiwan have been announced today. Formosa 6, SRE’s offshore wind farm to be located off the coast of Changhua County with a target capacity of around 800MW, successfully earned recognition and excelled in various evaluations. Our development team would like to express gratitude to the competent authorities for their professionalism and impartiality throughout the process, and extend our respect to our esteemed competitors. Winning the auction is just the ticket to the wind farm development journey, and there are still many challenges ahead. As the leading offshore wind developer in Asia, SRE will continue our unwavering commitment to advancing green energy, working hand in hand with partners to foster a sustainable future. 離岸風電第三階段區塊開發第二輪選商排名結果於今日揭曉。風睿能源(SRE)旗下位於彰化外海 、目標開發容量約800MW之海廣風電(Formosa 6),不負社會大眾託付與期待,在各項評比中獲得肯定,最終取得佳績。開發團隊除了要對主管機關在過程中堅守專業公正的態度表達感謝,也要向一同參賽的可敬對手致意。 得標僅是取得風場開發的入場券,接下來尚有許多挑戰與困難亟待克服。風睿能源身為亞洲地區離岸風電標竿開發商,將秉持一貫態度,在推廣綠能的道路上穩步前進,同時與各界夥伴攜手,尋求與環境的共榮與共好。 #SRE #SyneraRenewableEnergy #synergy #era #風睿能源 #風力發電 #離岸風電 #海廣風電 #Formosa6 #offshorewind #offshorewindenergy #offshorewindpower #offshorewindfarm