Showing posts with label nslookup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nslookup. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Problems with resolver library...

I just had a problem that manifested itself in a very strange way. I couldn't open Web page hosted on a local network, while everything else seemingly worked. The behavior was same for Chrome and Firefox. In due course I realized that every application had this problem. On the other hand, resolving with nslookup worked flawlesly. This was very confusing. To add more to the confusion, while running tcpdump it was obvious that there were no DNS requests sent to the network! So, it was obvious that the problem was somewhere in the local resolver. At first, I suspected on nscd that was used as a caching daemon on Fedora, but in Fedora 16 this daemon is not installed. So, how to debug this situation? Quick google query didn't yield anything useful.

Reading manual page of resolv.conf there is section that says that you can use directive option debug. But trying to do that yielded no output! Neither there were any results using the same option but via RES_OPTIONS environment variable. This is strange, and needs additional investigation as why it is so, and more importantly to know how to debug local resolver.

In the mean time I figured out that the ping command behaves the same as browser and since ping command is much smaller it is easier to debug it using strace command. So, while running ping via strace I noticed the following line in the output:
open("/lib64/", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 3
which immediately rung a bell that the problem could be nsswitch! And indeed, opening it I saw the following line:
hosts:      files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns myhostname
which basically said that, if mdns4 returns not found dns is not tried. It seems that mdns4 is used whenever the domain name ends in .local, which was true in my case. So, I changed that line into:
hosts:      files dns
and everything works as expected.

Since I didn't install explicitly mdns, I decided to remove it. But then it became clear that wine (Windows Emulator) depends on it. So, I left it.

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scientist, consultant, security specialist, networking guy, system administrator, philosopher ;)

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