Layout of Rust enum types

Disclaimer: Some parts of this section were decided in RFCs, but others represent the consensus from issue #10. The text will attempt to clarify which parts are "guaranteed" (owing to the RFC decision) and which parts are still in a "preliminary" state, at least until we start to open RFCs ratifying parts of the Unsafe Code Guidelines effort.

Note: This document has not yet been updated to RFC 2645.

Categories of enums

Empty enums. Enums with no variants can never be instantiated and are equivalent to the ! type. They do not accept any #[repr] annotations.

Fieldless enums. The simplest form of enum is one where none of the variants have any fields:

fn main() {
enum SomeEnum {

Such enums correspond quite closely with enums in the C language (though there are important differences as well). Presuming that they have more than one variant, these sorts of enums are always represented as a simple integer, though the size will vary.

Fieldless enums may also specify the value of their discriminants explicitly:

fn main() {
enum SomeEnum {
  Variant22 = 22,
  Variant44 = 44,

As in C, discriminant values that are not specified are defined as either 0 (for the first variant) or as one more than the prior variant.

Data-carrying enums. Enums with at least one variant with fields are called "data-carrying" enums. Note that for the purposes of this definition, it is not relevant whether the variant fields are zero-sized. Therefore this enum is considered "data-carrying":

fn main() {
enum Foo {

repr annotations accepted on enums

In general, enums may be annotated using the following #[repr] tags:

  • A specific integer type (called Int as a shorthand below):
    • #[repr(u8)]
    • #[repr(u16)]
    • #[repr(u32)]
    • #[repr(u64)]
    • #[repr(i8)]
    • #[repr(i16)]
    • #[repr(i32)]
    • #[repr(i64)]
  • C-compatible layout:
    • #[repr(C)]
  • C-compatible layout with a specified discriminant size:
    • #[repr(C, u8)]
    • #[repr(C, u16)]
    • etc

Note that manually specifying the alignment using #[repr(align)] is not permitted on an enum.

The set of repr annotations accepted by an enum depends on its category, as defined above:

  • Empty enums: no repr annotations are permitted.
  • Fieldless enums: #[repr(Int)]-style and #[repr(C)] annotations are permitted, but #[repr(C, Int)] annotations are not.
  • Data-carrying enums: all repr annotations are permitted.

Enum layout rules

The rules for enum layout vary depending on the category.

Layout of an empty enum

An empty enum is an enum with no variants; empty enums can never be instantiated and are logically equivalent to the "never type" !. #[repr] annotations are not accepted on empty enums. Empty enums are guaranteed to have the same layout as ! (zero size and alignment 1).

Layout of a fieldless enum

If there is no #[repr] attached to a fieldless enum, the compiler will represent it using an integer of sufficient size to store the discriminants for all possible variants -- note that if there is only one variant, then 0 bits are required, so it is possible that the enum may have zero size. In the absence of a #[repr] annotation, the number of bits used by the compiler are not defined and are subject to change.

When a #[repr(Int)]-style annotation is attached to a fieldless enum (one without any data for its variants), it will cause the enum to be represented as a simple integer of the specified size Int. This must be sufficient to store all the required discriminant values.

The #[repr(C)] annotation is equivalent, but it selects the same size as the C compiler would use for the given target for an equivalent C-enum declaration.

Combining a C and Int repr (e.g., #[repr(C, u8)]) is not permitted on a fieldless enum.

The values used for the discriminant will match up with what is specified (or automatically assigned) in the enum definition. For example, the following enum defines the discriminants for its variants as 22 and 23 respectively:

fn main() {
enum Foo { 
  // Specificy discriminant of this variant as 22:
  Variant22 = 22,
  // Default discriminant is one more than the previous,
  // so 23 will be assigned.

Note: some C compilers offer flags (e.g., -fshort-enums) that change the layout of enums from the default settings that are standard for the platform. The integer size selected by #[repr(C)] is defined to match the default settings for a given target, when no such flags are supplied. If interop with code that uses other flags is desired, then one should either specify the sizes of enums manually or else use an alternate target definition that is tailored to the compiler flags in use.

Layout of a data-carrying enums with an explicit repr annotation

This section concerns data-carrying enums with an explicit repr annotation of some form. The memory layout of such cases was specified in RFC 2195 and is therefore normative.

The layout of data-carrying enums that do not have an explicit repr annotation is generally undefined, but with certain specific exceptions: see the next section for details.

Explicit repr annotation without C compatibility

When an enum is tagged with #[repr(Int)] for some integral type Int (e.g., #[repr(u8)]), it will be represented as a C-union of a series of #[repr(C)] structs, one per variant. Each of these structs begins with an integral field containing the discriminant, which specifies which variant is active. They then contain the remaining fields associated with that variant.

Example. The following enum uses an repr(u8) annotation:

fn main() {
enum TwoCases {
    A(u8, u16),

This will be laid out equivalently to the following more complex Rust types:

fn main() {
union TwoCasesRepr {
    A: TwoCasesVariantA,
    B: TwoCasesVariantB,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]        
enum TwoCasesTag { A, B }

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct TwoCasesVariantA(TwoCasesTag, u8, u16);

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct TwoCasesVariantB(TwoCasesTag, u16);

Note that the TwoCasesVariantA and TwoCasesVariantB structs are #[repr(C)]; this is needed to ensure that the TwoCasesTag value appears at offset 0 in both cases, so that we can read it to determine the current variant.

Explicit repr annotation with C compatibility

When the #[repr] tag includes C, e.g., #[repr(C)] or #[repr(C, u8)], the layout of enums is changed to better match C++ enums. In this mode, the data is laid out as a tuple of (discriminant, union), where union represents a C union of all the possible variants. The type of the discriminant will be the integral type specified (u8, etc) -- if no type is specified, then the compiler will select one based on what a size a fieldless enum would have with the same number of variants.

This layout, while more compatible and arguably more obvious, is also less efficient than the non-C compatible layout in some cases in terms of total size. For example, the TwoCases example given in the previous section only occupies 4 bytes with #[repr(u8)], but would occupy 6 bytes with #[repr(C, u8)], as more padding is required.

Example. The following enum:

#[repr(C, Int)]
enum MyEnum {
    B(f32, u64),
    C { x: u32, y: u8 },

is equivalent to the following Rust definition:

struct MyEnumRepr {
    tag: MyEnumTag,
    payload: MyEnumPayload,

enum MyEnumTag { A, B, C, D }

union MyEnumPayload {
   A: u32,
   B: MyEnumPayloadB,
   C: MyEnumPayloadC,
   D: (),

struct MyEnumPayloadB(f32, u64);

struct MyEnumPayloadC { x: u32, y: u8 }

This enum can also be represented in C++ as follows:

#include <stdint.h>

enum class MyEnumTag: CppEquivalentOfInt { A, B, C, D };
struct MyEnumPayloadB { float _0; uint64_t _1;  };
struct MyEnumPayloadC { uint32_t x; uint8_t y; };

union MyEnumPayload {
   uint32_t A;
   MyEnumPayloadB B;
   MyEnumPayloadC C;

struct MyEnum {
    MyEnumTag tag;
    MyEnumPayload payload;

Layout of a data-carrying enums without a repr annotation

If no explicit #[repr] attribute is used, then the layout of a data-carrying enum is typically not specified. However, in certain select cases, there are guaranteed layout optimizations that may apply, as described below.

Discriminant elision on Option-like enums

(Meta-note: The content in this section is not fully described by any RFC and is therefore "non-normative". Parts of it were specified in rust-lang/rust#60300).

Definition. An option-like enum is a 2-variant enum where:

  • the enum has no explicit #[repr(...)], and
  • one variant has a single field, and
  • the other variant has no fields (the "unit variant").

The simplest example is Option<T> itself, where the Some variant has a single field (of type T), and the None variant has no fields. But other enums that fit that same template fit.

Definition. The payload of an option-like enum is the single field which it contains; in the case of Option<T>, the payload has type T.

Definition. In some cases, the payload type may contain illegal values, which are called niches. For example, a value of type &T may never be NULL, and hence defines a niche consisting of the bitstring 0. Similarly, the standard library types NonZeroU8 and friends may never be zero, and hence also define the value of 0 as a niche.

The niche values must be disjoint from the values allowed by the validity invariant. The validity invariant is, as of this writing, the current active discussion topic in the unsafe code guidelines process. rust-lang/rust#60300 specifies that the following types have at least one niche (the all-zeros bit-pattern):

  • &T
  • &mut T
  • extern "C" fn
  • core::num::NonZero*
  • core::ptr::NonNull<T>
  • #[repr(transparent)] struct around one of the types in this list.

Option-like enums where the payload defines at least one niche value are guaranteed to be represented using the same memory layout as their payload. This is called discriminant elision, as there is no explicit discriminant value stored anywhere. Instead, niche values are used to represent the unit variant.

The most common example is that Option<&u8> can be represented as an nullable &u8 reference -- the None variant is then represented using the niche value zero. This is because a valid &u8 value can never be zero, so if we see a zero value, we know that this must be None variant.

Example. The type Option<&u32> will be represented at runtime as a nullable pointer. FFI interop often depends on this property.

Example. As fn types are non-nullable, the type Option<extern "C" fn()> will be represented at runtime as a nullable function pointer (which is therefore equivalent to a C function pointer) . FFI interop often depends on this property.

Example. The following enum definition is not option-like, as it has two unit variants:

fn main() {
enum Enum1<T> {

Example. The following enum definition is not option-like, as it has an explicit repr attribute.

fn main() {
enum Enum2<T> {

Layout of enums with a single variant

NOTE: the guarantees in this section have not been approved by an RFC process.

Data-carrying enums with a single variant without a repr() annotation have the same layout as the variant field. Fieldless enums with a single variant have the same layout as a unit struct.

For example, here:

fn main() {
struct UnitStruct;
enum FieldlessSingleVariant { FieldlessVariant }

struct SomeStruct { x: u32 }
enum DataCarryingSingleVariant {
  • FieldSingleVariant has the same layout as UnitStruct,
  • DataCarryingSingleVariant has the same layout as SomeStruct.

Unresolved questions

See Issue #79.:

  • Layout of multi-variant enums where only one variant is inhabited.