
rustup provides a number of wrappers for common Rust tools. These are called proxies and represent commands which are provided by the various components.

The list of proxies is currently static in rustup and is as follows:

  • rustc is the compiler for the Rust programming language, provided by the project itself and comes from the rustc component.

  • rustdoc is a tool distributed in the rustc component which helps you to generate documentation for Rust projects.

  • cargo is the Rust package manager which downloads your Rust package’s dependencies, compiles your packages, makes distributable packages, and uploads them to (the Rust community’s package registry). It comes from the cargo component.

  • rust-lldb, rust-gdb, and rust-gdbgui are simple wrappers around the lldb, gdb, and gdbgui debuggers respectively. The wrappers enable some pretty-printing of Rust values and add some convenience features to the debuggers by means of their scripting interfaces.

  • rust-analyzer is part of the Rust IDE integration tooling. It implements the language-server protocol to permit IDEs and editors such as Visual Studio Code, Vim, or Emacs, access to the semantics of the Rust code you are editing. It comes from the rust-analyzer component.

  • cargo-clippy and clippy-driver are related to the clippy linting tool which provides extra checks for common mistakes and stylistic choices and it comes from the clippy component.

  • cargo-miri is an experimental interpreter for Rust’s mid-level intermediate representation (MIR) and it comes from the miri component.

  • rls is a deprecated IDE tool that has been replaced by rust-analyzer. It comes from the rls component.