
Make it possible to define custom smart pointers that work with trait objects. For now, it will only be possible to do this using a derive macro, as we do not stabilize the underlying traits.

This RFC builds on top of the arbitrary self types v2 RFC. All references to the Receiver trait are references to the version defined by that RFC, which is different from the Receiver trait in nightly at the time of writing.


Currently, the standard library types Rc and Arc are special. It’s not possible for third-party libraries to define custom smart pointers that work with trait objects.

It is generally desireable to make std less special, but this particular RFC is motived by use-cases in the Linux Kernel. In the Linux Kernel, we need reference counted objects often, but we are not able to use the standard library Arc. There are several reasons for this:

  1. The standard Rust Arc will call abort on overflow. This is not acceptable in the kernel; instead we want to saturate the count when it hits isize::MAX. This effectively leaks the Arc.
  2. Using Rust atomics raises various issues with the memory model. We are using the LKMM (Linux Kernel Memory Model) rather than the usual C++ model. This means that all atomic operations should be implemented with an asm! block or similar that matches what kernel C does, rather than an LLVM intrinsic like we do today.

The Linux Kernel also needs another custom smart pointer called ListArc, which is needed to provide a safe API for the linked list that the kernel uses. The kernel needs these linked lists to avoid allocating memory during critical regions on spinlocks.

For more detailed explanations of these use-cases, please refer to:

Guide-level explanation

The derive macro SmartPointer allows you to use custom smart pointers with trait objects. This means that you will be able to coerce from SmartPointer<MyStruct> to SmartPointer<dyn MyTrait> when MyStruct implements MyTrait. Additionally, the derive macro allows you to use self: SmartPointer<Self> in traits without making them non-object-safe.

It is not possible to use this feature without the derive macro, as we are not stabilizing its expansion.

Coercions to trait objects

By using the macro, the following example will compile:

struct MySmartPointer<T: ?Sized>(Box<T>);

impl<T: ?Sized> Deref for MySmartPointer<T> {
    type Target = T;
    fn deref(&self) -> &T {

trait MyTrait {}

impl MyTrait for i32 {}

fn main() {
    let ptr: MySmartPointer<i32> = MySmartPointer(Box::new(4));

    // This coercion would be an error without the derive.
    let ptr: MySmartPointer<dyn MyTrait> = ptr;

Without the #[derive(SmartPointer)] macro, this example would fail with the following error:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> src/
11 |     let ptr: MySmartPointer<dyn MyTrait> = ptr;
   |              ---------------------------   ^^^ expected `MySmartPointer<dyn MyTrait>`, found `MySmartPointer<i32>`
   |              |
   |              expected due to this
   = note: expected struct `MySmartPointer<dyn MyTrait>`
              found struct `MySmartPointer<i32>`
   = help: `i32` implements `MyTrait` so you could box the found value and coerce it to the trait object `Box<dyn MyTrait>`, you will have to change the expected type as well

Object safety

Consider the following trait:

trait MyTrait {
    // Arbitrary self types is enough for this.
    fn func(self: MySmartPointer<Self>);

// But this requires #[derive(SmartPointer)].
fn call_func(value: MySmartPointer<dyn MyTrait>) {

You do not need #[derive(SmartPointer)] to declare this trait (arbitrary self types is enough), but the trait will not be object safe unless you annotate MySmartPointer with #[derive(SmartPointer)]. If you don’t, then the use of dyn MyTrait triggers the following error:

error[E0038]: the trait `MyTrait` cannot be made into an object
  --> src/
8  |     fn func(self: MySmartPointer<Self>);
   |                   -------------------- help: consider changing method `func`'s `self` parameter to be `&self`: `&Self`
11 | fn call_func(value: MySmartPointer<dyn MyTrait>) {
   |                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^ `MyTrait` cannot be made into an object
note: for a trait to be "object safe" it needs to allow building a vtable to allow the call to be resolvable dynamically; for more information visit <>
  --> src/
7  | trait MyTrait {
   |       ------- this trait cannot be made into an object...
8  |     fn func(self: MySmartPointer<Self>);
   |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ...because method `func`'s `self` parameter cannot be dispatched on

Note that using the self: MySmartPointer<Self> syntax requires that you implement Receiver (or Deref), as the derive macro does not emit an implementation of Receiver.

Requirements for using the macro

Whenever a self: MySmartPointer<Self> method is called on a trait object, the compiler will convert from MySmartPointer<dyn MyTrait> to MySmartPointer<MyStruct> using something similar to a transmute. Because of this, there are strict requirements on the layout of MySmartPointer. It is required that MySmartPointer is a #[repr(transparent)] struct, and the type of its non-zero-sized field must either be a standard library pointer type (reference, raw pointer, NonNull, Box, Arc, etc.) or another user-defined type also using this derive macro.

struct MySmartPointer<T: ?Sized> {
    ptr: Box<T>,
    _phantom: PhantomData<T>,

Multiple type parameters

If the type has multiple type parameters, then you must explicitly specify which one should be used for dynamic dispatch. For example:

struct MySmartPointer<#[pointee] T: ?Sized, U> {
    ptr: Box<T>,
    _phantom: PhantomData<U>,

Specifying #[pointee] when the struct has only one type parameter is allowed, but not required.

Pinned pointers

The #[derive(SmartPointer)] macro is not sufficient to coerce the smart pointer when it is wrapped in Pin. That is, even if MySmartPointer<MyStruct> coerces to MySmartPointer<dyn MyTrait>, you will not be able to coerce Pin<MySmartPointer<MyStruct>> to Pin<MySmartPointer<dyn MyTrait>>. Similarly, traits with self types of Pin<MySmartPointer<Self>> are not object safe.

If you implement the unstable unsafe trait called PinCoerceUnsized for MySmartPointer, then the smart pointer will gain the ability to be coerced when wrapped in Pin. The trait is not being stabilized by this RFC.

Example of a custom Rc

The macro makes it possible to implement custom smart pointers. For example, you could implement your own Rc type like this:

pub struct Rc<T: ?Sized> {
    inner: NonNull<RcInner<T>>,

struct RcInner<T: ?Sized> {
    refcount: usize,
    value: T,

impl<T: ?Sized> Deref for Rc<T> {
    type Target = T;
    fn deref(&self) -> &T {
        let ptr = self.inner.as_ptr();
        unsafe { &*ptr.value }

impl<T> Rc<T> {
    pub fn new(value: T) -> Self {
        let inner = Box::new(RcInner {
            refcount: 1,
        Self {
            inner: NonNull::from(Box::leak(inner)),

impl<T: ?Sized> Clone for Rc<T> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        unsafe { (*self.inner.as_ptr()).refcount += 1 };
        Self { inner: self.inner }

impl<T: ?Sized> Drop for Rc<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        let ptr = self.inner.as_ptr();
        unsafe { (*ptr).refcount -= 1 };
        if unsafe { (*ptr).refcount } == 0 {
            drop(unsafe { Box::from_raw(ptr) });

In this example, #[derive(SmartPointer)] makes it possible to use Rc<dyn MyTrait>.

Reference-level explanation

The derive macro will expand into two trait implementations, core::ops::CoerceUnsized to enable unsizing coercions and core::ops::DispatchFromDyn for dynamic dispatch. This expansion will be adapted in the future if the underlying mechanisms for unsizing coercions and dynamically dispatched receivers changes.

As mentioned in the rationale section, this RFC only proposes to stabilize the derive macro. The underlying traits used by its expansion will remain unstable for now.

Input Requirements

The macro sets the following requirements on its input:

  1. The definition must be a struct.
  2. The struct must have at least one type parameter. If multiple type parameters are present, exactly one of them has to be annotated with the #[pointee] derive helper attribute.
  3. The struct must be #[repr(transparent)].
  4. The struct must have at least one field.
  5. Assume that T is a type that can be unsized to U, and let FT and FU be the type of the struct’s field when the pointee is equal to T and U respectively. If the struct’s trait bounds are satisfied for both T and U, then it must be possible to convert FT to FU using an unsizing coercion.

(Adapted from the docs for DispatchFromDyn.)

Points 1, 2 and 3 are verified syntactically by the derive macro. Points 4 and 5 are verified semantically by the compiler when checking the generated DispatchFromDyn implementation as it does today.

The #[pointee] attribute may also be written as #[smart_pointer::pointee].


The macro will expand to two implementations, one for core::ops::CoerceUnsized and one for core::ops::DispatchFromDyn. This is enough for a type to participate in unsizing coercions and dynamic dispatch.

The derive macro will implement both traits for the type according to the following procedure:

  • Copy all generic parameters from the struct definition into the impl.
  • Add an additional type parameter U.
  • For every trait bound declared on the trait, add it twice to the trait implementation. Once exactly as written, and once with every instance of the #[pointee] parameter replaced with U.
  • Add an additional Unsize<U> bound to the #[pointee] type parameter.
  • The generic parameter of the trait being implemented will be Self, except that the #[pointee] type parameter is replaced with U.

Given the following example code:

struct MySmartPointer<'a, #[pointee] T, A>
    T: ?Sized + SomeTrait<T>,
    ptr: &'a T,
    phantom: PhantomData<A>,

we’ll get the following expansion:

impl<'a, T, A, U> ::core::ops::CoerceUnsized<MySmartPointer<'a, U, A>> for MySmartPointer<'a, T, A>
    T: ?Sized + SomeTrait<T>,
    U: ?Sized + SomeTrait<U>,
    T: ::core::marker::Unsize<U>,

impl<'a, T, A, U> ::core::ops::DispatchFromDyn<MySmartPointer<'a, U, A>> for MySmartPointer<'a, T, A>
    T: ?Sized + SomeTrait<T>,
    U: ?Sized + SomeTrait<U>,
    T: ::core::marker::Unsize<U>,

Receiver and Deref implementations

The macro does not emit a Receiver implementation. Types that do not implement Receiver can still use #[derive(SmartPointer)], but they can’t be used with dynamic dispatch directly.

The raw pointer type would be an example of a type that (behaves like it) is annotated with #[derive(SmartPointer)] without an implementation of Receiver. In the case of raw pointers, you can coerce from *const MyStruct to *const dyn MyTrait, but you must first convert them to a reference before you can use them for dynamic dispatch.

Vtable requirements

As seen in the Rc example, the macro needs to be usable even if the pointer is NonNull<RcInner<T>> (as opposed to NonNull<T>).


The standard library defines the following unstable trait:

/// Trait that indicates that this is a pointer or a wrapper for one, where
/// unsizing can be performed on the pointee when it is pinned.
/// # Safety
/// If this type implements `Deref`, then the concrete type returned by `deref`
/// and `deref_mut` must not change without a modification. The following
/// operations are not considered modifications:
/// * Moving the pointer.
/// * Performing unsizing coercions on the pointer.
/// * Performing dynamic dispatch with the pointer.
/// * Calling `deref` or `deref_mut` on the pointer.
/// The concrete type of a trait object is the type that the vtable corresponds
/// to. The concrete type of a slice is an array of the same element type and
/// the length specified in the metadata. The concrete type of a sized type
/// is the type itself.
pub unsafe trait PinCoerceUnsized<U>: CoerceUnsized<U> {}

impl<T, U> CoerceUnsized<Pin<U>> for Pin<T>
    T: PinCoerceUnsized<U>,

impl<T, U> DispatchFromDyn<Pin<U>> for Pin<T>
    T: PinCoerceUnsized<U> + DispatchFromDyn<U>,

The trait is implemented for all standard library types that implement CoerceUnsized.

Although this RFC proposes to add the PinCoerceUnsized trait to ensure that unsizing coercions of pinned pointers cannot be used to cause unsoundness, the RFC does not propose to stabilize the trait.


  • Stabilizing this macro limits how the underlying traits can be changed in the future, since we cannot change them in ways that make it impossible to implement the macro as-is.

  • Stabilizing this macro reduces the incentive to stabilize the underlying traits, meaning that it may take significantly longer before we do so. This RFC does not include support for coercing transparent containers like Cell, so hopefully that will be enough incentive to continue work on the underlying traits.

  • This would be the first example in the standard library of a derive macro that does not implement a trait of the same name as the macro. (However, there are examples of macros that implement multiple traits: #[derive(PartialEq)] also implements StructuralPartialEq.)

Rationale and alternatives

Why only stabilize a macro?

This RFC proposes to stabilize the #[derive(SmartPointer)] macro without stabilizing what it expands to. This effectively means that the macro is the only way to use these features for custom types. The rationale for this is that we currently don’t know how to stabilize the traits, and that this is a serious blocker for making progress on this issue. Stabilizing the macro will unblock projects that wish to define custom smart pointers, and does not prevent evolution of the underlying traits.

See also the section on prior art, which discusses a previous attempt to stabilize the underlying traits.

Receiver and Deref traits

The vast majority of custom smart pointers will implement Receiver (often via Deref, which results in a Receiver impl due to the blanket impl). So why not also emit a Receiver/Deref impl in the output of the macro. One advantage of doing so is that this may sufficiently limit the macro so that we do not need to solve the pin soundness issue discussed in the unresolved questions section.

However, it turns out that there are quite a few different ways we might implement Deref. For example, consider the custom Rc example:

pub struct Rc<T: ?Sized> {
    inner: NonNull<RcInner<T>>,

struct RcInner<T: ?Sized> {
    refcount: usize,
    value: T,

impl<T: ?Sized> Deref for Rc<T> {
    type Target = T;
    fn deref(&self) -> &T {
        let ptr = self.inner.as_ptr();
        unsafe { &*ptr.value }

Making the macro general enough to generate Deref impls that are that complex would not be feasible. And it doesn’t make sense to stabilize the macro without support for the custom Rc case, as implementing a custom Arc in the Linux Kernel is the primary motivation for this RFC.

Note that having the macro generate a Receiver impl instead doesn’t work either, because that prevents the user from implementing Deref at all. (There is a blanket impl of Receiver for all Deref types.)

Transparent containers

Smart pointers are not the only use case for implementing the CoerceUnsized and DispatchFromDyn traits. They are also used for “transparent containers” such as Cell. That use-case allows coercions such as Cell<Box<MyStruct>> to Cell<Box<dyn MyTrait>>. (Coercions where the Cell is inside the Box are already supported on stable Rust.)

It is not possible to use the derive macro proposed by this RFC for transparent containers because they require a different set of where bounds when implementing the traits. To compare:

// smart pointer example
impl<T, U> DispatchFromDyn<Box<U>> for Box<T>
    T: Unsize<U> + ?Sized,
    U: ?Sized,

// transparent container example
impl<T, U> DispatchFromDyn<Cell<U>> for Cell<T>
    T: DispatchFromDyn<U>,

Attempting to annotate #[derive(SmartPointer)] onto a transparent container will fail to compile because it violates the rules for implementing DispatchFromDyn. Supporting custom transparent containers is out of scope for this RFC.

Why not two derive macros?

The derive macro generates two different trait implementations:

  • CoerceUnsized that allows conversions from SmartPtr<MyStruct> to SmartPtr<dyn MyTrait>.
  • DispatchFromDyn that allows conversions from SmartPtr<dyn MyTrait> to SmartPtr<MyStruct>.

It could be argued that these should be split into two separate derive macros. We are not proposing this for a few reasons:

  • If there are two derive macros, then we have to support the case where you only use one of them. There isn’t much reason to do that, and the authors are not aware of any examples where you would prefer to implement one of the traits without implementing both.

  • Having two different macros means that we lock ourselves into solutions that involve two traits that split the feature in the way that we split it today. However, it is easy to imagine situations where we would want to split the traits in a different way. For example, we might instead want one trait for smart pointers, and another trait for transparent containers. Or maybe we just want one trait that does both things.

  • The authors believe that a convenience #[derive(SmartPointer)] macro will continue to make sense, even once the underlying traits are stabilized. It is significantly easier to use than the expansion.

  • If we want the macro to correspond one-to-one to the underlying traits, then we would want to use the same names as the underlying traits. However, we don’t know what the traits will be called when we finally figure out how to stabilize them. (One of the traits have already been renamed once!)

Even raw-pointer-like types that do not implement Receiver still want to implement DispatchFromDyn, since this allows you to use them as the field type in other structs that use #[derive(SmartPointer)]. For example, the custom Rc has a field of type NonNull, and this works since NonNull is DispatchFromDyn.

What about #[pointee]?

This RFC currently proposes to mark the generic parameter used for dynamic dispatch with #[pointee]. For convenience, the RFC proposes that this is only needed when there are multiple generic parameters.

There are potential use-cases for smart pointers with additional generic parameters. Specifically, the ListArc type used by the linked lists currently has an additional const generic parameter to allow you to use the same refcounted value with multiple lists. People have argued that it would be better to change this to a generic type instead of a const generic, so it would be useful to keep the option of having multiple generic types on the struct.

Conflicts with third-party derive macros

The #[pointee] attribute could in principle conflict with other derive macros that also wish to annotate one of the parameters with an attribute called #[pointee]. To disambiguate such cases, we also allow the attribute to be spelled #[smart_pointer::pointee].

It is an error to specify both #[pointee] and #[smart_pointer::pointee], so both macros must support this kind of disambiguation.

Another way to avoid conflicts between #[derive(SmartPointer)] and third-party macros is to always assume that the first generic parameter is the pointee. This RFC does not propose that solution because:

  • It prevents the pointee from having a default unless it is the only parameter, because parameters with a default must come last.
  • If logic such as “the first parameter” becomes commonplace in macro design, then it does not really solve the issue with conflicts: you could have two macros that both assume that the first parameter is special. And this kind of conflict will be more common than attribute conflicts, because the attribute will only conflict if both macros use an attribute of the same name.

The authors are not aware of any macros using a #[pointee] attribute today.

Derive macro or not?

Stabilizing this as a derive macro more or less locks us in with the decision that the compiler will use traits to specify which types are compatible with trait objects. However, one could imagine other mechanisms. For example, stable Rust currently has logic saying that any struct where the last field is ?Sized will work with unsizing operations. (E.g., if Wrapper is such a struct, then you can convert from Box<Wrapper<[u8; 10]>> to Box<Wrapper<[u8]>>.) That mechanism is not specified using a trait.

However, using traits for this functionality seems to be the most flexible. To solve the unresolved questions, we most likely need to constrain the implementations of these traits for Pin with stricter trait bounds than what is specified on the struct. That will get much more complicated if we use a mechanism other than traits to specify this logic.


Beyond the addition of the #[derive(SmartPointer)] macro, this RFC also proposes to add a new unstable trait called PinCoerceUnsized. This trait is necessary because the API proposed by this RFC would otherwise by unsound:

You could use Pin::new to create a Pin<SmartPtr<MyUnpinFuture>> and coerce that to Pin<SmartPtr<dyn Future>>. Then, if SmartPtr has a malicious implementation of the Deref trait, then deref could return a &mut dyn Future whose concrete type is not MyUnpinFuture, but instead some other future type that does need to be pinned. Since no unsafe code is involved in any of these steps, this means that we are able to safely create a pinned pointer to a value that has not been pinned.

Adding the unsafe PinCoerceUnsized trait ensures that the user cannot coerce Pin<SmartPtr<MyUnpinFuture>> to Pin<SmartPtr<dyn Future>> without using unsafe to promise that the concrete type returned when calling deref on the resulting Pin<SmartPtr<dyn Future>> is MyUnpinFuture.

This RFC does not propose to stabilize PinCoerceUnsized because of naming issues. If we do not know whether CoerceUnsized will still use that name when we stabilize it, then we can’t stabilize a trait called PinCoerceUnsized. Furthermore, the Linux kernel (which forms the motivation for this RFC) does not currently need it to be stabilized.

There are some alternatives to PinCoerceUnsized. The primary contender for an alternative solution is DerefPure. However, that solution involves a minor breaking change, and we can always decide to switch to DerefPure later even if we adopt PinCoerceUnsized now.


A previous version of this RFC proposed to instead add a trait called StableDeref that pretty much had the same requirements as PinCoerceUnsized, except that it also required the address returned by deref to be stable.

The motivation behind adding a StableDeref trait instead of PinCoerceUnsized is that StableDeref would also be useful for other things, and that both traits essentially just say that the Deref implementation doesn’t do anything unreasonable. The requirement that the address is stable is not strictly required to keep the API sound, but semantically it is incoherent to have a pinned pointer whose address can change, so it is not overly burdensome to require it.

However, this suggestion was abandoned due to an inconsistency with the StableDeref trait defined by the ecosystem. That trait requires that raw pointers to the contents of the pointer stay valid even if the smart pointer is moved, but this is not satisfied by Box or &mut T because moving these pointers asserts that they are unique. This is a problem because whichever trait we use for pinned unsizing coercions, it must be implemented by Box and &mut T.


In a similar manner to the StableDeref option, we can use the existing DerefPure trait. This option is a reasonable way forward, but this RFC does not propose it because it would be a breaking change. (Note that StableDeref is also a breaking change for the same reason.)

Basically, the problem is that Deref is a supertrait of DerefPure, but there are a few types that can be coerced when pinned that do not implement Deref. For example, this code compiles today:

trait MyTrait {}
impl MyTrait for String {}

fn pin_cell_map(p: Pin<Cell<Box<String>>>) -> Pin<Cell<Box<dyn MyTrait>>> {

The Cell type does not implement Deref, but the above code still compiles. Note that since all methods on Pin do require Deref, such pinned pointers are useless and impossible to construct. But it is a breaking change nonetheless.

If this breakage is considered acceptable, then using DerefPure instead of a new PinCoerceUnsized would be a reasonable way forward.

Make the derive macro unsafe

We could just make the macro unsafe in a similar vein to the unsafe attributes RFC.

// SAFETY: The Deref impl is not malicious.
pub struct Rc<T: ?Sized> {
    inner: NonNull<RcInner<T>>,

This would solve the unsoundness, but this RFC does not propose it because it raises forwards compatibility hazards. We might start out with an unsafe derive macro, and then in the future we might decide to instead use the PinCoerceUnsized solution. Then, #[unsafe(derive(SmartPointer))] would have to generate an implementation of PinCoerceUnsized trait too, because otherwise #[unsafe(derive(SmartPointer))] Pin<Rc<MyStruct>> would lose the ability to be unsize coerced, which would be a breaking change. This means that #[unsafe(derive(SmartPointer))] and #[derive(SmartPointer)] could end up expanding to different things.

Negative trait bounds

There are also various solutions that involve negative trait bounds. For example, you might instead modify CoerceUnsized like this:

// Permit going from `Pin<impl Unpin>` to` Pin<impl Unpin>`
impl<P, U> CoerceUnsized<Pin<U>> for Pin<P>
    P: CoerceUnsized<U>,
    P: Deref<Target: Unpin>,
    U: Deref<Target: Unpin>,
{ }

// Permit going from `Pin<impl !Unpin>` to `Pin<impl !Unpin>`
impl<P, U> CoerceUnsized<Pin<U>> for Pin<P>
    P: CoerceUnsized<U>,
    P: core::ops::Deref<Target: !Unpin>,
    U: core::ops::Deref<Target: !Unpin>,
{ }

This RFC does not propose it because it is a breaking change and the PinCoerceUnsized or DerefPure solutions are simpler. This solution is discussed in more details in the pre-RFC for stabilizing the underlying traits.

Prior art

Stabilizing subsets of features

There are several prior examples of unstable features that have been blocked from stabilization for various reasons, where we have been able to make progress by reducing the scope and stabilizing a subset.

There have already been previous attempts to stabilize the underlying traits, and they did not make much progress. Therefore, this RFC proposes to reduce the scope and instead stabilize a derive macro.

Macros whose output is unstable

The Rust testing framework is considered unstable, and the only stable way to interact with it is via the #[test] attribute macro. The macro’s output uses the unstable internals of the testing framework. This allows the testing framework to be changed in the future.

Note also that the pin! macro expands to something that uses an unstable feature, though it does so for a different reason than #[derive(SmartPointer)] and #[test].

Unresolved questions

Bikeshedding over the name remains.

The name #[derive(SmartPointer)] leaves some things to be desired, as smart pointers would generally want to implement some traits that this macro does not expand to. Most prominently, any smart pointer should implement Deref or Receiver. Really, the macro just says that this pointer works with unsizing and dynamic dispatch.

We will settle on the final name prior to stabilization.

Future possibilities

One of the design goals of this RFC is that it should make this feature available to crates without significantly limiting how the underlying traits can evolve. The authors hope that we will find a way to stabilize the underlying traits in the future.

One of the things that is left out of scope of this RFC is coercions involving custom transparent containers similar to Cell. They require you to implement the traits with different where bounds. Adding support for custom transparent containers makes sense as a future expansion of the feature.

There is a reasonable change that we may be able to lift some of the restrictions on the shape of the struct as well. The current restrictions are just whatever DispatchFromDyn requires today, and proposals for relaxing them have been seen before (e.g., in the pre-RFC.)

One example of a restriction that we could lift is the restriction that there is only one non-zero-sized field (i.e., that it must be #[repr(transparent)]). This would allow smart pointers to use custom allocators. (Today, types like Box and Rc only work with trait objects when using the default zero-sized allocator.)

This could also allow implementations of Rc and Arc that store the value and refcount in two different allocations, like how the C++ shared_ptr works.

pub struct Rc<T: ?Sized> {
    refcount: NonNull<Refcount>,
    value: NonNull<T>,

Implementing this probably requires the #[derive(SmartPointer)] macro to know syntactically which field holds the vtable. One simple way to do that could be to say that it must be the last field, analogous to the unsized field in structs that must also be the last field. Another option is to add another attribute like #[pointee] that must be annotated on the field in question.