LexisNexis® RiskView™ Credit Solutions


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Improve Credit Risk Decisions

Increase approvals, develop more competitive offers and maximize profitability with a new perspective on consumer creditworthiness across the customer life cycle.
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Accelerate Portfolio Growth With Confidence

Use alternative credit data to discover new lending opportunities.

Lenders are under increasing pressure to extend more compelling offers to a wider range of applicants — but driving profitable portfolio growth while managing risk is more challenging than ever before. It’s time to rethink the data and insights used for credit risk assessment. RiskView Credit Solutions can help you:


Assess more consumers with
increased confidence

Check mark

approval rates

Bar chart


Pie chart

Manage risk

This powerful credit risk assessment solution suite draws on multiple dimensions of data — providing insight into key risk factors that traditional credit data alone may miss.

Family eating meal

Alternative Credit Seeking

  • Demand Deposit Accounts (DDA) Applications
  • Subprime Lending Applications
  • Online Lending Applications
Doctor taking blood pressure

Non-Credit Events

  • Professional Licenses
  • Public Records
  • Asset Ownership
Couple in car

Tradeline Credit Data

  • Credit Card
  • Installment Loan
  • Auto
  • Mortgage

Identify, score and evaluate over 90% of traditionally unscorable applicants with industry-leading alternative data insights.

Drive results across the customer life cycle — from pre-screen to account opening and portfolio management.

Customer lifecycle

Expand your addressable
market by identifying
overlooked target

Increase approvals,
manage risk and deliver
more competitive,
profitable offers.

Identify opportunities to
grow customer relationships
and manage evolving risk.

Develop customizable
outreach strategies to best
rehabilitate delinquent

Unlock opportunities across every consumer credit segment with LexisNexis RiskView

By leveraging alternative credit-seeking data and non-credit event data, RiskView Credit Solutions help you gain a new perspective on credit risk across the full credit spectrum. RiskView Credit Solutions support all your credit risk strategies, whether you are looking to:


Increase financial

Assess traditionally unscorable consumers
with no-hit or thin-file credit histories.
Finger pointing

Clarify decisions on
consumers on the margin

Maximize acceptance rates while managing risk
exposure with improved predictive capabilities
for near-prime applicants.

Improve booking rate and
profitability on prime

Refine offers for applicants in highly competitive
credit segments through improved risk segmentation
within credit score bands.

RiskView Credit Solutions can help drive 15% lift in predictive capability for near-prime and prime applicants — allowing lenders to book up to 20% more accounts without increasing their loss rates.1

1 Results achieved using RiskView Scores. LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Internal Data, 2021.
Results may vary with other LexisNexis RiskView Solutions.

Find the RiskView Credit Solution that’s right for you

The RiskView Credit Solution suite offers a range of solutions to help you achieve your organization’s growth goals.

Man holding iPad

LexisNexis RiskView List Generation

Actionable pre-screen prospect lists generated using alternative credit data.
Woman holding coffee

LexisNexis RiskView Attributes

350+ next generation insights provide granular alternative data for use in internal scoring models.
Family on laptop

LexisNexis RiskView Scores

Three-digit risk scores empower smarter decisioning at every stage of the customer life cycle.

Featured Content


Improve your perspective on risk

Watch the video to learn how RiskView Credit Solutions can help you capture a more complete view of consumer credit risk.
Mother and daughter

Find the right RiskView Credit Solution for your needs

RiskView Credit Solutions provide a highly predictive view of consumer creditworthiness based on recent events. Grow your business with greater confidence while managing risk thresholds.

Expand your perspective on consumer credit risk.

Ready to improve credit risk assessment across the customer life cycle?

Contact us to learn more.

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