It was unseasonably snowy and cold Saturday morning, but in spite of the weather, almost everybody that signed up in advance was there, along with a few last-minute registrants. We had nearly 40 attendees join us for 15+ sessions, plus the always loved "hallway track." Many thanks to the three Googlers who came out to shepherd our group and facilitate the meeting.
You can find more information about the event and sessions on our wiki, Tweets about the event and this great post-conference write up. You can also check out some more photos of the participants and our scheduling process. We discussed the following topics, among others:
- Intro to Python
- ctypes tips & tricks
- Python extensions
- matplotlib
- Web development frameworks, including Django
- Database access
- Concurrency & pre-emptive multithreading
- Event-based/actor development (e.g., Twisted & Kamaelia)
- Cooperative multithreading (stackless/greenlets)
- pyprocessing
- Game development with Pyglet/OpenGL
- Jython
- RPC using Twisted/Foolscap
- Desktop Application Development (PyQT/QT, wxWidgets, GTK)
- IPython
- Google's office decoration contest, "Pimp My Cube"