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Standardizing Dart: 1st Ecma TC52 Meeting in March

Back in December , Ecma created a new technical committee named TC52 to publish a standard specification of the Dart language. The inaugural TC52 meeting takes place on March 12, 2014 in Mountain View, California. In addition to ratifying the current spec , the committee plans to address proposals for Enums and Deferred Loading. If time permits, we’ll initiate work on the broader set of features to be added for Dart 2.0. TC52 would love to see contributions to the Dart language specification from many players in the industry. Please come and join the committee , it's not too late to get involved. For language requests in general, the issue tracker - - is a great place to start the discussion. The TC52 committee will pull from the issue tracker. This official start of TC52 is an important step towards a future where Dart runs natively in web browsers. While Dart apps can already be fast when compiled to JavaScript, users can feel a true performance boost

Dart's modest proposal for Mixins

Posted by Gilad Bracha (Editor's note: mixins is a work in progress, and is not slated for the M1 release. You can track the bug for this feature , and star it to be notified of changes. Please direct discussion to the Dart mailing list .) Mixins in Dart This document a minimalist proposal for introducing mixins in Dart. It is deliberately restricted in several ways, so as to minimize disruption to our existing implementations, while allowing future evolution toward a full fledged mixin implementation. The hope is that this restricted version already provides considerable value. The intent is that something very much like this would be incorporated into Dart at some time after M1. Basic Concepts If you are familiar with the academic literature on mixins you can probably skip this section. Otherwise, please do read it, as it defines important concepts and notation. In a language supporting classes and inheritance, a class implicitly defines a mixin . The mixin is usually im

Draft spec changes to library and import

Posted by Gilad Bracha Library Reform This document provides a draft specification for changes to library & import changes . As usual, specification changes are highlighted in yellow. 12. Libraries and Scripts A library consists of (a possibly empty) set of imports, and a set of top level declarations. A top level declaration is either a class , a type declaration , a function or a variable declaration . topLevelDefinition: classDefinition | functionTypeAlias | functionSignature functionBody | returnType ? getOrSet identifier formalParameterList functionBody | ( final | const ) type ? staticFinalDeclarationList ';'    | variableDeclaration ';'    ; getOrSet:   get | set ; libraryDefinition: libraryName? import * partDirective * resource * topLevelDefinition *    ; Issues: Library keyword is optional (not yet covered above), and yet library is not a reserved word or even a built